The Undernet source for CP2020 Free Form Role Play


Name: Dian Collins, aka Borderline

Age: 23

Race: Human, exotic

Occupation: Rockergirl

Background: Borderline grew up in the wild and unstable world of a nomad family. Frequent clashes with law enforcement made her bitter toward authority, especially the police. When she was 14 her family was ambushed by the cops and all but a handful were killed. Borderline was one of the survivors, but the brutality of the cops and the rape and humiliation she suffered at their hands left lasting scars. Her band members dead, the family in tatters, Borderline set out on her own to try and make it big in the rocker scene, but met with disappointment and failure in both career and relationships until she met Jens, the cyborg with a human heart whose power and soul seduced her. Now she not only has a new album produced by The Numan and a good chance at a music career, but also for the first time a love and a home to call her own.

Personality Profile: Borderline is a sensative and kind person, with high empathy and a growing sense of confidence in herself. She loves people and hates to see anyone hurt or sad. However, she will react with hostility to anyone affiliated with cops or corps.

Cybergear: Full body cosmetic job: exotic, leopard fur and tail; Cyberoptics: cat's eyes, low-light, filter, motion detection, anti-dazzle; Claws (rippers) on both hands and feet, retractable; fangs (modified vamps shaped like cat's teeth); CyberPlug in left wrist for smart-guitar

Favored Gear: Yamaha 788 Tronix Guitar, Holodyne Amp

Update: Borderline and Jens have adopted a street child, Sheelia

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