Sorin® Air Group
Sorin Air Group is an international aviation organization composed of persons who have a significant baggage of knowledge about aviation and the military, second only to their love for flying.

Sorin Air Group's purpose is the worldwide promotion of aviation and the beauty of flight. Humans are three-dimensional beings living in a two-dimensional world. We wish to show you how much of a thrill that 3rd dimension can be

A group of aviation enthuziasts and a web site dedicated to aviation and aircraft

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History of Sorin Air Group

Sorin Air Group was created in March 1999 following an idea dating since around 1997. SAG is meant to get together people who like aircraft, aviation and who like to fly. People involved with military organizations and services, civillian aviation, sports aviation and utility aviation are also welcomed. Private aeroplane owners and other enthusiasts (hovercraft, self-propelled designs, microlights, parachutists, skydivers) and everybody else who is involved in similar activities is also welcomed. Also if you are a scuba-diver or bungee jumper or just a fan of other more or less extreme sports, don't feel left out, you can be a supporter if you wish :)
SAG is not a local nor a national (Romanian) organization. It has been an international organization ever since it got together many years ago.

As of now, SAG is composed of 11 members from 8 countries (Romania, The Philippines, Bulgaria, United States, Sweden, UK, Turkey and Macedonia) but we will soon be joined by members from countries such as Cyprus, Canada, Egypt, Belgium, Norway, France, Australia, Ukraine, Russia and others.


In order of Rank

Cmdr. Raptor (1999)

col. Maverick (ret) (1999)

cpt. Cobra (1999)
lt. Fulcrum (2001)
lt. Sciamachy (1999)
Sgt. Porta (1999)
Sgt. Skunk (1999)
Sgt. mconnell (2001)
cpl. Privteer (1999)
cpl. CAP_AV8R (2000)
Lightning (1999)
Falcon (1999)
banjie (2000)
Keith (2001)

In order of Join

Raptor - 26th of March, 1999 (Cmdr)

Maverick - 26th of March, 1999 (col, ret) (1999)

Privteer - 1999 (cpl)
Cobra - 1999 (cpt)
Sciamachy - 1999 (lt)
Porta - 1999 (sgt)
Skunk - 1999 (sgt)
Lightning - 1999 (member)
Falcon - 1999 (member)
CAP_AV8R - 2000 (cpl)
banjie - 2000 (member)
Fulcrum - 2001 (lt)
mconnell - 2001 (sgt)
Keith - 2001 (member)

Cmdr Raptor from Romania
  • Nickname: Raptor
  • Name: Sorin Adrian Crasmarelu
  • Location: Romania
  • Date of join: 26th of April 1999
  • Rank: Commander in Chief
  • Year of birth: 1981
  • Aircraft: IAR IS28B2 (DC)
  • Profession: comp. eng.
  • Flights: 80 / 7 flight hrs
  • Nickname: Maverick
  • Name: N/A
  • Location: N/A
  • Date of join: 26th of April 1999
  • Rank: Colonel (ret)
  • Year of birth: N/A
  • Aircraft: N/A
  • Profession: N/A
  • Flights: N/A
Col Maverick
Cobra from Turkey
  • Nickname: Cobra
  • Name: Murat Avar
  • Location: Turkey
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: Captain
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: ?
  • Profession: Turkish Armed Forces
  • Flights: ?
  • Nickname: Fulcrum
  • Name: ?
  • Location: Macedonia
  • Date of join: 2001
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: student
  • Flights: none
Fulcrum from Macedonia
Schiamachy from UK
  • Nickname: Sciamachy
  • Name: Matt Moran
  • Location: Great Britain (UK)
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Year of birth: 1971
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: IT industry/computer programmer
  • Flights: none
  • Nickname: Porta
  • Name: Bogdan Briscu
  • Location: Romania
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: Seargant
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: veterinarian
  • Flights: none
Porta from Romania
Skunk from United States
  • Nickname: Skunk
  • Name: Ryan Kirk
  • Location: United States
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: Seargant
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: ?
  • Flights: none
  • Nickname: Mconnel
  • Name: Constantinos M.
  • Location: Cyprus
  • Date of join: 2001
  • Rank: Seargant
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: Cessna 172 (DC), (SC)
  • Profession: pilot
  • Flights: ?
mconnel from Cyprus
Privteer from Bulgaria
  • Nickname: Privteer
  • Name: Ivaylo Nedlyakov
  • Location: Bulgaria
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: Seargant
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: ?
  • Flights: none
  • Nickname: CAP_AV8R
  • Name: Tedd ?
  • Location: United States
  • Date of join: 2000
  • Rank: Seargant
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: Cessna 172 Skyhawk
  • Profession: US National Air Guard Rescue pilot
  • Flights: ?
CAP_AV8R from United States
Lightning from United States
  • Nickname: Lightning
  • Name: John Higgins
  • Location: United States
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: member
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: ?
  • Flights: none
  • Nickname: Falcon
  • Name: ?
  • Location: United States
  • Date of join: 1999
  • Rank: member
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: none
  • Profession: US Marine
  • Flights: none
Falcon from United States
banjie from the Philippines
  • Nickname: banjie
  • Name: Hong-Chu Tan
  • Location: Philippines
  • Date of join: 2000
  • Rank: member
  • Year of birth: 1971
  • Aircraft: Cessna 150M (DC), (SC)
        Extra 300 (DC)
  • Profession: Pharmacist and Pilot
  • Flights: ?
  • Nickname: Keith
  • Name: Keith Svegnusson
  • Location: Sweden
  • Date of join: 2001
  • Rank: member
  • Year of birth: ?
  • Aircraft: Boeing 757, Boeing 767
  • Profession: Airline pilot
  • Flights: ?
Keith from Sweden

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Sorin Aircraft Web Sites Network 5.5

Sorin Aircraft Web Sites Network 5.0, located at is our Internet address.
It contains over 250 diffrent pages and over 800 pictures and it's growing every day.
The last version, Sorin Aircraft Web Sites Network Version 4.0, had over 250 folders and 4,000 files (including 800 pictures), but has now been reduced to less than 45 folders and 1,200 files, for faster and easier access. Also, the total size of the previous version was around 80 MB, which made it impossible to upload ALL the files in the 14.5 MB space provided by Yahoo. The new version has been shrinked to only 32 MB, therefore increasing the percentage of the files that can be uploaded on the Internet, respectively from 27.3 % in the previous version to about 50% in the Version 5.0.
This restructuration is under constant undergoing since 1998 and it will always be so. Online, the site is upgraded at least three times/week, so everytime you check in, you can find something new in it. Don't always just look at the front side of the site and then get out, search through the internal pages of the site and you will find a lot of links and especially a huge ammount of detailed and unique information about any aircraft or event that you might possibly search for. All those pages have links that go straight up towards the main index page, so all you have to do is click, and you shall find them :).

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What does it take to become a member

Well, first of all, dedication. That is by far the most important thing you'd have to have. Our members share an interest in world aviation, military events and other activities (extreme ones usually) before all. Their knowledge has become available to them thanks to their commitment to their hobby and passion.
So, first of all, you must have dedication.
Second of all, there are no further rules from now on. The basic rule was that you are either involved (a pilot, mechanic, maintainence crew, anything related to military forces, police forces even, anti-terrorism, law enforcement, civillian flight, etc) either you share a huge baggage of knowledge about (military) aviation, even though you haven't ever flew for real. However, if you're not involved, your knowledge is limited but you have close friends or relatives closely involved in the industry and you are an enthuziast and willing to learn, you will be very welcomed to to do so and who knows, if you stick with it, you might get your membership in the future. So we don't have many rules, but the ones we have, we stick to.
The third rule is that I must personally know you very well before granting you membership. Sorin Air Group is not a large organization (although we currently have 13 members and we're on way for expanding) and most certainly not one of those "send an email and submit"- kind of organizations you will see in other sites.
No member of SAG can give membership to newcomers, except the Commander (er..that's meh;)) and perhaps my assistant (col. Maverick). If you want to become a member you must share your knowledge with us and we will communicate for a while, after which we will determine if you are indeed one of us :). If you are, you're in buddy !
SAG has no such thing as "discrimination" of any kind in between ourselves. Race, colour, relligion, nationality, age or sex simply do not matter. The only things that matter are, to be reminded, dedication, passion and skills (or knowledge).
To prove that, we have members of all possible relligions on Earth except Buddhism and we have both white as well as yellow members (no black folks yet). Coming to gender, in 2001 our first female member joined us. So when you come in, things such as "discrimination" of any kind are non-existant and that will continue to remain so.

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Partners and Associates

Sorin Air Group recrutes its members from any possible means of communications (Web, e-mail, IRC Networks, mailing, TV, radio, newspapers, newsletters, etc) if they want to join and if they satisfy the requirements. However, it had been the case before that some people I've met already had their own groups, or they were simply too diffrent to join us. Since SAG can not incorporate whole other groups, because that won't satisfy the rule which says I must personally know everyone, those people couldn't, as a group, all become members of SAG.
Therefore, such groups have simply become our partners.
If a certain individual lacks the ammount of knowledge necessary to become a member, and he's also not involved with aviation, but he is definetely passionate about it, he can become a member of our support group.
Unfortunately, as years go by, some groups disband, and we may lose track of some of our partners. Our friendly BAAMA group from Belgium no longer has its website, and we are still looking for the whereabouts of our partners helldiver and Ace75, both from the USA.

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Site Map

- Aviation Networks -
All aircraft page
Fighters page
Bombers page
Helicopters page
Transport aircraft
- Sorin Air Group -
About Sorin Air Group
Read more about meh
Allied BAAMA Group
Allied Ace75 (working...)
- US Fighters -
F-14 Tomcat
F-15 Eagle
F-18 Hornet
F-16 Fighting Falcon
F-22 Raptor
- Romanian Air Force -
Romanian Aircraft Network
Romanian Air Force Network
MiG-21 Lancer
IAR-93 Vultur
IAR-99 Soim
, best trainer
- Russian Fighters -
MiG21 Fishbed
MiG29 Fulcrum
Su27 Flanker
Su37 SuperFlanker
MiG25 Foxbat
- Attack Helicopters -
AH1 Cobra
AH64 Apache
Mi24 Hind
RAH66 Comanche
- Workhorses -
C-5 Galaxy
C17 Globemaster III
C-27J Hercules Jr
C-123 Provider
C-130 Hercules
- Russians got'em too -
Good old An2
An70 propfan
An212 Rusland
An225 Mriia
"Iliusive" ;)
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Plans for the future

Sorin Air Group

In the future, Sorin® Air Group will face a restructuration of personnel and activities and contact methods. We would also like to have more members from all over the world.

Visit this website for updates, photos, as well as the news section, which brings you aviation and military news which might not be broadcasted by larger media communities. Don't forget that there are around 300 pages on this site, not only the main index and the news displayed on it. There is a large number of aircraft pages, as well as many news pages which you can only see in the News Archive..

If you wish to contact us you can do so following the instructions in our homepage or by direct emailing the site Manager and SAG Leader at [email protected].
We also try to support similar websites, organisations and people from around the world, so if you hold or are a member of a similar group/association feel free to get in touch with us, we always welcome new friends :).

We are also open to exchange links with similar websites and groups.

The support group

  • Hack
  • Hack lives in the United States and is a very accomplished individual. His main passion is the F-22 Raptor, but since he is always busy with work, he had no time to study it throughly. Since he has no aviation experience, and no extensive knowledge, but he is very passionate, Hack is a member of the support group.

  • Julio
  • Julio is located in the Dominican Republic, although I think he spends more time in Miami ;) He usually talks to me in Spanish, but when he talks in English, he proves himself to be a very nice guy

  • Diana
  • Known as Hornet, she's mad about the F/A 18. However she admitted my F-22 is better :P No need to argue, huh Diana ?;) She's located in Constanta, Romania, and she has extensive knowledge about aviation. Since Diana is almost always busy at work, and she has no real aviation experience, she is also a member of the support group.

  • Grachi
  • Grachi is from Panama and, of course, she is very passionate about aircraft of all kinds. In her student years in the United States, Grachi spent a lot of time gathering data about various aircraft. Hopefully we can use all that data some day soon to help grow and improve the aircraft pages


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Sorin® : we love aircraft

If you are an aviation or military enthusiast, if you have information you want to share with us or if you want to correct stuff you've read on this site, feel free to email me anytime.

I answer all e-mails, so if you wrote me and didn't get a reply, write again, with a different title, to make sure the filters don't interpret the message as spam.

Also, if you have some great pictures or if you want to write an article about a related event, let me know about it and you might publish your work on our site.

This page is copyright 1999-2006 by Sorin A Crasmarelu from Sorin®Air Group

All rights reserved

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