Global Andalan International School


About GAIS> Student & Parent Handbook

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1. School Mission Statement. Our school mission is:

  • to nurture and bring out the best in students, academically, artistically, physically, socially and morally

  • to enable them to realize their potential and believe in their self worth

  • to help them develop sound moral values and to persevere in their pursuit of education, and to be sincere, caring and gracious in everything they do

  • to encourage students to be self disciplined and responsible

  • to provide a balanced and high-quality education, so that students will be prepared for a well-balanced and productive life

  • to encourage students to appreciate other cultural values and global issues, e.g., the environment, economics, and information technology.

  • 2. School Term.
    The school year is divided into four terms, each term being of eight to ten weeks in duration.  The terms are set in accordance with customary, holiday periods recognized in Indonesia.

    At the end of each term, a report card is given.  Supporting comments may also be given at this time.  Formal parent conferences are scheduled two times each school year.

    3. Multi-Cultural Environment.
    Students come to our school with many different cultural backgrounds.  See About GAIS> Demographics.  Our school not only values acceptance of individual differences but also recognizes the benefit of learning about each other and each other’s countries and culture.  All students and staff are expected to show respect for one another at all times.
    4. Classes.
    The school offers classes for children from Reception (pre/kindergarten) through Grade Seven.  Grade sizes vary from year to year, from three to eight students per grade; however, grades are paired together so that classrooms will have seven to 16 students each.  There are about 40 students enrolled in this school year.  See About GAIS> Demographics.
    5. Curriculum.
    The curriculum of GAIS was outlined in summary form in SY 1997-1998 across grade levels.  Based upon recommendations from staff and parents, new textbooks have been purchased for this school year and will impact the scope and sequence of the curriculum in its present form.  Revisions will be carried out over several years, to help integrate the initial curriculum with contemporary educational teaching methods and materials.

    The curriculum will also be reviewed against accreditation standards, once the decision is made under which accrediting authority the YKCK will apply.

    The curriculum outline includes summaries for all major subject areas: English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography as well as Music (Vocal and Instrumental), Art/Craft, Physical Education and Health, Indonesian as a Foreign Language.

    6. Library.
    The GAIS school library and adult book's library are under the managed care of a single librarian at the Sekolah Global Andalan main library at Town Site 1.  The GAIS library books are color-coded with a "red color band" to distinguish them from other library books.  Only GAIS students may check out of the library these English language books.

    Library classes will be scheduled for classroom teachers to take students to the main library for library instruction, research and for checking out books.

    All students and staff must complete a "Library Membership Application Form" before they may take books out of the library.  There is a small annual fee to be a member of the library; however, the school reserves the right to assess parents the cost of replacing lost or damaged books.

    There are library policies that will be explained to GAIS students and procedures for GAIS students to follow when checking books out of the library.  A copy of the complete policy is available at the principal's and superintendent's officers.  Parents are welcome to review the library policies at any time.

    The library is regularly open in the evenings and parents and students can check out on the current hours that the library is open.

    7. Computer Room.
    GAIS is pleased that its curriculum is supported by a computer lab.  GAIS students will receive at least one computer lesson per week.  The lab is equipped with 16 computers, printers, and some of the latest application software, including CD-ROM programs.
    8. Field Trips.
    The school may schedule field trips to enhance the learning of students with practical, hands-on experiences.  Town Site 1 and the Mill are rich resources that teachers will want to investigate.  Teachers will need help from parents and the company to properly fulfill field trip objectives.

    The school has experimented with field trips that take students out of Town Site 1 to neighboring localities.  These field trips have been especially meaningful times for students to learn together in special ways not normally available within the school program.

    School field trips are primarily the responsibility of the school.  Upon enrolling a student, parents are asked to sign a release form that allow a child to participate in any field trip within Town Site 1 without further parent permission.  This may include a visit to the hotel, the canteen, a teacher's house, etc.

    School field trips that go outside of Town Site 1 will be planned and programmed by the school to maximize student learning.  While parental input is welcomed in the design, purpose and activities on extended school field trips, the final decisions on the plans for any school field trip will be with the school authorities.


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