Conversion to Judaism

Conversion to Judaism Resources

  • Conversion to Judaism

  • Conversion to Judaism Shared

  • Becoming a Jew - Maurice Lamm
    Written by Orthodox Rabbi Maurice Lamm, this is a comprehensive mammoth volume of Judaic material encompassing everything from the history of Judaism to proper synagogue etiquette. Even if you are not considering an Orthodox conversion per se, this is an invaluable reference for everything you will ever need to know about Judaism, and I strongly recommend it.

  • Choosing a Jewish Life - Anita Diamant
    Ms. Diamant has written what I feel is the best collection of work on the emotional impact of joining the Jewish faith, including how to tell your family, how to integrate and inform friends, etc. This, again, is invaluable for those confused by the tumultuous feelings and wondering how to "break the news" to loved ones.

  • Embracing the Covenant - Allan L. Berkowitz
    A collection of personal journeys and struggles through seeking a spiritual home, this is a lovely culmination of tales. Converts describe what led them to Judaism, how they dealth with such issues as "telling the family" and the "Christmas crisis," and more importantly what it means for them to finally live life as a Jew.

  • Choosing Judaism - Lydia Kukoff
    Ms. Kukoff, a convert herself, offers a nice collage of stories and personal explorations from those who have converted. She lectures around the country on Judaism and conversion, and has dedicated her life to try to help though going through the difficulties. Highly recommended.

  • Finding a Home for the Soul - Catherine Hall Myrowitz
    I wept when I read this book. The stories are intimate and touching in every way possible. I guarantee you will laugh with these writers and most likely cry with them as well. Splendid, simply splendid.

  • Synagogue Survival Kit - Jordan Lee Wagner
    This is a must for those converting and trying to understand the Jewish service, prayers, and overall synagogue etiquette. Recommended and required reading for geyorim!

  • Conversion to Judaism: A Guidebook - Lawrence Epstein
    An excellent, comprehensive guide to not only the converison process but being, living, and dying Jewish. An invaluable resource.

  • Readings on Conversion to Judaism - Lawrence Epstein

  • Teshuvah : A Guide for the Newly Observant Jew - Adin Steinsaltz
    A great resource for those considering the Orthodox persuasion and also those born Jews who may have drifted from the faith and seek "a way back."

  • Coming Home: A Woman's Story of Conversion to Judaism - Linda M. Shires
    Guidebooks to living are wonderful, but it is also nice to read the stories of other people in search of a religious home. This is a gentle and inspiring story of one woman's journey to Judaism.

  • Not by Birth Alone: Conversion to Judaism - Jacob Homolka et al.
    This book is also a great resource. It's big, complete, and very easy to understand. It is also replete with humour and personal stories. It's a little more expensive than the others but I'd recommend it.

  • Converts & Conversion to Judaism - Rabbi Josef Lifland and Yoel Schwartz
    Written originally in Hebrew, this book is an important source tool for rabbinical and lay students, converts, and prospective converts to Judaism who want to delve into the intricate details of this incredible process as it is outlined in Jewish Law. Much more appropriate for those already familiar with the basics of Jewish observance and are interested in the religious basis for some of the practices and customs.

  • Embracing Judaism - Simcha Kling and Carl M. Perkins
    Again, this book is another primer on conversion to Judaism, but also includes personal stories. I would recommend this also.

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