Global Andalan International School


About GAIS> Student & Parent Handbook


1. Tuition and Payment Policy.

Tuition fees are set by the YKCK in US dollars.  In SY 2000-2001, the School Board began the practice of setting an annual tuition fee, with a payment program divided into two times a school year.  Parents with more than one student in the school may pay in successive months.  Parents will be asked to sign a form to acknowledge that they are aware that this amount will be taken from their pay check, either monthly or quarterly, or whether payment will be made in cash at the Superintendent's office.  Payment in cash may be made in Rupiah at an exchange rate set by the Company.

Due to budget constraints, parents are expected to provide classroom support materials, including tape, glue, pencils, tablet paper, etc.  Teachers who bring school classroom supplies to increase learning opportunities may request parents for reimbursement assistance.  In SY 1999-2000, the PTA voted to assist teachers by requesting parents to provide funds to teachers to purchase supplies, at US$50 per year, or a Rupiah equivalent.
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2. Text Books.
The school has limited textbooks for student use.  These texts will be handed out by the classroom teacher.  The book number will be noted and if lost or damaged, the parents will be asked to pay for the book.  They will be collected at the end of the school year.  NB: all textbooks must be covered to protect them from damage.

Textbooks that can be used for more than one year are purchased by the school.  It is the policy of Yayasan Kerinci Citra Kasih that parents pay for all consumable books purchased by the school in support of the educational program.  These are normally workbooks, exercise books and consumable textbooks.
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3. Transportation and Bus Stops.
Bus transportation to and from school is provided by the company.  The service does not provide door-to-door pick-up, however.  Bus stops are set at the beginning of each year with parental input.  Students are expected to walk to the nearest bus stop.  A schedule of times and locations will be available from the school office.  Occasionally, the school bus service is not available and parents will be asked to assist in transporting students while services are not available.
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4. Food and Beverages.
The daily schedule provides for one morning break and a lunch period.  Students are encouraged to bring healthy snacks and lunches.  Soft drinks are not allowed in school lunches.  Gum is not permitted at school.  Lunch will be eaten within the child's classroom for the first fifteen minutes of the lunch period.  The eating of snacks and lunches on the playground is not allowed.

Children should bring their own water bottles, labeled with their names, even though water is provided in all classrooms.  A refrigerator is now available to keep drinks and food cold.  Bottled water is kept in each classroom.

We have a school tradition called "Tuck Day" (after the Australian word "tucker" for food).  Each Friday the students in one class bring snacks to sell.  The rest of the students bring money (500-1000 Rupiah notes) and buy snacks.  This is also a time for students to apply math skills in a variety of ways.  The money stays in the class and is used by the teacher to purchase classroom basics, such as toilet paper, water and some common supplies like paints, tapes, erasers, etc. that the company does not pay for.  The school will publish a schedule each month (see News> School Calendar) so parents will know when their child is expected to bring in food for sale.  Homemade goodies are always good hits, but any contribution is appreciated.
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5. School Supplies and Materials.
The provision of consumable school supplies will be arranged by the teachers each year, depending upon what supplies are funded by the PTA for common school use.  Teachers will inform students and parents of any other necessary supplies for each grade level when necessary.  Students are expected to come to class prepared with these supplies every day.  Each student should have a book bag in which to carry his/her things.
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