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Global Andalan International School


On Campus> School Activities

Technology Week.  26 February - 2 March 2001
February 26 marked the start of the first GAIS Technology Week.  Students from the Middle School attended an IT Conference at the school's computer laboratory.

Bernadette Bohan invited one of the parents to present an introduction to the Internet and HTML, and to guide the students in making their very first web pages.  See also On Campus> Student Pages.

The students came all dressed up like real IT professionals and were given conference kits and handouts.  They worked hard the whole week and were awarded their certificates of attendance during Student Assembly.

- Click on any of the images for a bigger view -

Photos on the right were taken on February 28 at the computer lab.



Awarding of Certificates of Attendance during the March 2 Student Assembly.


Bernadette thanks Olvy Sevilla, presenter for the IT Conference.


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