etiquette.gif (8807 bytes)

The etiquette guidelines below are made to promote a more respectful environment and a smoother-running game here at AAW. Please read them carefully, but remember that using common sense is normally enough. Sometimes good roleplaying may be in conflict with the etiquette, but always remember that GOOD ROLEPLAYING DOESNT MEAN KILLING FUN FROM OTHER PLAYERS. HOWEVER, PK characters must understand that sometimes they have to be prepared to take more than non-pk characters.

Channel behaviour

Consideration for Other Players

It is rude to pick up things that obviously belong to another player. Example, if someone drops a container while they are organizing their inventory, it is obviously theirs and it is not polite to take it.

Any discriminatory behavior demonstrated towards another player, including harassment and slurs will not be tolerated. If you are asked to stop even once, you STOP or an immortal will put a stop to it for you. THIS ALSO GOES FOR SOCIALS -- misuse of socials can be considered harassment as well. If you are a PK character, you should be ready to tolerate more, but making someones life impossible is not on, and may lead to severe punishment. Use common sense!

It is rude to join into a fight that is already in progress without invitation. This is called kill-stealing. It is also rude to attack a mob when you know someone is in the process of killing it, for example if they have just fled.

You should not summon a player without first asking them if it is ok to do so. They may be in the middle of battle or not want to be summoned. It is also recommended that you ask before you teleport to someone too. They could be having a private conversation or could even be in an area that could be dangerous to you if you teleported there. In addition to the above, you should not follow players without their consent.

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Edited by Seandr
November 23, 2004

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