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Name: Gary Webb, aka Gary Numan, The Numan

Age: Chronological: 62; Biological: 32

Race: Human

Occupation: Rockerboy, CEO of NumaCorp

Background: Numan grew up in the UK before the collapse, first hitting the charts as a new wave artist in the late 70's with such now-anthems as "Are 'Friends' Electric?" and "Cars". His career lingered and occasionally faltered, punctuated by battles with the press and overly-controlling record companies, sparking the formation of his own recording company, Numa (later renamed NumaCorp), in 1980. He also developed during these years his skills as a pilot and as a marksman. In the mid-90's he made a huge comeback with his highly successful album 'Exile', eventually relocating himself and NumaCorp to Southern California in the middle of what was soon to become Night City. With the collapse, a whole new generation became literally obsessed with his material, most of which seemed to have predicted the very society they lived in in the 21st century, a world of overgrown technology and exploitation. Numan found himself to have more money and success than he had ever dreamed of. Poser gangs roamed the streets copying his imaginative styles and his albums were selling faster than they could be produced. He decided to open NumaCorp to the street rockers, the ones who hadn't had the same luck he had but needed a place where they could use the latest equipment without the fear of selling out to a MegaCorp, since Numan himself had come to loathe the censorship and control the entertainment corps like DreamCorp placed on those they contracted, and therefore made sure that his only role was as advisor and producer. He soon became the hero of the rockers, and was dubbed The Numan by Johnny Silverhand, who often said that Numan was the only corp he'd ever liked. Numan himself hated being called a corp, since NumaCorp was basically a family-run operation, consisting of himself, his parents Tony and Beryl until their retirement, his girlfriend Gemma, and his brother John. In 2000 a new addition was added to his staff, a son, Jack, named after his brother. In 2012, Numan and Gemma were almost killed in a car accident, resulting in a year of life-support and new cloned bodies for both of them, reducing their biological ages to 24 and 20 respectively. Numan continues to run NumaCorp as well as produce his own new music, and has recently helped Borderline to produce a Braindance entitled "Freedom". His latest hire is a mysterious but very effective bodyguard (among other things) named Cordane.

Personality Profile: Numan is known for a wry sense of humor and a quick tongue, both of which occasionally get him into trouble. He is usually guarded when first meeting people, wary of their intentions, but once someone has earned his trust he will go to the wall for them. If, however, you cross him, he is willing and able to bring all of his resources to bear in making sure it goes public, often single-handedly destroying the reputations of his enemies.

Cybergear: Subdermal armor; Skin Weave; CyberLink in left wrist for smart instruments

Favored Gear: MatriTech 4000 guitar; Holodyne amps; Morrisey CyberKeys Keyboard; AudioVox microphone; modified and armored black 1978 Corvette Stingray (he's the original owner and it's not a good idea to get fingerprints on The Numan's fave wheels, chombatta); restored Ruger 9mm P94 handgun

Notes: Numan also has high level skills in piloting both fixed wing and rotary aircraft, low-level orbital craft, and hovercraft. He specializes in aerobatics. He has a reputation that makes most people avoid causing him to draw his gun, having more-than-decent marksmanship. He can also proficiently operate most watercraft and motorcycles. One of his latest aquisitions is an Apache Longbow helicopter, used by the US Army at the turn of the millenium and now a collector's item extrordinaire (only 12 are known to have survived the PanAm War despite their excellent combat record), which he is restoring and updating a little.


Updates: On Numan's last adventure, he hired Trik Kriptik and his gang to do a quick and simple personnel retrieval after one of his top artists went missing. Trik managed to get into the boostergang hideout where singer Nance Jonas was being held hostage for failing to pay the boosters for some drugs she bought, but unfortunately for Trik, the boosters noticed him and nabbed him before he could get her out. After trying every other method to save his hide, Trik admitted he was in deep and jacked into the Matrix, alerting Numan's son Jackboot to his dilemma and imminent demise if something was done soon. Jack immediately resorted to the Numanoids, ordering in a platoon of Warriors, who were all too eager to get to use their bats in actual service of The Numan. After a bloody battle, Trik and Nance were freed, Nance was sent into rehab, and Trik got half his pay...after all, the rescuer needed rescuing.

Currently, Numan is vacationing at Sierra Survival, the hidden retreat for the preservation of humanity. With him are Gemma and Jack, who is still undergoing treatment to recover from a nearly fatal case of neural shock. While there, he is working to discover the mystery of what has happened to Borderline and her newly adopted daughter, Sheelia, who apparently is being hunted by both the British government and the outlawed psychic soldiers of Mindstar.


Note: The Numan is based on the real life Gary Numan by special permission. To find out more about Gary as he is in reality, visit My Shadow In Vain and Gary's own website NuWorld.

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