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Roleplaying: Dark Future

R. Talsorian Games

Creators of the Cyberpunk RPG.

Digital @ccess

Entertaining and informative. Night City news, plus new tech, roles, more. Great site, updated monthly.

Spyder's CP2020 PBEM

PBEM due to start Aug 18. See his page and then email Spyder.

Mockery's Cyberpunk 2020

Incredible comprehensive site. Weapons, Gear, Ware, & much more.

Angry's CP2020 Weapons

A great archive for arming your character.

OWH's Cyberpunk 2020

Weapons, tips, gear, corps...just about all the info you need! Now with a chat room! A bit slower than IRC, but no client needed.

SuperDan's CP2020

Another complete resource page.

CP2020 Character Generation

Great tips and info for building a CP2020 character.

The Night City Sceamsheet

The latest dish from Night City itself! Great mood setter.

The Cyber Corporation

Check out Madison, WI in 2020 and stop by the Styles Bar & Grill.

Mockery's Links

More links than you can kill with a MASER cannon.

The Cyberpunk 2020 Domain

View eMail roleplay. Links.

Marc's Cheats

A must for those wanting to make sense out of the huge universe of CP2020.

The Free Form Role Players Association

Information on FFRP and other FFRP IRC channels.


Peter F. Hamilton

One of my favorite authors, Hamilton writes about post-global warming Great Britain. Along with Net hackers and Corporate takeovers, Hamilton has created the ultra cool Mindstar, psi-enhanced soldiers, the greatest of course being hero Greg Mandel. Books include Mindstar Rising, A Nano Murder, The Nano Flower, The Reality Dysfunction.

William Gibson

The founding father of cyberpunk, Gibson paints the ultimate picture of the Dark Future. Not to be missed is his classic Neuromancer. Other books include Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, Virtual Light. Also wrote Johnny Mnemonic.

Bruce Sterling

Cyberpunk co-founder and default spokesman, Sterling draws you into the technological overload with Islands in the Net. Other books include The Artificial Kid and The Hacker Crackdown (non-fiction). Co-wrote The Difference Engine with William Gibson. Edited Mirrorshades: the Cyberpunk Anthology. Check out the Literary Freeware Archive.

John Shirley

One of the hottest cyberpunk authors to come along since Gibson and Sterling. Catch a sample with The Exquisitely Bleeding Heads of Doktor Palmer Vreedeez. Books include The Brigade, A Song Called Youth series, Silicon Embrace. Co-wrote The Crow.

Neal Stephenson

Author of Snow Crash, Neal is a favorite (and fairly accessible) among many roleplayers. Check out this great sample of the Stephenson touch with his short story "Spew".

Phillip K. Dick

Dick's book "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" spun off into the great Blade Runner.

William S Burroughs

Most famous for Naked Lunch and The Soft Machine, Burroughs is beyond esoteric at times (I've yet to find a complete sentence from the man) and makes for some wierd reading, but offers a completely different look at the underculture of the Dark Future. This is the man who inspired William Gibson, as well as cyberpunk original musician Gary Numan.

Cyberpunk Fiction

Short stories in the cyberpunk genre online!

The Book List

A great cyberpunk reading list for those unsure where to start.

Marc's CP Print Review

Excellent reviews of Cyberpunk genre books.

Buy most of these books online at Amazon Books!


While not all of these movies are strictly cyberpunk, they all capture the flavor of the Dark Future.

Johnny Mnemonic

William Gibson's tale of the adventures of a mneumonic courier, carrying vital information in his head that will kill him if he doesn't get it out...or he can just leave it to the Yakuza, who would love to cut off his head to retrieve it. Stars Keanu Reeves as "Johnny..just Johnny".

Blade Runner

Based on Phillip K. Dick's "Do Andriods Dream of Electric Sheep?" this cyberpunk classic stars Harrison Ford as Deckard, a rogue replicant hunter in dark future Los Angeles. Great performance by Rutger Hauer. Also the source for alot of Gary Numan sampling and the inspiration for his song Time To Die.

Tank Girl

Funny and in-your-face, Tank Girl stars Lori Petty as the post-apocalyptic, post-feminist hero of the comic book by the same name. Be sure to check out the Tank Girl homepage! Blam!

The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai and the Hong Kong Cavaliers in the Eighth Dimension

One of the longest film titles ever...and a major cult classic. Peter Weller is Buckaroo Bonzai, race car driver, rock star, nobel-laureate physicist, and neurosurgeon, and the hero of his own comic book to boot! Buckaroo accidentally frees an exiled Red Plektroid madman who must be stopped before the Black Plecktroids destroy the Earth. Jeff Goldblum joins in one of his earliest roles as Buckaroo's surgeon buddy New Jersey. Remember, no matter where you go...there you are.

Mad Max, Road Warrior, Beyond Thunderdome

The Australian post-apocalypse series stars Mel Gibson as Mad Max, cop turned wandering hero as gangs battle over scarce gasoline. Stealing the spotlight from Gibson is the Interceptor, the last of the v8's. Check out the Mad Max Chronology and the hilarious Dan Man vs Mad Max.

Escape From New York, Escape from Los Angeles

Kurt Russell is Snake, fighting to survive and accomplish impossible missions in the Dark Future's two largest maximum security prisons. Also see the Unofficial Snake Enthusiasts Homepage.


Peter Weller is a Detroit cop turned cyborg. Stay out of trouble!

The Fifth Element

Okay, so it's set a few hundred years too far in the future to qualify as pure cyberpunk, but this movie conveys the cyberpunk lifestyle to a tee! Bruce Willis is NYC cab driver Korben Dallas, who also just happens to be an ex-army special forces officer and the only person who can save the Earth from evil invaders.

The Crow

Co-written by John Shirley, The Crow shows the mood of cyberpunk even if it doesn't qualify as strictly part of the genre. Brandon Lee's final movie has him portraying murder victim Eric Draven, who is brought back by a crow for his revenge.

Alien, Aliens, Alien III

Sigourney Weaver battles space bitch aliens. Gives a very good idea of Dark Future space travel and alien encounter.

Cyberpunk Films

For those who just can't get enough celluloid cyberpunk, enough movies to keep you happy until 2020. Also check out Recommended Viewing.

Marc's CP Movie Review

Marc Bernowitz lays it all out. Find out which CyberPunk movies are worth renting. Also check out Marc's TV, Anime, and Non-Fiction Video Review.

Check out more listings and vote for your favorite CyberPunk film at The Internet Movie Database under Genre: CyberPunk!


Gary Numan

(also see My Shadow In Vain)

He may not be well known, but Gary Numan was one of the original cyberpunk artists, even if he doesn't know what cyberpunk is (I'm working on it...he'll get it eventually). The real life inspiration for The Numan, Gary wrote funky cyberpunk-themed songs in the early 80's, taking his inspiration from William S. Burroughs and Phillip K. Dick. Albums Replicas and Telekon are his purest cyberpunk works, with sci-fi musings about the merging of man and machine. Gary himself served as inspiration for the current generation of cyberpunk artists, including Gravity Kills, Pop Will Eat Itself, and Nine Inch Nails.

Numan's UBL Card

Gravity Kills

Amazing guitars and awesome vocals make this band a must have in your cd collection.

GKills' UBL Card

Pop Will Eat Itself

With a name like that, you know they aren't boring. Rude, loud, original, never the same thing twice.


Nine Inch Nails

They don't know slow, and they don't know soft...what they know is great Industrial! (Guess what...Trent Reznor is gonna be doing a remix of Numan's latest album Exile...I can't wait!)

NIN's UBL Card

Sisters of Mercy

Gothic cyberpunk from the band who gave us Temple of Love and Something Fast.

SoM's UBL Card

Econoline Crush

Bren's pick for most awesome band of all time, both cyberpunk and otherwise.

EC's UBL Card

Sister Machine Gun

Cory's hot pick for Metal/Industrial. New album (and webpage) due out July 15...Metropolis!

SMG's UBL Card

The Prodigy

Also see The Prodigy, The Master of Techno

Prodigy's UBL Card


Yet more awesome Techno CyberPunk.

UW's UBL Card

Search The Ultimate Band List

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Note: A huge THANK YOU! to Marc Brenowitz for sending me some great additional CP links!

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