Global Andalan International School


About GAIS> Student & Parent Handbook


1. Admission and Placement.

Students may be admitted at any time during the academic year.  Parents should bring a photocopy of their child's passport face page in order to verify the child is a non-Indonesian passport holder, and copies of previous school records (if new to GAIS).  Children will be placed in the class which the teacher, principal and parent believe to be the best placement.  An entry test may be given to assist placement.  The final decision on a child's educational placement remains with the school.

Each student will be evaluated by a teacher and the principal to determine appropriate placement, using the following criteria:

  • Reception: a child must be at least four years of age by September 1 of the current academic year
  • Grade 1: a child must be at least five years of age by September 1 of the current academic year and meet appropriate developmental standards as set by the school
  • Grade 2: a child must be at least six years of age by September 1 of the current academic year and meet appropriate developmental standards as set by the school
  • Grade 3 and above: School records must show that the child has satisfactorily completed previous grades to qualify for admission.  A formal evaluation may be conducted to confirm that the child has the skills necessary for placement in a specific grade.

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2. Attendance.
All students are expected to attend school every day.  Exceptions to this requirement include: illness, annual family home leave and required trips to Pekanbaru or Singapore for immigration and visa renewal.

Classroom attendance is critical for your child to gain the most from his/her education in our school.

Children missing school will be required to make up work missed during their absence and this can create stress for students who miss very many days of class.

If your child is ill or will be away from school, you are expected to notify the school as soon as possible.  The school keeps attendance records and must record a reason for each absence.
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3. Reporting.
Four written reports will be given each year, one at the end of each term.  The school will maintain the original at the school office and provide parents certified copies at the time students are withdrawn from the school.
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4. Student Conferences.
Parent/teacher conferences are an important part of our reporting system, and will be scheduled formally twice during the school year.  The first conference will be in the fall after Term 1 reports are distributed.  The second conference is in the spring, in Term 3.  Teachers may request other conferences when they feel it is necessary.  Parents and students can also request conferences whenever a conference is felt to be needed.

It is important to note that student problems should be addressed as soon as they are recognized.  Often, such problems can be resolved between the student and teacher.  As necessary, a teacher may request a parental conference to resolve the matter.  Parents are teachers are encouraged to work cooperatively.  The principal may be contacted at any time to assist.

If you need to talk to your child's teacher, please send a note or call and ask for an appointment.  Your child's teacher will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you.  Please do not just come to class and expect to have a meeting or lengthy discussion in the middle of the school day, as teachers are busy working with students during the day and often have other commitments before and after school.
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5. Dress Code.
We do not require student uniforms.  Students are expected to dress appropriately for attending school in a warm climate.  All students are encouraged to wear shoes and socks.  Slip-on sandals are allowed with the permission of the teacher.  While participating in school activities, students should be properly covered and dressed in a manner that is not offensive to general tastes.  On matters of dress, the school principal's judgment will be final.  The principal may request a student to return home for the purpose of changing clothing, if necessary.
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6. Health and Hygiene.
We are concerned about the cleanliness and safety of children at school.  Because of concerns about soil-borne bacteria, students are required to wear shoes at all times when they are outside of their classrooms.

Students should be taught to wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet and when they have been blowing their noses.

Some of the toilets in our school are "stand-up" style and do not flush automatically.  The teachers will teach your child to "dip and flush" after using this kind of  toilet.
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7. Sickness and First Aid.
Students who have a fever or have any other infectious condition (mumps, chickenpox, ringworm, lice, pink-eye, etc.) should not be sent to school.  The school does not want to become a source for children to spread communicable diseases.  Please notify the school by phone or by note if your child will be staying home sick.

The school has a first aid kid to tend to minor injuries.  Parents are requested to give the name and telephone number of someone we can contact in case of more serious injuries or illnesses.  At registration, parents will be asked to complete a medical form for each child.
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8. Discipline.
Discipline is a joint responsibility of students, staff and parents.  The school's basic rule is: Be Respectful!  Students, staff and visiting parents are expected to be respectful to each other at all times.  Students who are not respectful may be put in "time out" or kept in at recess.  Excessive disrespectful behavior will result in a call for a parent conference.
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9. Playground Rules.
We want students to have fun and enjoy their free time on the playground.  However, playgrounds can be dangerous places.  To make ours as safe as possible, a teacher or the principal will supervise every day.

The school also expects students:

  • to walk on the breeze way outside of the classrooms
  • to sit on the swing, slide and teeter-totter
  • to use the monkey bars to swing from, not to stand on
  • to stay clear of the swings

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    10. Homework Policy.
    We believe that homework is an important part of the education process.  All students (except Reception) will have homework assigned regularly.

    We expect parents to support the teacher's efforts by ensuring that their children have the time and the space to do their homework every day.  Please be sure your schedule at home allows for time to complete homework.  Children should have a quiet place with no television in which to work.
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