Woman and Judaism

Women and Judaism Literature

The Feminist Majority

Lilith Magazine

  • On Women and Judaism - Blu Greenberg
    Ms. Greenberg tackles two seemingly opposing entites, feminism and Orthodox Judaism, and somehow manages to reconcile the two.

  • Lesbiot - Tracy Moore, ed.
    A collection of personal stories of Jewish lesbians in Israel. Extremely personal and thoughtful.

  • Total Immersion: A Mikvah Anthology - Rivkah Slonim
    Whether as a Jewish woman you choose to observe the laws of niddah, this anthology is an amazing celebration of Judaism and womanhood. There are biblical tales, personal tales, and a few conversion tales with the cohesive element being the honor and acceptance of females through the warm and healing water of the mikvah. Strongly recommended for those converting and wedding a Jewish mate.

  • Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology - Evelyn Torton Beck
    A compilation of musing of and on being a lesbian, being a female, and being Jewish. A very unique collection.

  • To Be a Jewish Woman - Lisa Aiken
    A comprehensive guide to the implaications of being a Jewish female, practically and halakhically as well as spiritually.
  • Beginning Anew : A Woman's Companion to the High Holy Days - Gail Twersky Reimer, ed.


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