Sukhoi Su-37 SuperFlanker

Sukhoi Su37 SuperFlanker
second most manoeuvrable fighter in the world
(after X-31A)

The Su37 SuperFlanker is the ultimate russian fighter of the modern era. The Su37 SuperFlanker is one of the most maneuvrabil fighters in the world and is the most powerful russian fighter ever ! Su37 SuperFlanker is capable of executing both the Cobra and the SuperCobra air manoeuvres and is the only russian fighter incorporating modern digital fly-by-wire systems. Su37 is the successor of the Su27 Flanker generation. Su27 Flanker, Su31D Flanker, Su33K Flanker, Su34 SuperFlanker and Su35 SuperFlanker have their origins in the same generation of Su27 Flanker. They are as the matter of fact the same aircraft upgraded and upgraded again, with the latest technology, like new navigation systems, new radar systems, FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) Systems, and digital fly-by-wire. Su27 Flanker was the first russian aircraft who had incorporate the fly-by-wire system. However, Su37 SuperFlanker is meant to replace the Su27 generation.
Su37 SuperFlanker has modern thrust vectoring system and a powerful engine.

Here it is again, at Farnborough

Photo by Paul Nunn (Pacman)

Aircraft Su-37 (Fighter 711)
Type Fighter
Crew 1
Year 1996
Engine 2 x AL-37FU, turbojet
Wingspan 14.7 m
Length 21.96 m
Height 5.9 m
Weight 28000 kg/35000 kg
Max. speed 2500 km/h (2.35M)
Range 3700 km
Payload 8000 kg
Armament 1x GSh-301 30mm cannon with 150 rounds,
14 x Air-to-Air missiles: (AA-10, AA-11, AA-12)

And another magnificient picture of the Su37 SuperFlanker
As you see in the picture above, the Su37 SuperFlanker's nossels can not only move up and down in the same time because of the thrust vectoring, they can also move up an down separately, and the SuperFlanker's elevators can do the same thing.

Visit a great site, with pictures and data, about the Su-37 SuperFlanker here, at Watson's Military Site.

The Sorin Su-37 SuperFlanker page is 1999-2001 by Sorin A Crasmarelu from Sorin® Air Group

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