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April 25, 2000 The Rock will film his role as the Scorpion King for the film Mummy II between May 7 to 12 in Morocco and London. The movie will be released next year.

April 24, 2000Shawn Michaels speaks about his future in Wrestling.
"all I can say is, I don't know of any return as of yet.I do have a personal appearance the day before Backlash, but am scheduled to return home that night. I can assure you that unless someone calls me pretty damn fast, I will be on that plane home. Do not take this as an attempt to 'buck the system'. It is very simple.The WWF knows who they want by now. If they want me for any dates I am more than happy to make them as long as they are not last minute. Don't worry,they know that about me also.. So,what I am trying to say is that JR is letting the fans know that HBK will be back in some form or fashion. For how long? Who knows, that's their choice not mine. I must tell you it was great to hear that it is a possibility. Wrestlemania Axxess was fun, but I would love to be in the spotlight again."

Read more about it here.

April 22, 2000 The expected backlash card is as follows:
Triple H with Vince vs The Rock with Austin
Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho
Edge & Christian vs Road Dogg & X-Pac
Eddy Guerrero vs Essa Rios
Crash Holly vs Saturn vs Tazz vs Hardcore Holly
Scotty 2 Hotty vs Dean Malenko
The Big Show vs Kurt Angle
Dudleys vs T & A
Bull Buchanan & Big Bossman vs Acolytes

April 22, 2000 Well, if you remember the Insane Clown Posse, then you might be interested in hearing that Shaggy 2 Dope had a serious accident last night during a show. There hasn't been much detail of what happened released, but he wound up with a broken nose, a broken cheekbone, a concussion, and thirteen stiches on his face.

April 22, 2000 In the newest Ross Report, he said that we may see Shawn Michaels very soon on TV. Hmm... Backlash!?!?

April 22, 2000 The Rock is only scheduled to be missing two days of tapings: May 8, which is a Raw is War, and May 9 is the Smackdown taping.

April 22, 2000 HHH and Chris Jericho very happy with their angle and match on Raw. Jericho feels that he has been givin a "mini" push, and that HHH said that he was happy in helping someone get a push into main event status. HHH has gained some respect for Jericho, and is amazed of how hard Jericho has worked to get where he is right now.

April 22, 2000 As reported earlier, Paul Heyman, the ECW owner, and Raven are continuing to become less and less of friends. Instead of Raven helping Paul Heyman with promos, there are now 3 other wrestlers helping him because Raven is no longer interested in the production, as a result of thier loss of friendship. It looks like Raven really wants out of ECW.

April 22, 2000 Tazz is probably going to loose the ECW title tonight at CyberSlam to Tommy Dreamer.

April 21, 2000 This is straight from "The World Wrestling Federation will be making a major Pay-Per-View announcement this Monday on RAW IS WAR! Get ready for it ... whether your watching RAW live on USA Network or in person at the sold-out Raleigh Entertainment and Sports Arena!" So, this could be either a return for either the Undertaker, or Stone Cold Steve Austin.

April 21, 2000 The reason for the Big Show's sudden angle is just temporary to get him through the summer where a big feud between Big Show, Undertaker, and Steve Austin. Since two of these men are hurt, Big Show needs to find something to keep him "occupied" until they return.

April 20, 2000 The Dupp Brothers are set to make their WWF debuts soon.

April 20, 2000 Scott Vick (Sick Boy of WCW) will probably be placed in a tag team with Val Venis on his entrance into the WWF.

April 19, 2000 The Undertaker has started to lift weights, which is a step in his rehab. Undertaker's goal is to be back wrestling by the King of the Ring, but may be back sooner so he can get involved in some kind of angle. Many rumors are saying that he will be aligned with Kane when he returns, but, the Big Show doesn't have any angles right now, putting him in a perfect position to either fued, or align with Undertaker.

April 19, 2000 Raven wasn't asked about signing an extension with ECW, because Raven wants to pursue a career in the WWF sometime in August when his contract expires.

April 18, 2000 Mick Foley will be appearing on the season finale of "Now and Again" on CBS on the 27th.

April 15, 2000 Tazz is the new ECW Heavyweight champion. Confused? Ya me too. Tazz appeared in Indianapolis to face the previous Heavyweight champion, Mike Awesome. It was a quick match, but exciting (So I heard). After Tazz gave Awesome the Tazzmission he stated that he'd take anyone on in the future to a fight for the heavyweight belt.

April 15, 2000 I just aquired another reporter, Ross. He will run a section of the site. He hasn't yet figured out the contents the section will have but I assure you his expertise, and experience as a wrestling reporter will be an excellent addition to EXXXtreme. If you have any ideas on what you would like to see on EXXXtreme e-mail Wrestleman.

April 13, 2000 Well another wrestling fan e-mailed me asking if he could help with my site. His name is George and he'll be updating HEAT. Just want to thank everyone for helping me out. - Wrestleman

April 5, 2000 I've got a new Smackdown reporter. His name is Cahir and he's done his first SMACKDOWN report. Go check it out, I though it was an excellent report seeing it's his first one!!

April 3, 2000 I dunno what's going with Vince. On RAW, him, Shane, and Triple H just beat the hell out of The Rock. But he came back!! Read all about it.

April 3, 2000 Well Stone Cold nor Shawn Michaels showed up in Wrestlemania. To tell you the truth I'm kinda disapointed, but hey, there will be more suprises happening soon. Maybe the come back of The Undertaker?? We'll see!

April 2, 2000 Wrestlemania is on tonight!! Check the live Wrestlemania update for play by play commentary.

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