The Undernet source for CP2020 Free Form Role Play


Name: Jack Webb, aka JackBoot

Age: 20

Race: Human

Occupation: Netrunner, currently employed by NumaCorp

Background: Jack is the son of Numan and Gemma. He grew up with the wealth of NumaCorp at his disposal, but almost immediately showed a preference for the high speed world of cyberspace, becoming a recognized circuit cowboy by the age of 14 with a reputation for high risk pranks at the expense of the entertainment megacorps that tried to crush NumaCorp. He also came to rely on his father to bail him out of the many scrapes he got himself into, resulting in a rather careless attitude toward the dangers of making too many enemies in the net. To remedy this, he has recently written a bio encryption filter program that will disguise his brainwave signature long enough to allow him to jack in without alerting the hellhounds that are on his trail.

Personality Profile: Jack is used to getting his way and having the resources available to get what he wants, making up for a lack of caution and a love of danger. He can be wildly unpredictable, but is also known for generosity and loyalty to those he calls friend.

Cybergear: Larkspur Neural Processor (dataterm link, cybermodem link, 10 +3 MRAM chips); Interface Plug, back of neck

Favored Gear: SGI Elysia cyberdeck (speed +5, CPU 2, memory 30, datawalls +10, keyboard, videoboard, chip reader, voxbox, 120 mm scanner); full library of intrusion, decryption, and alarm/stealth/protection software; bio encryption filter; cell phone


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