


Have you noticed certain groups and individuals still remain immature even after they are Saved? That some "leaders" cater to their groups by becoming "teenagers" their own selves? Are your "leaders" for instance reverting back to their "second childhood" saying, "we all have to be like little children"? Does your group mostly focus on "having fun and being cool" and people are not really becoming Mature at all? What's going on here?

Does all your group want you to do is "show up" and doesn't really make any demands for Growth or Teach Advanced Bible Doctrines? Are they continually saying such things as "don't judge" despite I Corinthians 11:31 and many other passages? Do they say, "a child shall lead them" as an excuse? Lead them WHERE? to IMMATURITY? Are you becoming part of a "summer camp sing-along group" or "feel good ministry" where everyone "just hangs out", but when real pressure hits you collapse? G-d wants you to Grow Up!

We are to depart from "ministries" where there is little or no growth to maturity actually occurring. If you want that join a country club! Don't bring such things into His Assemblies! You are to be "no more children". Ask yourselves: by participating in this am I becoming more Mature and learning more advanced Bible Doctrines? How many Mature believers are actually in the program?


There are three basic Levels of Growth Leading to Maturity in the Christian Life and described as such in the New Testament.

These Levels of Maturity are given the designations: "little children" or "babes"; "young men" and "fathers". See I John 2:12-14 and other passages.

We will show each Maturity Level and how their defining characteristics are based on knowledge of Bible Doctrine.


These are new converts to Christianity. They require constant nurturing (the Mature Lady directs the young Men of G-d on toward their future authority, and helps the Young Ladies prepare for Marriage and Service) giving love and attention as they are still "babes". They are fed the "sincere milk of the Word" as they begin to learn Bible Doctrines.

They are to be Baptized in water as soon as possible and Partake of the L-rds' Supper.

They are to be instructed in how G-d Loves them very much: that Love is a part of His Character (but not the only part), that they are Saved by Grace through Faith alone, that they cannot lose their Salvation (but could come under Divine Discipline if they remain in sins); that their sins are Forgiven (The Doctrine of Reconciliation), instructed in how to Confess their sins directly to G-d, how to Pray for themselves in Jesus Name, to trust G-d and given key Scriptures to memorize.

Key Scriptures here are Ephesians 2:8,9; I John 1:9; I Peter 5:7.

Also see G-DS' YELLOW PAGES for Scriptures that apply to situations.

Here is a page for the Younger Women that they may learn Modesty and True Piety. A most treasured asset of the Christian Family is the Mature young Lady.


These are more Mature believers who are actively studying and learning all the Doctrines contained in Hebrews 6. They are positively seeking the Truth of G-ds' Word to apply Bible Doctrine to their lives. II Timothy 2:15.

"If G-d Permit" (by learning the Doctrines in Hebrews 6), they can move on to Maturity. [2]


These are the Spiritually Mature. They have moved beyond Hebrews 6. They now partake of the "strong meat" of Advanced Doctrines, Church History and Theological study and apply them to experience. They are Mature Prayer Warriors who can consistently stand in the gap for others.

They are Applying Kingdom Principles knowing that our L-rd Jesus Christ has All Power in our lives. Matthew 28:18.



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[1]Some denominations or persons at first asking may say, "we have no Doctrine at all" which is absolutely NOT TRUE. They have Doctrines all right, they either are not sure of what they are or are concealing them to "add more people" who may be complicit (in which case they are liars) or likewise have no idea about Bible Doctrine at all. If complicit, they see it is easiest to increase their numbers and "be more popular" with the "masses" and the world. Others refuse to take an open stand, and pretend they do not know when they do.

Others will separate and find ones who agree with their rejection of Doctrine and Church History and "gather to themselves teachers" who preach what their "itching ears" want to hear because they are still in their lusts. II Timothy 4:3. They also can be identified as the ones who say "no judging at all". This is in spite of I Corinthians 11:31 and 2:15. Some may award themselves an "important title" such as "prophet" or "prophetess" hoping to impress new believers. We have not found one that is genuine. In fact, several have been formally invited to leave our Fellowship because they were simply frauds. Always ask to see a full list of their "prophecies". Many young believers can be temporarily deceived by such persons and groups.

[2]Some fall back at this stage because of instability or carnality. They revert back to being "babies" and require more nurturing.

Sometimes believers can make a habit of this and seek to estabish a "baby revolution" demanding constant care, and throwing tantrums if they do not receive it on time, etc.

These can be seen to be the ones that are always demanding "more Love" all the time and are in the process of rejecting true growth.

Some may be taught that they "still remain sinners" after Salvation because they are not taught the Doctrine of Sanctification. See Philippians 2:13. As long as they remain in carnality, they cannot grow, and G-ds' Judgment is Just.

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