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Jerry Finishes 32nd At New Hampshire

Lucky Log On:

Due To Gennesis Picnic & Ohio Christian Puppet Convention
There Will Be No New Complete New Hampshire Recap.

Started 30th

Finished 32nd

Check back Friday for race updates from Dover. So bye bye for
now. GO JERRY!!!

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 18th Despite Soreness

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky here with WOJN News. This past week
Jerry celebrated his 29th birthday, but Jerry is still very
sore from the wreck at Darlington. Turns out Jerry suffered a
mild concussion, and bit three holes in his tounge. He was
kept over night a Florence Medical Center and released Monday
morning. His fiance has told me that on their way back from
the hospital they got a 9 week old balck Shid Tzu named
Coleman, they already had one named Willie, she says they are
cute together. Pretty cool that Jerry's a dog lover :) Well
now for the racing news, the Exide 400 at Richmond under the
lights WOJN recap. Jerry went to Richmond still sore from his
wreck, but still hoping to get a good finish. Practice wasn't
going to well for him, but he was hoping that maybe he could
still qualify well. Unfortunetly that didn't happen and
Friday at first round qualifying he qualified 41st. Jerry
ended up taking a provisional, his second one of 99, and
started 38th. Finally Saturday night came and the green flag
was out. Even though Jerry was sore, he was still strong, and
quickley moved up. Unfortunetly the leaders were coming fast
and lapped Jerry, puting him in 30th place one lap down. But
of all the cars a lap down, Jerry had the best position. It
stayed that way for a while. But soon the fast leaders came
up again, and put Jerry another lap down, but by this time
Jerry was in 18th place, the best position of any of the
laped cars. Jerry stayed there the rest of the race and
finished 18th, pretty good for the condition he was in. Tony
Stewart of the #20 Home Depot Pontiac won the race, his first
win. Soon Jerry's time will come ;) Now Jerry and the M&M's
take off to New Hampshire. I will not be able to update
untill Sunday, because I will be going to a huge christian
puppet conference this weekend, but will be back race day.
So check back Sunday for updates. So bye bye for now.

Lucky Log Off:

DARLINGTON : Enough Said

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky here with WOJN News. This weekend
Nadeau & The M&M's Crew took off to Darlington Raceway for
the Pepsi Southern 500. Big weekend for Jerry. Ernie Irvan
announced his retirement, deciding it would be safer if he
just didn't race. Maybe since Jerry was filling in for him,
maybe he will stay in the M&M's #36 the rest of 99. Keep
checking WOJN to see what happens. Well for now Jerry was
just concerned about this weeks race. And first thing to do
was to try to get a good starting position. Jerry acomplished
that by getting a 3rd place starting position, his best oval
track start. Things were looking good for Jerry this weekend.
Nadeau fans couldn't wait for the race to get started. But
finally the race did get started. And so did the M&M's #36.
Jerry was doing great at first staying right up in top 5. But
later on some of the No Bull 5 contenders started coming up,
and Jerry went back a little, only as far as 12th. And this
is where he got into some traffic. On lap 45 Bobby Labonte of
of the #18 Interstate Batteries Pontiac was making a pass on
Mike Skinner of the #31 Lowes Chevy in front of Jerry when
for some reason Bobby slowed down. Jerry having a great and
fast car was going to go right into the back of the #18,
Jerry remembered what happened last week at Bristol, and
didn't want to get penalized again, so he slammed on the
brakes, causing flat spots on his tires, and also causing
Bill Elliott of the #94 McDonalds Ford to run into the back
of Jerry, damaging the back slightly. But Jerry kept on
racing. Then on lap 51 Jerry radioed into his crew chief,
complaining that the tires had flat spots, and he had to
wrestle the steering wheel to turn. His crew chief told him
to wait 12 more laps to come in, then seconds later that
stratagy proved to be wrong. :( Coming out of turn 4 the
right front tire blew, causing Jerry slam the wall and back
accross the track collecting Skinner and slamming into the
outside pit wall. The M&M's #36 was destroyed. You will be
able to see exclusive pictures of this whole incedent soon,
at the M&M's #36 Picture section. This all ended what could
have been a great run for Jerry :( Now at first we thought
Jerry was ok. He got out of the car on his own, and walked to
the ambulance on his own. But later we hear that they flew
Jerry to Carolina Medical Center and are keeping him over
night. Right now we have no idea how he is, or what is wrong
but keep checking back here at WOJN, or get the newsletter,
and as soon as I find out anything about Jerry i'll be sure
too tell you all. Well Jerry did finish last but that is the
least of our worries. Please be sure to pray for him. This
Thursday is Jerry's Birthday, so check back here for a
special Happy Birthday Jerry. Then on the weekend Nadeau and
the candy crew will head to Richmond to race under the lights
Well thats all for now, keep checking back for updates on

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 20th At Bristol
After Being Wronged By NASCAR

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky here with WOJN News. Well here it is
the morning after the Goody's Headache Powder 500, and im
still steamed about it. Why? You ask, well let me tell you,
Here is the Jerry Nadeau Race Recap from Bristol. A day after
being let go by Melling, the #36 team called Jerry in and
asked if he would drive the #36 M&M's Pontiac, for their
injured driver Ernie Irvan. Jerry being the nice guy he is
accepted the offer, and so on Friday night Jerry got the
M&M's Pontiac a 8th place starting position, things were
looking good for Jerry. Jerry was really looking forward to
the race and so were many Nadeau fans, and that moment came,
and the green flag flew. Jerry not exactley being known
for short tracks, begin to fall back as he was shoved out of
the groove, and couldn't get back in. Jerry fell back as far
as 37th-1 lap. Things weren't looking good for Jerry, but if
your a dedicated Jerry Nadeau fan like me, then you were
thinking. "Jerry's not done yet" And he wasn't. But on lap
77, Dale Jarrett driver of the #88 Quality Care Ford and
points leader of the NASCAR Winston Cup Circut, got loose
and wrecked the car and a few others. And the caution was
out for that one. But then after #88 got back on to the
track, and NASCAR cleaned up the track, the green flag
returned once again, with Jerry up front getting his lap
back. But just 3 laps after the restart Jerry was way ahead
of the leader, and getting his lap back, but in front of him
was the badley damaged car of Dale Jarrett. Jerry was moving
fast getting his laps back, and Dale was moving slow. Jerry
having no where to go made contact with #88, and spun him
out. Now us Nadeau fans knows he didn't do that on purpose,he
was just racing, and Jarrett was too slow, so what does
NASCAR do? Put Jerry in the penalty box,and hold him for two
laps. Now this is where I start to get mad. Where in the
NASCAR rule book does it say, that a driver has to get
penalized for spinning out another driver? No Where! I have
watched NASCAR for 3 years now, and never have I seen NASCAR
penalize a driver for spinning out another. And espeacialy
after that last lap lats night, when Dale Earnhardt driver
of the #3 Goodwrench Chevy spun out Terry Labonte driver of
the #5 Kelloggs Chevy (and Jerry's team mate in 2000) for
the win, by getting into the back of him, the same thing
that happened between Jerry and Jarrett, and did Earnhardt
get penalized for it? NO! Instead he wins the race. But Jerry
gets penalized, for something he didn't even mean to do.
Earnhardt meant to do what he did, he even said after the
race he meant to rattle him a little bit, where Jerry was
just racing trying to get around #88. Now if you were like
one Nadeau fan I talked to last night, you were probably
very upset. Which we all have a right to be. But this
particular fan was saying she was never going to watch
another NASCAR race again, "because Jerry is never going to
win because he's not a NASCAR favorite" Now she was probably
saying that because she was mad, hey im mad too, but im not
giving up on Jerry. It's clear that they treated Jerry
unfairly last night, but it wasn't just because he wasn't
their favorite. As I watch NASCAR I have noticed, they have
their favorites, and it's pretty clear who. Dale Earnhardt,
Dale Jarrett, Rusty Wallace, and Mark Martin. So NASCAR will
do anything to defend their favorites. They were mad at Jerry
because he spun out their points leader, thats the only
reason they penalized him. But truthfully, im sure NASCAR
would love to see Jerry win a race. And Jerry will show them
next year in the #25. All last week and many
other NASCAR websites were all talking about Jerry Nadeau
and the great potential he has to be a good race car driver.
See NASCAR dosen't hate Jerry, and NASCAR isn't phoney
either, they just need to stop living in the past,and forget
their favorites. I think NASCAR would have penalized any
other driver in that situation, because they spun out their
favorite. Heck, I know they would have panalized Jeff Gordon
if he would have spun out #88 like Jerry did. Now im not
saying agree with NASCAR, im very upset with them, and I
think all those NASCAR officials that was telling Jerry to
stay for two laps, Jerry should have ran over them, he he.
But it's no reason, to hate the sport of NASCAR and give up
hope on Jerry. So now this week lets put NASCAR down, and
say what idiots they are, but next week at Darlington, lets
watch that race, cheer for Jerry Nadeau (if he races) and
say we are fans of the greatest sport in the world,
NASCAR Winston Cup Racing!!!


Lucky Log Off:

Jerry And Melling Part Ways

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky back again sooner than we expected
with WOJN News. Well we told you to keep checking back here
for possable big news concerning Jerry, and the news did
come. Jerry Nadeau and Mark Melling, president of Melling
Racing, have decided to part ways in order for both to get a
head start on their year 2000 racing programs. "We just
decided we need to go our separate ways now," said
Jerry. "Mark needs to get a head start on finding the right
driver for Melling Racing. I don't mind stepping away to
help him out. "I had a fun year with these guys. We had our
best finish together a week ago. I wish the best for all of
them." Nadeau joined Melling Racing in July 1998, replacing
injured driver Lake Speed, and has been with them ever
since. So what does this mean for Jerry Nadeau? Well for now
he will not race for the rest of the year, but there is
always that chance that some team may need a releif driver,
and maybe Jerry will be able to race for them for a while,
but as of now, don't look for him to be racing anytime soon.
But now we have 2000 to look forward to, in which Jerry will
drive the Micheal Holigan Homes #25 Chevy for Hendrick Motor
Sports. 2000 will be a so much better year for Jerry, he will
finally got the good team mates and crew he has always wanted.
This weekend Melling will have Steve Grissom drive the #9
Atlanta Braves Ford at Bristol this weekend instead of Jerry.
Im guessing Melling will switch different drivers throughout
the year to see who will drive the #9 full time in 2000.
Well thats all the news for now, and may be for a long time.
But be sure to still visit World Of Jerry Nadeau because
there are still things coming up for Jerry, like sponsor
promotions, and other things. Also Jerry might just find a
ride for the rest of 99. So keep checking back, hope to see
you soon. This is your pal Lucky saying bye bye for now, and

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finished 29th At Michigan
In The WCW #9

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky back again with WOJN News. I guess
after last week we got our hopes up too much, and all
expected too much out of Jerry. But this weekend was far
from a winning weekend like last weekend. Here is the Pepsi
400 Presented By Meijer race recap. Jerry came to Michigan
with high hopes of doing really good at this race, but before
you can race a good race you have to get a good starting
position. So Jerry went out to do that, but unfortunetly
failed. Getting a 29th starting place. he drove the
Silver WCW #9 this week. I had at first had a
theory of the car silvers colors on the hood shinning too
much, and blinding Jerry. But later I found it may be other
problems. Anyway the race came, and the green flag was out.
But Jerry just kept falling back, falling back as far as
42nd. Later in the race he managed to move up to 26th but
thats all the farther up he went :( . Jerry ended finishing
29th, and Bobby Labonte of the Interstate Batteries #18
Pontiac won it all. Now Jerry will take off for Bristol Motor
Speedway to race under the lights in the Atlanta Braves #9
Also this is important, KEEP CHECKING BACK HERE AT
WEEKS!!! Well thats all for now. I'll see you next week.
This is Lucky saying bye bye for now, and GO JERRY!!!

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 5th At The Glen
His Best Finish!!! Read How He Did It.

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky back again with WOJN News. WOW!!
Jerry finally did it, a top 5 finish. I think a lot of us
Nadeau fans were expecting he would do good, being the great
road racer he is, but a top 5 and leading 7 laps, is beyond
good. So let me tell you the complete recap of this
phenominal weekend. Jerry came to Walkins Glen Raceway
excited about the race. Jerry is a good road racer, and knew
that this could be the place he makes his mark. Nadeau and
the crew brought the Jetsons #9 and high hopes with them to
The Glen. Now before you can race a good race you have to
get a good starting spot, and thats just what Jerry did at
Friday at Bud Pole Qualifying, getting a 6th place starting
spot. Thats made Jerry happy. Now all that was left to do
was race. Finally race day came and it was time for Jerry to
compete in the Fronteir @ The Glen. The green flag dropped,
and so did Jerry falling back to 8th, but that was just a
short time as he quickley worked his way up to 4th place,
things were looking good. Then later it came time to pit,
and Jerry came out 17th, but he wouldn't stay there for long
as he quickley moved up to the top 10 moving all the way up
to 2nd. Then during a caution Jerry running in 2nd at the
time made an unexpected moving by going into the pits. Not
many other pitted with him, so this meant he would only have
to make one more stop, while the others would have to make
two more. Jerry came out in 28th place, and fell back to
30th. But he didn't stay there long as he quickley moved up.
Then came the time for some others to pit, and Jerry moved up
to FIRST!!!! His first time in his Winston Cup career!! He
led for 7 laps, with a great lead. Then he made his last
pit, and came out in 8th palce. But quickley moved up to 4th
It looked like Jerry was finally going to get his first top 5
Then with 5 laps to go Jonny Benson of the #26 Cheerios Ford
wrecked bringing out the caution. Then with two laps to go
and Jerry in 4th the green flag flew. Jerry tried to make an
attempted to pass Rusty Wallace's #2 Miller Lite Ford for
3rd place, then Dale Jarrett of the #88 Quality Care Ford
took that to his advantage and passed Jerry. Jerry finished
5th, his best finish!!!! This is also Mellings first top 5
since the 1980's. Now Jerry is excited about going to
Michigan this weekend where he will race the WCW #9. Jerry
thinks that this race might be as good as the last one. And
we think the same. So Good Lucky Jerry!!! This week has been
good for WOJN too. This week we started a partner ship
Nadeau fan ring of websites. You can see the websites on the
main page of WOJN, be sure to check them out. Well thats all
for now, i'll be back next week with all the action from
Michigan. This is your pal Lucky saying bye bye for now, and

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finished 31st At The Brick Yard

Astro Log On:


Astro Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 38th After Wreck At Pocono

Lucky Log On:

Hello everyone! Lucky back again with WOJN News. WOW!!
Lots of stuff happening with Jerry last week. So let me tell
you whats up with Jerry Nadeau. Well first of all I think
the biggest thing had to be the announcement about Jerry's
future in 2000. And incase you didn't know what that
announcement was, let me fill you in. In 2000 Jerry will be
leaving the Melling #9 and driving the Michael Holigan #25
Chevy of Hendrick Motorsports. This is a big step in
Jerry's career and a dream come true for Jerry. Jerry has
always dreamed of driving for Hendrick, and his dream has
come true. Now many have asked me, the maintainer of WOJN
if I will continue to follow Jerry in 2000 even though he
is leaving Cartoon Network. The answer is, yes! WOJN will
keep running and follow Jerry. We here at WOJN think 2000
will be very exciting for us Nadeau fans, so we will
continue to follow Jerry Nadeau. How ever I have been
thinking of opening a seperate website just for Cartoon
Network Wacky Racing/Turner Motorsports, but as hard as it
is to keep WOJN running plus the New Lucky Sites, I doubt
I will open a CN site. Another question has came up at WOJN
this week too. "With the Cartoon Network toons not with us
anymore who will do all the news recaps in 2000?" Well
WOJN came up with a solution, me, Lucky! So look forward to
a whole year of me doing the news, he he. Now on with the
Pocono news. This weekend Nadeau in the crew went to Pocono
Raceway in Long Pond, Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania 500
in the Dinner & A Movie #9. This car didn't have very good
luck when it last raced at California, so they were
definetly hoping for better luck this time. But instead
they got just the opposite, and had some of the worst luck
they have had all season. The bad luck first started
Friday morning in practice when Jerry wrecked into the
wall and destroyed his primary car. "It was a pretty good
hit" Jerry said. "It knocked my glass off and broke my
steering arm, but im ok". Jerry had to use his back up car
to qualify and ended up getting a provisional 41st starting
spot. And if im not mistaken I think that was his first
Winston Cup Provisional. Jerry started the race in his back
up car too. And carried a TBS Superstation in car camera.
Finally race day had come. Despite Jerry using a back up
car he quickley started moving right up through the pack,
moving up as far as 18th. But something happened and he
started moving back, but only as far as 28th. Many Nadeau
fans beleived that maybe he could still get a good top 25
finish. Then on lap 167 Kenny Wallace of the #55 SquareD
Pontiac got in the back of Jerry causing both of them to
spin. :( Jerry hit the wall. Jerry was ok, but his car was
destroyed, meaning he destroyed both his primary and his
back up car. Not a very good day for Jerry or the Dinner
& A Movie paint scheme. Jerry ended up finishing 38th
because of that, and Bobby Labonte of the #18 Interstate
Batteries Pontiac won. Now Nadeau and the crew get to take
the weekend off and get ready to go to historic Indianapolis
Motor Speedway for the BrickYard 400 on Saturday August 7th.
Jerry will race the Jetsons #9 there, and hopefully have
better luck. Hey maybe he could take me in the car with him,
im sure I could give him luck, he he. Well thats all for
now, WOJN will be puting up pictures of Jerry at Pocono
soon, so keep checking back. I hope to see you all very
soon. This is your pal Lucky saying bye bye for now, and

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 36th At New Hampshire,
After Spin Out

Astro Log On:

Due to a storm there will be no recap.
Started 15th Finished 16th

Astro Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 37th At Daytona,
In The Goldberg #9 Ford

Lucky Log On:

Hello everybody! It's Lucky here with JN News! This is my
second time doing WOJN News, and the last time I did it WOJN
got a big responce from fans, saying to bring me back, so
here I am again. But if your new you may not know me so. Im
Lucky a husky wolf pup, and I am the maintainer of this
site, and all Lucky Creations sites. Go to my main page at and check out some of my other
sites. Now lets do the recap for the Pepsi 400. This weekend
Nadeau and the crew went to Daytona International Speedway
with the New Goldberg #9 Ford, and with that car he took
Bill Goldberg himself. This was a pretty cool looking car.
It was a sparkley gold and featured Goldberg on the hood.
Above the rear tire on both sides was Goldberg symbol, and
on the side was a red #9. It was was a pretty cool car though
Click here to see the car! Jerry had hoped to put this cool car up
in front, but first he had to start up in front. So Jerry
went out and qualified and got a 16th place starting spot.
Now Jerry was looking forward to racing under the lights at
Daytona. Finally the wait was over and the race was on. From
the beginning of the race Jerry got in the middle and
dropped back, as far as 32nd. As Jerry dropped back more we
found out why, on the scanner they said something about they
put the wrong gear in the car. Anyway the rest of the race
went down hill from there, and Jerry ended up finishing 37th
and the winner was Dale Jarrett of the #88 Quality Care Ford.
Not a very good night for the Goldberg #9 on it's only race.
Well hopefully Jerry will have better luck next week at New
Hampshire. I will have more pictures from the race soon. So
keep checking back. I'll be back for the next WCW race, bye

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 34th At Sears Point :(

Translator Activated:

Astro Log On:

Rello! Astro Jetson here with WOJN News! I will be your
primary news caster for the rest of the 1999 season. This
weekend was the revealing of Cartoon Network�s second and
final design of the 99 season. And what a out of this world
car it is, The #9 Jetsons Cartoon Network Wacky Racer also
sponsored by RadioShack!! This car has a great design. The
hood features me Astro Jetson, with the CN racing logo, the
Melling logo, and the RadioShack logo, it�s crowded on
there. On the right side is Jane Jetson with some type of
computer. On the left side is George chasing telephones,
with some jet towers in back ground. The TV pannel features
Elroy and Judy flying witht he RadioShack logo, and the rear
deck lid features Rosie with the CN racing logo. The primary
color is a some type of yellow, and the 9 is blue. But
enough about the car, lets get to the racing. This was a
very good weekend for Cartoon Network to reveal the new car,
because it got a lot of coverage. Jerry was looking forward
to this race, because it was a road race, and Jerry is great
at road tracks, as he proved this weekend. First of all to
prove it he had to get a good starting position, which he
went out to do Friday. Jerry went out and ran an awsome lap,
but at the last turn the car slipped and he lost a whole
second. But at a speed of 98.213mph. and a time of
01:11.441, which at that time was the fastest of the day,
and puting Jerry in first. And the team had hoped it would
stay that way, but then came out Jeff Gordon of the #24
DuPont Chevy and Tony Stewart of the #20 Home Depot Pontiac
and ran better than Jerry giving Jerry a 3rd place starting
spot. After Things looked for the race Sunday, and all
Nadeau fans were looking forward to it. And finally Sunday
came and the green flag flew and so did Jerry right past 2nd
place Tony Stewart, puting Jerry in 2nd. Jerry stayed in 2nd
for 18 laps with Rusty Wallace�s #2 Miller Lite Ford close
behind, but that changed when Mark Martin of the #6
Valvoline Ford passed Rusty, and passed Jerry as well,
puting Jerry in 3rd place, and thats where he stayed for 5
laps untill Tony passed him puting him in 4th, and that was
where he stayed, it looked like he was going to get a top 10
finish, but this is the Cartoon Network Wacky Racer,
disasters favorite car to strike, and so it did on lap 31
when it got stuck in 3rd gear. Jerry not being able to slow
in time went off the track and through the dirt. From there
he was off the pace, and fell back to 39th. Poor Jerry :(
There he stayed untill lap 47 when the crew got it unstuck,
something was stuck in it. Then it looked like he might do
better, and he did move up as the race went on, but he was
still having problems. Jerry ended up finishing 34th, and
Jeff Gordon won. So now we wish better luck to Nadeau and
the crew as they head to Daytona International Speedway to
race under the lights at the Pepsi 400. Jerry will not have
the Jetsons #9 though, instead he will race the WCW
Goldberg #9. Right now we have no idea what this car will
look like, but as soon we find out we will tell you, and
hopefully get some exclusive pictures, so keep checking back
here at World Of Jerry Nadeau for info on the Goldberg #9
and for more improvements on the site. I am continunously
puting up new sections and pictures, and info so keep
checking back, rye rye, he he.

Translator Disactivated:

Astro Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 23rd At Pocono,
In The Dexter #9's Last Race

Deedee Log On:

Hello everybody! Deedee here with JN News! For the last time
for a while. This weekend was the Dexters Lab #9s last race.
And it was a pretty good one. The race took place at Pocono
Raceway, and was a good one for the fans, and for Jerry.
Qualifying didn't go well Friday, when Jerry got a 30th
place starting spot. But Sunday went a little better. When
the green flag dropped Jerry moved up, going up as far 24th,
but as cars started getting thrown around more, Jerry moved
back to 32nd. But at lap 44 the Nadeau crew decided to pit,
and brought the car back up 29th. But as more cautions and
not enough racing started coming out, Jerry moved back to
34th. But when less cautions started coming out Jerry
started moving back up, and he continued to move up slowly
as the race went on. He ended up finishing 23rd, and Bobby
Labonte of the #18 Interstate Batteries Pontiac won the
race. It was a pretty good finish for a pretty good car. A
car that had it's ups and downs, and gave all Nadeau fans
some good races. I will have a complete documentry on the
Dexter #9 at the Dexter #9 Section up Wednesday (6/23/99)!
Now it's time to make way for the NEW Jetsons #9,
check it out the section for it, for some info on it. Well
it's time for me to say good bye. This is my last time doing
WOJN News for 1999, it's been fun. Now it's time for me to
go visit my brothers laboratory again. So untill next time,
buh bye everyone!

Deedee Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 26th At Michigan,
With Harry In Memory

Deedee Log On:

Hello everybody! Deedee here with JN News! This weekend was
a emotional weekend for the Melling Team, because the day of
the race would have been team owner Harry Melling's 55th
Birthday, but he passed away 3 weeks ago. So Melling
decided to do something special in Harry's memory.
They took the Dexters Lab Cartoon Network Wacky Racer and
painted it red, the same color of Mellings first car, instead
of the Dexter #9's usuall blue color. Then to top it all off,
they put a special decal on the rear decklid that read
"This One's FOR HARRY!! We'll Miss You" . You can view
Pictures of this car at WOJN's Harry Melling Memorial.
They drove this car at Michigan Speedway in the Kmart
Michigan 400. Jerry was really hoping to do good at this race
as more of a tribute to Harry. So first Jerry wanted to get
a good starting spot. Which he got, a 20th place starting
spot. So Jerry was ready for that green flag on Sunday.
Finally the green came, and Jerry was moving up. At the first
of the race Jerry was moving up as far as 14th. But near
the middle of the race Jerry fell back a little but only as
far 19th. And thats where he stayed most the race, it looked
like Jerry was going to get a top 20 finish! But near the
end of the race Jerry had to make a last minute pitstop due
to fuel, which they weren't aware of and would have found out
the hard way if not for the good call of new crew cheif,
Newt Mooore. But because of that Jerry ended up finishing
26th, not bad. Dale Jarrett of the #88 Quality Care Ford won
the race. Now Nadeau & the crew take off for Pocono to race
in the Pocono 500. Right now im not sure what car Jerry is
going to drive, but I'll let you know as soon as we do. Plus
what ever car it is, we are going to have some exclusive
pictures from Pocono thanks to a new person on the WOJN
Staff. We will introduce them next week. But for now we have
to say bye bye, see ya next week, and keep checking back at
World Of Jerry Nadeau!!!

Deedee Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 30th At Dover,
In The WCW #9 Ford

Lucky Log On:

Im sorry I have not been able to update this past week, but
my Grandma died last Sunday, June 6th of a massive stroke.
It has been a hard week for me and my family so I just wanted
to let you know why the updates have been so slow.

Hello everybody! It's Lucky here with JN News! This is my
first time doing JN News, so allow me to introduce myself.
Im Lucky a husky wolf pup, and I am the maintainer of this
site, and all Lucky Creations sites. Go to my main page at and check out some of my other
sites. Now lets do the recap for the MBNA 400. Last weekend
Jerry went to Dover Speedway with the awsome Silver WCW
Ford, and with that car he took Buff Bagwell, a WCW
Superstar in the nWo Wolfpack. Click here to see the car!
Jerry has had some good past experiences at Dover and was
hoping he would have a good race at Dover. But before you
can have a good race you have to have a good starting spot,
so Jerry went out and qualified and got a 13th place
starting spot. Things looked good for Jerry. Finally race
day came, and it was time to see if looks were decieving.
Before the race started Buff put Pokey the lucky little wolf
pup in the car with Jerry. (personally I thing they should
put me in the car, after all my name is Lucky, he he) But
this pup has brought some goodluck to the team before. The
last time, which was also the first time they put the pup in
the car Jerry got his best Winston Cup finish. So that made
things look even brighter for the Melling team. Finally the
green flag fell and Jerry and unfortunetly so did Jerry, but
not at first. At first Jerry was maintaining 13th untill Joe
Nemechek of the #42 Bellsouth Chevy slammed Jerry into the
wall. After that Jerry just kept falling back farther as far
back as 35th. But later in the race was moving up fast, but
unfortunetly not fast enough to keep away from the leading
car, the #20 Home Depot Pontiac of Tony Stewart. At lap 160
Tony came up on Jerry to put him a lap down, but the WCW Ford
is not one to be defeated easily so for 3 laps Jerry and
Tony raced it out, but in the end Tony did put Jerry a lap
down, but Jerry was only in 26th place. Jerry stayed around
that area most the race and finished 30th. Not exactley the
luck they had expected. (maybe next time they should put me
in the car instead of Pokey, he he) So now as we speak Jerry
is trying his luck at Michigan Speedway where he got a 20th
place starting position, and Bobby Labonte of the #18
Interstate Batteries Pontiac. He also has a new look to his
car, in memory of team owner Harry Melling who passed away 2
weeks ago. The car is the design of the Dexter Cartoon
Network #9 only instead of blue it is red, the same color of
the first Melling car. On the rear decklid it reads
"This One's FOR HARRY!!" It is a very nice tribute to Harry.
Right now I only have the picture from, but
tomorrow I hope to get some pictures of my own. So keep
checking back. I'll be back for the next WCW race, bye bye.

Lucky Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 20th In The Coca-Cola 600,
In Memory Of Harry Melling

Deedee Log On:

Hello everybody! Deedee here again with JN News. This weekend
the Melling team raced the Coca-Cola 600 at Lowes Motor
Speedway with very heavy hearts, as sad news was revealed to
the Melling team, and Melling fans. Saturday May 29, 1999
Harry Melling passed away at age 54 of a heart attack at a
Michigan Golf Course. Harry Melling was the owner of the #9
Melling Racing Team, and a very respected man in the world
of motorsports. Jerry said he was going to race the 600 as a
tribute to Harry, and did a very good job of it. And so that
brings us to the Coca-Cola 600 Jerry Nadeau race recap. Jerry
went to Lowes Motor Speedway looking forward to racing in two
races at Lowes, but he only made one, but that was the one
that counted. Let me tell you the story behind that. As you
all know Jerry races the #9 Melling/Cartoon Network ford in
the NASCAR Winston Cup Series, but this weekend they were
giving Jerry a chance to drive in the NASCAR Busch Grand
Nationals. Jerry was to subsitute for Brad Loney of the #90
Cyote. But when he went to qualify, he didn't make it. But
he had better luck for the 600 qualifying 16th. So thats
where Jerry started Sunday night when the green flag flew.
But at first he slowly started to fall back, but only as far
as 27th. He pretty much stayed in that area for a while,
untill the sun went down and the lights went on. Jerry moved
up as far 20th. Which is where he finished. I think Harry
would have been proud of that. Now the Melling boys move on
to Dover International Speedway. Jerry has had some good
luck and some bad luck at this track. Last year in October
when Jerry was driving there he was doing extremely good
staying up in the top 10 nearly the whole race untill near
the end of the race #91 spun out in front of Jerry, Jerry
having no where to slammed into the #91 destroying his car.
Hopefully he'll have better luck this time, but I think this
is a race to look forward to. Jerry will not be driving the
Dexter #9, instead he will drive for WCW again. it's rumored
that it is the same red and silver design as the last one he
raced at Talledega where he got his best finish. As soon as
we find out if this is true we will let you know. And the
fastest way to know is to ask for our free e-mail newsletter,
you can do that by e-mailing me at [email protected],
and ask for it, or sign my guest book when I get it back up.
Well keep checking back all this week to see updates. Buh bye!

Deedee Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 16th In The Winston Open,
With The Dexter #9??

Deedee Log On:

Hello again everybody! Yeah yeah I know what your thinking, why
am I here? Why isn't Astro here? And why did Jerry drive the
Dexter car last night? And the answer is we don't know. But
anyway here I am, Deedee here with JN News for the maybe the
last time. This week it was time for Jerry to take a shot in the
Winston Open. Now in the history of Cartoon Network Wacky
Racing they have alway changed their design at the Winston
Open, so we thought that this weekend they were going to
change to the long anticipated Jetsons #9. But they did not,
and we were quite surprised to see Dexter at Lowes Motor
Speedway home of The Winston and Winston Open. Now before
we go on let me explain to you's about the Winston for those of
you who don't know what it is. Jerry was only in a race
before the Winston called the Winston Open. Now in order to
have gotten into the Winston you had to have won a race or a
NASCAR Winston Cup Championship. Jerry had done neither, so
there was one more way left for him to try to get in. The winner and
only the winner of the Winston Open goes to the Winston. So
Jerry took a shot at it Saturday night in the 50 lap Winston Open.
This being Jerry's first night race at Lowes Motor Speedway
with the Cartoon Network Crew Jerry was really excited about
this race, and couldn't wait for the green flag to fly. And
finally Saturday night a 8:00pm. it did. Jerry started 14th and
done pretty good. He moved up as far as 6th and only as far
back 16th. He also treated up to a good race between him and
Brett Bodine of the Paychex #11, and Jerry won it. He ended up
finishing 16th. And Tony Stewart of the #20 Home Depot Pontiac
won the race and advanced into the Winston. Since this was a
non points event Jerry did not gain or lose any points. But
next week is the Coca-Cola 600 from the same speedway, and at
night too. It's in my opinion one of the most awsome races of
the year. Now don't hold us to it, but Jerry could have the
New Jetsons #9 at the 600, but were not sure. As soon as we
find out we will let you know. And the fastest way to know is
to ask for our free e-mail newsletter, you can do that by
e-mailing me at [email protected],
and ask for it, or sign my guest book when I get it back up.
Also you may have noticed that this page has a new look, what
do you think of it, I know I like it. Well keep checking back
all this week to see updates. Buh bye!

Deedee Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 21st In The Dexter #9's Last Race!!!

Deedee Log On:

Hello everybody! Deedee here with JN News for the last time. This week was the #9 Dexters Lab Cartoon Network Wacky Racer's last race. It ended it's racing time at Richmond International Raceway in the Pontiac Excitement 400 at night, so it didn't go out with out a race at night, which was good. So your probably wondering how it's last race was, well lets get to the Pontiac Excitement World Of Jerry Nadeau Recap. The team was excited about racing under the lights and felt that the Dexter Ford was ready to put on a good race, starting with a good qualifying run. So there they were Friday waiting for qualifying, when rain came. The rain postponed qualifying untill Saturday morning. So Jerry went out to qualify, and ended up with a 35th place starting position. Not exactley what we expected from Jerry, but here is what we here at WOJN think happened. Nadeau and the crew were ready to qualify Friday night, so they had a night set up and were not ready for a morning run, because they knew Jerry would never have to do second round qualifying, because he always makes first round. After all Jerry is one of the best qualifyers out there. Anyway Saturday was also race day, Saturday night that is. The green flag fell and unfourtunetly so did Jerry falling back as far as 40th. But soon as it got dark and the lights blazed, so did Jerry who was really starting to move up. But there was a problem with the track that night. The track was tearing up the tires!!! This was totally unexpected, and it was really causing problems as car after car slammed into the wall. First they would feel a vibration then the tire would go down as you would see a shower of sparks come from the bottom of the cars and then BAM! They would slam the wall, severeley damaging tha cars. So all the teams were really being carefull. On lap 222 Jerry started to get affected by this problem. He said he felt the vibration, but Jeff Buice told him to stay out there untill he got laped, and hope for a caution so he doesn't have to get lapped. Unfourtnetly he did get lapped and came in for new tires, but 4 laps later there was a caution, but Jerry was still a lap down. The rest of the race went pretty good for Jerry but he still stayed a lap down. He ended up finishing 21st, not a bad way for the Dex #9 to go out! And Dale Jarrett got his first win of 1999! Now Jerry heads to Lowes Motor Speedway (formely Charlotte) where they will compete in The Winston Open to get a starting position in The Winston which is a non points race. Like we said before Richmond was the Dexter #9's last race, and so they will bring a new Cartoon Network Wacky Racer with them. The New #9 Jetsons Cartoon Network Wacky Racer. Now we have no idea what this car looks like, but you can be sure as soon as we do, you will see it here at World Of Jerry Nadeau. Also since Jerry is getting a new look we figured we would do the same. Thats right World Of Jerry Nadeau is going to get a new look this week, so check it out. This will be my last time doing the recap for a while, next week it will be Astro Jetson. So now I get to go back to bugging my brother again in his laboratory. This is Deedee signing off, hope to see you all soon. Bu bye!

Deedee Log Off:

Jerry Cruises To 20th In California!!!

Shaggy Log On:

Like hello everyone! Shaggy here with JN News. This week Jerry had like another design. This time ii was a design I could really sink my teeth into. The #9 TBS Dinner & A Movie Ford. It was a pretty cool car. With a primary color of purple with a film strip background. Everything else was a bluish-green, that included the D & M Logo, and the number. They took this awsome new car to California Speedway, and Jerry was ready to take this thing to the top, starting with a good starting spot for Sunday. But that was washed down the drain when rain fell at California Speedway. That gave Winston Cup no time to qualify so they lined up by points, puting Jerry 33rd. Now we would see what would happen Sunday. Sunday came and so did the green flag. At first Jerry was doing good, moving up as far as 30th, but then on lap 14 #9 was starting to fall of pace, but we still don't know why, but by lap 15 he got back on track and moved up as far as 16th. But fell back a little near the end of the race, and ended up finishing 20th. Jeff Gordon of the #24 DuPont Chevy won. No racing this weekend but next weekend they will be off to Richmond International Raceway for the first night race of the year the Pontiac Excitement 400. And they will be bringing back the #9 Dexters Laboratory Cartoon Network Wacky Racer. Deedee will be back with the recap that weekend, so be sure to check back here next weekend for all your Jerry Nadeau news.

Shaggy Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 8th!!!! His Best Finish!!!

Contacting Host VIC:

Dissconnecting From Host VIC:

Jerry Has Trouble At Martinsville

Eric Log On:

Hello everyone, Deedee back with JN News!! This weekend Nadeau and the crew headed to Martinsville Speedway for the Goody's Body Pain 500. Jerry tested at this track a week ago, and was the fastest there, so Jerry was really excited about this race. He qualified 4th, which made him even more egar for race day to come. Finally race day came and the green flag was out. Jerry was doing really good at first, and quickly moved up to 2nd. Then when Jeff Gordon in the #24 Du Pont Chevy passed Jerry on the inside, that put Jerry a little bit to far on outside causing cars to pass and put him back as far as 11th, where Jerry remained untill lap 74. Thats when Jeremy Mayfield of the #12 Mobil 1 Ford bumped Jerry causing the Dexter #9 to spin out. NASCAR did not call a caution and Jerry went down a lap,a nd put him in 38th. The rest of the race went ok, and Jerry gradually moved up. Jerry ended up finishing 32nd and 6 laps down. John Andretti of the #43 Petty Enterprises/STP Pontiac won. Next Nadeau and the crew head for Talledega Super Speedway with a brand new car. The new Talledega #9 WCW/nWo Ford. Right now no one knows what this car will look like, but you can bet you will see it here when the public knows. And we will try to get some exclusive pictures Friday too, and we will definetly have all the news. So be sure to check back to World Of Jerry Nadeau. And for next weekends news go to the WCW/nWo Racing section. Bye Bye.

Eric Log Off:

Last Two Weeks Trouble For Me And Jerry :(

Eric Log On:

Hello everyone, I decided to give Deedee a break, because I thought maybe I could do this better. If you don't know who I am, I am Eric, the one who runs this site. Well anyway lets get to the news. First of all your probably wondering why I am so late with the last two race recaps and with updates. Well it's because of some serious problems with my computer, infact problems so serious they had to wipe out my computer to fix them, and the worst part is, it was in such bad shape I was unable to save the stuff, so now hundreds of files I have not yet put up on the site are gone. One of the things lost was my list of Newsletter subscribers. So if you used to get my e-mail newsletter or you want it, just e-mail me at [email protected] and tell me you want it. I will try to get it sent out as soon as possable. One thing that would help is if you saved one of the newsletters, if you could send it back to me, that would make things a lot faster, so if you do have one my old newsletters, just tell me. Also I am now having problems getting the original pictures, but I am trying my hardest to fix that, so just be patient. Now for the race recaps.


Eric Log Off:

Darlington The Track To Tough To Tame

Deedee Log On:

Hello everybody, glad to see everyone again. Deedee here with JN News. I haven't been doing the news lately because of all the new designs Jerry has had these past couple weks, you know the WCW/nWo #9, and the TBS Braves #9, but now Cartoon Network is back with the Dexter's Lab Wacky Racer. This week the crew faced Darlinton Raceway: The Track To Tough To Tame. Jerry was looking forward to racing here but the #9 Ford was not. From the time they unloaded the car, Darlington was beating up the Cartoon Network Team's car and confindence. Jerry ended up starting 33rd. And Sunday was no better. Three laps after green Ken Shrader of the #33 Skoal Chevy got loose on turn 2 slamming into the wall then into the #3 Goodwrench Chevy of Dale Earnhardt, who was right on the outside of Jerry's #9 Ford. The crash of course collected Jerry. While the crew made repairs to the #9 they went down 4 laps puting them in 42nd. Despite the bad position Jerry kept on racing, untill lap 42 when rain fell, and so did the yellow flag, in 3 more laps red. Rain had been something they were worried about because of some very dark skies over turns 3 and 4. The rain poored and the wind blew, but NASCAR wasn't going to call it yet, not with only 45 laps in the race. Finally after 3 hours the rain had stopped and they were back to green. Jerry continued to race, and made it up to 41st on lap 84. Later on lap 131 Darrel Waltrip of the #66 Big Kmart Ford started having car trouble puting Jerry in 40th place. Also weather was becoming questionable again with more dark clouds appearing over turns 3 and 4. But they still continued to race. Then on lap 149 lightning began to flash, and lightning bolts lit up the untamable Darlington Raceway. Now they were sure the rain was coming. They all still continued to race under the green, but since they were past the half way point if the rain did fall the race would be over. Weather officials at the track were saying the rain would be at the track in about 10 minutes. It now became a 10 minute shoot out, and some wild racing started. Then on lap 164 announcers started to say they were seeing rain drops when suddenly there was a lot's of trouble on the front stretch. Ernie Irvin's #36 M&Ms Pontiac got loose slowing and destroying surrounding traffic. Steve Park of the #1 Pennzoil Chevy slowed in fron of Jerry's #9 causing Jerry to run into the back of #1, when at the same time Jeff Burton's #99 Exide Ford ran into the back of Jerry causing him to spin out. Total chaos broke out on the track as more cars got collected in the wreck. 3 Time Winston Cup Champion and winner of the last race Jeff Gordon of the #24 Dupont Rainbow Warrior lost control and with no where to go hit Jerry. The rail really started to poor, and the race was over. Jeff Burton of the #99 happened to be leading when the battered car crossed the finish line, making him the winner. Jerry Nadeau finished 40th. Now Nadeau and the crew head to Texas Motor Speedway for the Primestar 500. So be sure to come back soon, for news, the Texas recap, and hopefully more pictures of the Dex #9. Also we will be getting videos and pictures of the wrecks that Jerry was in at the Dexters Lab #9 car section, so check that out too. Bye bye everybody, see ya all next week!

Deedee Log Off:

Jerry Finishes 27th

Rain At Atalanta Washes Away Jerry's Luck

Space Ghost Log On:

Greetings citizens! Baseball great Space Ghost here with JN News. This week Jerry drove yet another new design. The Atlanta Braves baseball team, so they asked me a baseball great to do the race recap. So here it is. This week Jerry drove the first of the #9 TBS Superstation Fords, The #9 TBS Superstation/Atlanta Braves Ford. It was a pretty nice looking car. White in front, blue in the middle, and red in the back. It featured both the TBS and Braves logo on the hood, and had the braves logo behind the rear tires, and a baseball on the sponsor lable board. They raced at Atlanta this week for the Inagrual running of the Cracker Barrel 500. So you could imagine that the #9 Ford was pretty popular having the hometown baseball team on the car. Jerry done pretty good at qualifying Friday, and ended up getting a 12th place starting spot for Sunday. The #9 Team was looking forward to racing. Finally Sunday came and so did the rain, as it always dose at Atlanta on race weekend. The race was delayed a hour and a half. After they dried the track the green flag was out. Jerry was doing ok at first, but then trouble came and the #9 Braves Ford dropped back to 31st and stayed there most the race. But near the end things started to get a little better and the car moved up to 27th, and that is where he finished. And Jeff Gordon of the #24 Dupont Rainbow Warrior won. Now the team get's ready for Darlington, and brings back the #9 Dexters Lab Cartoon Network Wacky Racer. So be sure to come back soon, for news, the Darlington recap, and hopefully more pictures of the Dex #9. So so long everybody, Deedee will be back doing the recap next week!

Space Ghost Log Off:

88 bumps 9, & Brak has the story!!!

Good Car, Bad Luck!!

Brak Log On:

Hello everybody! This is your buddy Brak here woth JN News. So that means i'm going to tell you what happened over the race weekend. This weekend it was Viva Las Vegas for the Winston Cup drivers, because they raced at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Jerry had a brand spankin new car at Vegas, The #9 WCW/nWo Ford Racer. Oh man this car was sharp. It was black with lighting on the sides, and had a purple 9. Of course the WCW/nWo logo was on the hood. You can see this awsome new car, by clicking HERE!!! Friday Jerry took that car to qualifying, and boy oh boy did he ever go fast. He ended up qualifying in 8th place. Pretty good I think. Oh I almost forgot. After qualifying Jerry ran in the Orleanes 150, that's in the Winston West Series. He started the race first, then won. And that was also ran at LVMS. Things looked good for Sunday. Finally Sunday came, and the green flag fell. At first Jerry was doing good staying up there, untill Dale Jarretts #88 Quality Care Ford got loose and bumped the nWo #9. That sent the #9 car way up out of the two main lanes of racing traffic. After that the car went back as far as 34th. Then as time and laps passed Jerry manged to get up as far 19th, but the car was still having problems. So with 16 laps to go Jerry and the crew had to take #9 to the garage. Jerry finished 31st, but was out of the race. Meanwhile Jeff Burton of the #99 Exide Ford won the race. Now Nadeau and the crew head to Atlanta Motor Speedway with another new car, and hopefully better luck. The next new car is from TBS Superstation and features The Atlanta Braves. This is also a nice looking car, and we will have the picture soon, thanks to our good friend sue. THANK YOU SUE!!! And Friday we will try to get some pictures of our own, so keep checking back here for more race recaps, exclusive pictures, and news. And speaking of news, next week in celebration of the new Braves car we will have Baseball Great, Space Ghost do the news and recaps, so come back soon. Good bye, good bye, good bye, everybody!

Brak Log Off:

Spin Out At Rock

Jerry Finishes 31st After Spin Out At The Rock!

Deedee Log On:

Hello everyone! Deedee here with Cartoon Network Wacky Racing News. Today Jerry took on The Rock, to see if he could get that pretty little car of ours onto Victory Lane. Unfortunetly he didn't. This was the Dura-Lube/BIG Kmart 400 at North Carolina Speedway aka. The Rock. The 400 was the 2nd race of the 99 Winston Cup Season. Jerry started the race in 24th, and with high hopes. He started the race pretty good. Going up as high as 23rd, and only as far back as 39th. The race was caution free untill Ernie Irvin driver of the #36 M&M's Pontiac spun out. That was a oppertunity for the Cartoon Network crew to pitstop. It was pretty good stop and put Jerry in 25th. From there Jerry did pretty good staying in the top 30. Then on lap 279 Jerry got loose on turn 4 and spun out into the green, as seen in the pretty little picture above. Jerry done a pretty good job handeling the car, keeping it straight he managed to not hit anything and get right back on the track. With a good driver like Jerry, he made the spin out pretty fun for me and my Brother. The rest of the race went pretty good , and Jerry finished 31st 3 laps down. Mark Martin driver of the #6 Valvoline Ford won the race. Nadeau and the crew get a little break next weekend, then head off to Las Vegas, but will not be taking me or my Brother with them. Instead Jerry will carry WCW, one of the 7 times he will drive for them. At the moment we have no pictures or info of the new WCW #9. But you can bet as soon as there is info about the car we will have all of it, and exclusive pictures. So keep checking out this site from now untill... well untill the end of the season, he he. Because we are always trying to get pictures and info up, so it's better to just check here everyday. Well thats it for Wacky Racing News, keep checking back. Bye bye.

Deedee Log Off:

99 Daytona 500

Jerry Get's Career Best, And Gordon Get's First Place!

Deedee Log On:

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Deedee here with Cartoon Network Wacky Racing News. Sunday was the first points race of the year for the NASCAR Winston Cup Circuit. Ever since the pretty new Dexters Lab #9 Cartoon Network Wacky Racer, featuring me, was hauled off the semi at Daytona International Speedway many was saying that this could be a good Daytona Speedweeks for Jerry and the Wacky Racing Team. And in many cases it was. In the Bud Shootout Qualifier Jerry got 7th, and in one practice session he got 1st. Then in the Twin 125 Qualifier he finished 13th. But none of that really mattered. Next came the race that does matter. The Great American Race, The 41st Daytona 500! Jerry was starting 25th, and then the green flag fell, and the race was on. At first Jerry moved up to 24th, but soon started to fall back as far as 41st, but moved back up 27th. The first pit was on lap 53 and the crew done a fair job of getting Jerry back on the track, putting him in 29th position. But Jerry soon took the #9 Cartoon Network Ford to 24th position on lap 80. The race was turning out to be a good competitive race with no cautions until lap 96 when The #55 Square D Ford driven by Kenny Wallace broke down, but the Cartoon Network Crew did not pit. When the green went back out Jerry was running in 27th, and moved up to 26th, before the next caution when The #23 Winston No Bull Ford driven by Jimmy Spencer hit the wall. That was a opportunity for #9 to pit. The Wacky Racing crew pulled off a great pit stop and put Jerry in 23rd. Jerry maintained that position until a massive wreck occurred on turn 4, when the #88 Quality Care Ford driven by Dale Jarrett spun out causing a almost 12 car wreck. Some drivers involved were Steve Park of the #1 Pennzoil Chevy, Mark Martin of the #6 Valvoline Ford, Jeff Burton of the #99 Exide Ford, and Ricky Rudd of the #10 Tide Ride. Most of these drivers were forced to go behind the wall and out of the race. After that Jerry was running in 13th place, but fell back to 19th until the 4th caution of the day came out, when the #4 Kodak Ford spun out. That was the last pit of the day for the #9 crew, and put Jerry in 17th. Once the green flag fell Jerry continued to stay in the 17-12the place range, while excitement was happening up front. The last 15 laps had everyone on their feet as Dale Earnhardt of the #3 Goodwrech Chevy, Mike Skinner of the #31 Lowes Chevy, and Jeff Gordon of the #24 Dupont Rainbow Warrior battled for first. These drivers tried everything from getting underneath the car infront of them to making rapid maneuvers, but in the end 3 Time Champion Jeff Gordon won the battle, and won the Daytona 500. Meanwhile a little way back Jerry was battling to get in the top 10 but ended up finishing 11th. That is Jerry's career best. Jerry and the Cartoon Network Wacky Racing Team are now 11th in the points. That looks good for Jerry in 99. The Daytona 500 was an exciting race, and if that in any indication of what the other races will be like this year, I think this will be an exciting, surprising, and above all fast year. Next Jerry and the crew will head for The Rock, and try to get another shot at Victory Lane. So check back to this site Friday for the all the latest updates, news, pictures, and more of the Cartoon Network Wacky Racing Team and their awsome driver Jerry Nadeau!

Deedee Log Off:

9 & 239 & 23

Melling & Carter To Team Up

In A world of multicar teams it's hard for a single car team to get to victory lane. One of those single teams is The Cartoon Network Wacky Racing Team. But now that's in the past. The #9 Melling/Cartoon Netork Wacky Racing Team with driver Jerry Nadeau, and the #23 Travis Carter Motorsports/Winston No Bull Team with driver Jimmy Spencer have teamed up for the 1999 season. The two teams have partnered to share technical information and develop performance assistance during the 1999 NASCAR Winston Cup Series season. Melling Racing and Carter's teams currently plan to work together at test sessions at non-NASCAR tracks and also share information during race events. The teams are the latest in the NASCAR Winston Cup Series to announce collaborations in the face of some 10 true multi-car operations, on the eve of the 1999 season and the high profile -- and high pressure -- Speedweeks 1999 at Daytona International Speedway. "We are very excited to be working with Travis Carter and his teams," said Jeff Buice, crew chief for Melling Racing. "The one place where three- and four-car teams are beating independent teams is in the number of resources available. They have input from more test sessions, more crew members and more on-track experience. This partnership will give us the ability to bounce ideas off of each other before we try them." "Obviously we feel that this association with Melling Racing will be beneficial to both teams," said Carter. "It has become increasingly important in the sport of NASCAR racing to be able to pool resources and get input from more than one car. This association will help both teams do just that." Pro-Motor Engineering provides powerplants for all three operations, which will make the transfer of information more consistent and applicable to all three cars. "Not only will our teams be getting more information, but our motor guys will, too," Buice explained. "Travis, his crew chiefs and I plan to meet together each week to recap the weekend and get ready for the next race. We'll be able to prepare like a multi-car team would. Three teams working toward the same goal can get there a lot quicker than one working by itself." In addition to mechanical and technical assistance, Nadeau -- a Raybestos Rookie of the Year candidate in the NASCAR Winston Cup Series last year -- also hopes to gain from working with more experienced drivers. Waltrip has posted 84 wins to date in his NASCAR Winston Cup career and has won more than $17 million as a driver. Last year, Spencer had four top-seven finishes in the first nine races, including second place in the DieHard 500 at Talladega (Ala.) Superspeedway. The two-time champion of the Featherlite Modified Series, a part of the NASCAR Touring Division, has two career NASCAR Winston Cup victories and several wins in the NASCAR Busch Series Grand National Division, most recently driving his own Zippo Chevrolets. "There is a lot of racing history with Darrell and Jimmy," said Nadeau, a 28-year-old native of Danbury, Conn. "I watched Jimmy race Modifieds in New England and I watched Darrell win a lot of races over the years. They are two drivers to be reckoned with. They're good guys to get guidance from. "Everyone will benefit from this in the long run. Knowing we will all be working together will make a big difference in attitude, and that can make an even bigger difference in performance." They will be ver to see if this little partnership worked on Febuary 5th, when they race in Bud Shootout Qualifing Race. That is also the week of Daytona Speedweeks and we will have all the highlites and a full Jerry Nadeau recap. Also as soon as the new car is on TV, you will see pictures of it here. So be sure to keep checking at Wacky World Of Cartoon Network Wacky Racing!

What Is The New Design?

Cartoon To Reveal New Design Friday

In NASCAR history Cartoon Network Wacky Racing has had many designs. Some featuring The Flintstones, Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry, The Powerpuff Girls, and amny others. But now Cartoon Network is getting ready to reveal a new design, for the first of the 1999 NASCAR Winston Cup Season. Ever since November Cartoon Network has been holding us in suspense, and have been leaving us wondering what will the new design be.


Friday January 29, 1999 Cartoon Network will reveal the new design, online at Cartoon So be sure to go to Cartoon this Friday. And also remember Daytona Speedweeks is coming and we will have all the highlites and a full Jerry Nadeau recap. Also as soon as the new car is on TV, you will see pictures of it here. So be sure to keep checking at Wacky World Of Cartoon Network Wacky Racing!

Daytoona 500

Daytoona 500

Hey Daytoona is almost here! No not Daytona, Daytoona! That's right Cartoon Network is kicking of the 99 racing season with their own race. The Daytoona 500! And you can get involoved, it's pretty cool. Go out and buy a box of General Mills fruit snacks of some sort (Scooby-Doo Fruit Snacks, Fruit Rollups, ect.) in the box is a game marker that has a cartoon character that is going to compete in the race on it, the racers are
Scooby-Doo & Velma Dinkley in The Mystery Machine
Hong-Kong Fooey
Dexter and Deedee
Jane Jetson in here Jet Car
Droopy Dog in a Red Car, that he can't even see over the wheel in
If the character you have wins you get a prize, I think but i'm not sure, but I think it is a 1/64 scale diecast of the #9 Dexter Lab Wacky Racer, but i'm not sure. And some how you win a trip to a race too, but I don't know the details on that. The race is going to be Febuary 13th 1999 from 4pm to 7pm. It sounds like it is going to be really fun. You can also call 1-800-322-1029 and see who won the race after the 13th. There is also a score card printed on the box that asks you to list the winnerafter each lap segment that is printed on the box, but it doesn't really say if there is any prizes for this part. Well hope we could help you understand that more. And be sure to watch Daytoon on Febuary 13 the day before the 14th, DAYTONA! We will have highlites of the Daytoona race as well as highlites and a full Jerry Nadeau recap of DAYTONA! So keep checking at Wacky World Of Cartoon Network Wacky Racing!

Jerry At Daytona

Jerry At Daytona

1999 is looking great for the #9 Cartoon Network Wacky Racing Team and Jerry Nadeau. Tuesday was Jerry's first speedway run of 99 and he came out with the 2nd fastest lap of the 26 Fords that tested. Jerry sped around the track at an awsome speed of 191.144 mph. and came out with a time of 47.085 seconds. Jerry was second fastest, but Rusty Wallace driver of the #2 Miller Time Machine was fastest at a speed of 191.984 mph. and a time of 46.879 seconds. On Wednesday Jerry was 3rd fastest with a speed of 192.082 mph. and at a time of 46.855 seconds. Jerry was third fastest to the fastest Rusty Wallace and 2nd fastest Dale Jarrett out of 26 Ford teams. Jerry feels really good about this year and after his fast run said "Anybody could do what I did yesterday, I'm just turning the wheel. These guys, I tell you, the whole Melling group has really, really worked hard ever since Atlanta (in November). And it shows. I've been there every day with the guys. We barely took any time off, and we built two great superspeedway cars, we've still got a great backup car back at home in Charlotte. Everybody's really pumped up." Jerry was not only excited about a good racing year, but also excited about his new sponsor deal for the 99 season. "We've got new sponsors this year, WCW and TBS Superstation along with our still primary sponsor Cartoon Network, and the guys are just tickled to death to get things going." We already of the early-season order of paint schemes pretty much set. The Cartoon Network's going to be in Daytona and the first few races," he said. "Then we've got the Atlanta Braves that's going to be at the Atlanta race. Out in the Las Vegas race we're going to debut the WCW car, so we've got a lot of neat things going on this year. I think we've got about four or five paint schemes all year long, and I'm sure that we'll have a lot of collectibles that are going to be selling a lot this year. We've got the Dexters cartoon and the Jetsons. So any of you Jetson fans or Dexter fans make sure you come out and watch us." And we will Jerry! Also Jerry just gave us the first hint of the new 99 Cartoon Network Wacky Racer design, looks like we will be seeing The Jetsons and Dexters Laboratory. When the new design is finally revealed you may see a new look to Wacky World Of Wacky Racing to go along with the new design. But Cartoon Network has revealed one design for this year. Jerry's awsome new testing car, The #9 Cartoon Network Wacky Tester. This is probably one of the best looking testing cars out there, with a sleek black design, and the 9 from the Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island on the side. It also features the original Cartoon Network logo and the Melling logo on the hood. We are still going to try our hardest to find out what the new design is so keep checking back here to see the new design, because when it is revealed you can bet you will know, if you keep checking here. Here at Wacky World Of Cartoon Network Wacky Racing!

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