Articles on Folkish Asatru

The most recent additions are listed last.

The Soul of Asatru by Blood

Asatru and Biology by Stinar

Blood and Faith (Odinic Rite)

The Odinic Rite: A Radical Movement

Asatru Folk Assembly Declaration of Purpose

Asafolk and American Indians by Steve McNallen

Odin's Nation Rising Again by Heimgest DCG

Metagenetics by Steve McNallen

Odinists Say "Yes!" To Life

World Tree's Mission by Valgard Murray

A link to the FLUX magazine interview with Robert Taylor of the Wulfings (check out the site while you're there!)

The Role of the Gothar in the U.S. Prison System by Scott Tolley

Politics and Community by Hnikar

Angels and Gods by Brian Regan

Truth by Hnikar

Alienation by Hnikar

Pride by Hnikar

Aegir by Hnikar

Asatru, Life and Afterlife by Brian Regan

The Eternal Warrior by Hnikar

From Eire to Althing by Stinar

Community: A Lesson from our Saxon Ancestors by Heimgest DCG (linked from the Odinic Rite website)

Asatru Beliefs and Kindreds in the U.S. Prison System by Scott Tolley of the Woodpile Kindred and Yrsa of the Hvitfolk Kindred

Odin's Runes: The Writing of our Ancestors by Dr. Wieland Hopfner (linked from the Nordische Zeitung website)

The Fundamental Religious Beliefs of Asatru: An Asatru Credo by Brian Regan

Some Thoughts on the Basic Premises of the Faith by Hnikar

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