Jewish Culture

Jewish Cultural Resources

Torah Superhighway
  • Maven, a HUGE Jewish resource

  • How to Run a Traditional Jewish Household - Blu Greenberg
    As an Orthodox woman, Blu offers a complete guide for maintaining a halakhically kosher household, from kitchen detail, to preparing for Shabbat, to living righteously as a Jewish person. This is highly valuable for those who desire to be as observant as possible and is written in a delighful manner interspersed with tales of her own Sabbath celebrations with her family.

  • Jewish Way in Love and Marriage - Maurice Lamm
    An orthodox view of male/female relationships and how to make these unions coincide and strengthen the couple's relationship with Judaism.

  • The First Jewish Catalog; A Do-It-Yourself Kit - Michael Strassfeld and Richard Siegel

  • Second Jewish Catalog - Michael and Sharon Strassfeld

  • Third Jewish Catalog - Michael and Sharon Strassfeld

  • The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism - Dennis Prager and Joseph Telushkin

  • To Pray as a Jew - Hayim Halevy Donin
    This is a very important resource for someone without a vast knowledge of Hebrew who still desires to understand synagogue and personal prayers, including historical and biblical interpretations.

  • The How-To Handbook for Jewish Living - Kerry Olitzky & Ronald Isaacs
    This book contains the particularls for synagogue service, prayer structure, and holiday observances with the originial Hebrew and transliterated text for all blessings. Every convert to Judaism should own this invaluable resource.
  • Gates of Shabbat: A Guide for Observing Shabbat - Rabbi Mark Dov Shapiro
    This is a lovely book on and for Shabbat, with inspirational readings to make your Shabbat more meaningful, as well as all the necessary blessings and traditions to make it halakhically kosher. This is a wonderful gift for yourself and recommended.

  • Rosh Hashanah Yom Kipper Survival Kit - Shimon Apisdorf
    This book is SUPERB! It provides a gentle, spiritual teaching about the High Holidays to those who may be new to Judaism or have drifted away, don't understand the liturgy or feel detached from services, or who simply don't comprehend Hebrew. I recommend this book to EVERY Jew-by-choice as well as their significant others. This is a must-have.

  • Passover Survival Kit - Simon Apisdorf
    A great compliment to the above volume for Pesach. Another must-have for "new" Jews and those seeking for knowledge of their traditions. This book will help make passover meaningful for everyone!


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