Global Andalan International School


About GAIS

The Global Andalan International School (GAIS) is an English-medium school developed by the management group of Raja Garuda Mas (RGMI), at the Kerinci town site of Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP).

It is managed together with the Indonesian National Schools under Yayasan Kerinci Citra Kasih (YKCK), a nonprofit foundation of RAPP.  Services are provided for the benefit of employees and their families during their employment with the company.

Follow the links below to know more about GAIS.
  • Welcome Message
  • Student & Parent Handbook
  • Photo Tour
  • Contact Information
  • Demographics
  • Student, Faculty & Staff List
  • Alumni
    • Middle School Graduates
    • Former Students
    • Former Faculty & Staff
    • Where are they now?
  • Living in Indonesia
  • Website Credits
  • GAIS, from the front

    Contact Information
    Mailing Address
    P.O. Box 1080
    Pekanbaru - Riau - Sumatera
    Indonesia 28000
    (62) (761) 95551 Ext. 6268
    (62) (761) 95480

    Website Credits

    Concept & Design: Olvy G. Sevilla
    Content: Global Andalan International School

    This website is made possible through the efforts of Olvy G. Sevilla, who has volunteered her services, resources and time for free.  All photos of the school and the children's activities were taken by her, except those where other credits are specified.

    Mrs. Sevilla is the mother of Steven Sevilla, presently enrolled in Grade 6.

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