Global Andalan International School


On Campus> Virtual Art Gallery> Hieroglyphic Scrolls
Hieroglyphic Scrolls by the Grades 6/7.
- Julius Ko -
Julius' Scroll

Paaritosh's Scroll
In my scroll, the hieroglyphics are the designs inside a tomb. I tried to draw the picture of Anubis inside a tomb weighing a Pharoah heart to see if the Pharoah was allowed in the afterlife. Anubis is weighing the heart against the Feather of Truth, which tells whether what it is saying is the truth or not.
- Paaritosh Tandon -

My scroll has pictures of gods, one said pharaoh and the rest had other Egyptian names.
- Jessica Brewis -
Jessica's Scroll

My scroll says "Rameses is a Pharaoh".
- Steven Sevilla -
Steven's Scroll

This is the scroll that I made for a Social Studies assignment. To make the scroll I needed to have a long strip of paper, two toilet rolls, a pencil, some tape, light brown paint and a pair of scissors. My classmates and I could write about anything that we wanted to write about, but it had to be in hieroglyphics. I chose to write facts. I wrote three different sentences which you can read on the scroll.
- Christine Chapman -
Christine's Scroll

Priya's Scroll
For my Egyptian name scroll, I wrote something in Hieroglyphics.  It says "An Egyptian getting water from the Nile".  I did this type of picture, because it represents me as an Egyptian person getting water from the Nile.  Usually, people in Egypt get water from the Nile River.  So that reminds me of a person getting water from the Nile River. The Egyptians believe that the Nile River is their gift from their god.
- Priya Vaidya -

In my scroll, on the left side, it says Pharoah.  Under the sort of bowling pin, it says white crown.  Underneath the red one, it says red crown.
- Jennyvin Sevilla -
Jennyvin's Scroll


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