Global Andalan International School


Help Section

Tips. Need help navigating the site? 

There are link buttons at the top and bottom of each page.  Move your mouse over these buttons to see a description of the page's contents at the status bar (bottom of your browser's window). 

Most pictures are displayed as thumbnails (very small versions of the actual photos).  This is done to decrease the time to load a page.  Clicking on the thumbnail opens a new window with the full-sized picture.  The actual size (in kilobytes) of the picture is displayed below each thumbnail to give users an idea of the time it will take to load the full-sized picture.

The Site Map below is a good place to start your visit.  It contains an index of the site contents with markers to show what has been added or updated in the past week. 

If you are a frequent visitor to this site, use the What's New page to see a summary of what has been added recently. 

Need more help?  Please sign our Guestbook and let us know of your problems or questions.

Site Map

  • About GAIS (General Information about GAIS & Indonesia)
  • News & Info
  • On Campus (Academics, Athletics & Extra-Curricular Activities)
  • Guestbook (Feedback & Comments)

  • Help Section
  • Tips
  • Site Map


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