List Of Player Races

In the beginning, at the character creation you have seven races from which to choose one. Races have different attributes and special features, and not every race and class is compatible together. For example, if you have chosen to be an elf, you cannot choose Dark Knight as your primary class. Here comes the races, and their extra statistics in beginning:

name size str int wis dex con cha lck abilities
Human 30 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 pc hands legs
Elf 20 +0 +1 +0 +1 -1 +0 +0 pc infra d_hidden hands legs
Drow 20 -1 +0 +1 +1 +0 -1 +0 pc infra d_hidden hands legs
Dwarf 20 +1 +0 +0 -1 +1 +1 +0 pc infra d_hidden hands legs
Hobbit 17 -1 +0 +0 +2 -1 +0 +2 pc infra d_hidden hands legs
Giant 60 +2 -2 -1 -1 +2 -2 +0 pc hands legs
Gnome 19 -1 +0 +2 +1 -1 -1 +1 pc infra hands legs
Orc 40 +1 -2 +0 +0 +1 -2 +0 pc infra hands legs

Unfortunately, just like the real world, racial hate exists, which leads to difficult situations every now and then. Some races just don't stand the other ones, and will discriminate and attack without hesitation. Stay alert!


Humans are the most "neutral" of all races. They have normal attribute levels yet are the most versatile in all the available professions. The human race has spread all over the realm and established several kingdoms. Their strengths are:
Hates Githyanki Vampire Werewolf Mindflayer
Class Mag Cle Asn War Psi Pal Dkn Dru Mnk Ncr


Elves are leaner in stature than humans yet on the average just as strong. They are more magical and dextrous than the average human. With their smaller frame, they are able to better dodge larger foes like giants and orcs. Unfortunately, elves are not so strong in bodily health; on the other hand, their magical nature aids them in recovering from the rigors of spell-casting. Due to ancient feuds and past dealings, elves have strong animosity toward a few races and they toward elves. At the present day the elves inhabit only a relatively small area in Brimlan. Elves have certain abilities available to them:
Hates Drow Ogre Orc Kobold Troll Hobgoblin Dragon Vampire Werewolf Goblin Halfkobold
Class Mag Cle Asn War Psi Pal Dru Ncr


Drow are commonly known as "dark elves" because of their dark-skinned complexions. Their stature closely resembles that of the elves and they gain bonuses and penalties for that. Normally evil in nature, they have developed strong animosity toward other races and vice versa. Drow are strongly tied to their deities and thus have developed the ability to obtain higher levels of wisdom. Drows have a strong community above and below the ground in a land called Vetrandus, where they live peacefully side by side with their (evil) human allies.Drows have certain abilities available to them.
Hates Elf Halfelf Hobbit Githyanki Vampire Werewolf
Class Mag Cle Asn War Psi Dkn Ncr


Dwarves are a race of hardy individuals known for their love of adventure and great food. Dwarves still hold their racial dislikes and prefer to act on them before anything else. Because of their squat stature, they gain certain size bonuses in combat yet are not as dextrous. Dwarves do have better bodily health than most civilized races due to racial development. Dwarves like to dwell in their mines, places such as the Mythos Mountains in Brimlan. Dwarves have certain abilities available to them:
Hates Giant Ogre Orc Kobold Minotaur Troll Hobgoblin Dragon Vampire Werewolf Goblin Halfkobold Bugbear
Class Cle War Psi Pal Ncr


Hobbits are small funloving creatures with a strong sense of family. Though occassionaly, a black sheep in the family has a strong desire for adventure. Hobbit have small frames and are quite agile. Because of their size, they gain certain advantages when fighting much larger foes but they are also picked upon by these large gruesome beasts too. Hobbit have certain abilities available to them:
Hates Giant Ogre Orc Kobold Minotaur Troll Hobgoblin Dragon Vampire Werewolf Goblin Halfkobold
Class Mag Cle Asn War Psi Pal Dkn Dru Ncr


Giants are large hulking humanoids with an overactive ego. They love picking upon those smaller than them. Not particularly bright nor agile, they rely more upon brute force than anything else. Another one of their assets (besides their great smell) is that their dense bodies heal up faster than in most races.

Hates Elf Halfelf Dwarf Halfdwarf Hobbit Vampire Werewolf Gnome
Class War Psi Dkn


Gnomes are small peace-loving creatures much like a mix of dwarves and hobbits. Not relatives of either race, gnomes do not carry the same number of negative feelings toward other races. Having on average less strength than many other races, they make up this deficiency through a higher than average wisdom, as well as the ability to recover quickly from using magic. Also agile, gnomes regularly rival hobbits in the inter-racial Olympics. Special features:
Hates Drow Ogre Orc Kobold Troll Hobgoblin Dragon Vampire Werewolf Goblin
Class Mag Cle Asn War Psi Pal Ncr


For many centuries there lived a vile race of creatures beneath the great mountains of Vetrandus. Cursed and reproached by the Elves, these creatures were driven underground where their hatred intensified and their blood boiled like the very heart of the mountains. Their skin became mottled by their years of exile and turned grey as the mountains themselves. They became ugly, selfish, and violent, their canines elongated and their society became an archipelago of tribes. Civil wars were common amongst these primitive brutes; bloody battles were raged which shook the mountains like trees in the wind. It was not until the year 160 that the race was unified as a single, terrible dominion. Over the years they slaved in the mountains, forging an Empire, and now they have risen from the bowels of Vetrandus and walk the land in search of vengeance. These creatures are known as orcs. Special features:
Hates Elf Halfelf Dwarf Halfdwarf Hobbit Vampire Werewolf Gnome Centaur
Class Mag Asn War Dkn Ncr

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Edited by Seandr
5th September, 2002

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