Simple as ABC


Using your treats, hold one in each hand and let the puppy know you have them. Take a treat from his nose to your eyes...he should watch the treat. Give him a YES or CLICK/TREAT the second you reach your eyes. Do this many times then progress to holding both hands out away from your body and the puppy will naturally look at your hands. Keep a very close eye on him and watch "his eyes" and the split second they connect with "your" eyes, give him a YES or CLICK/TREAT. The idea is to get the puppy to look at "you" not the treat. At first he may look at you for a mere second, it doesn't matter...give him the YES and a treat or CLICK/TREAT immediately. Once he is looking at you fairly often then you add the command "WATCH ME."

To work with your dog on heel, you will fold your leash several times over itself and hold it in your right hand. Your left hand stays OFF the leash.

The first step to teaching your dog to heel is to have him in a sit position at your left side. The proper heel position is to have the neck of the dog in line with your left leg. To begin the heel exercise, step off with your left leg, hold a treat in the position you want your dog to walk in and lure him along. Give a YES or CLICK/TREAT while you are walking and the dog is in the proper position. The first step is slightly smaller than a normal step. After about 6 or 7 steps, give the command "Doggie Sit" and put him in a sit position beside you. Don't wait for the dog to sit, lure him into a sit position for a week or so even if he is starting to do it himself. It will take timing on your part, but when you are coming to the halt, give the command slightly prior to stopping, and when you stop, stop on your left leg and bring your right leg up to it. The dog learns to "follow" the lead of your leg, and you want him to stop in the correct positon. If when you stop and get the dog to sit, and he gets up...say "NO" and give the command "Doggie Sit" once again. Practice going in different directions such as an about turn. Once the dog is following your lead, start using the command "Doggie HEEL" prior to stepping off. When you go to do an about turn, give the command "Doggie Heel" before making the turn so he knows something new is about to happen. Your left foot will be slightly turned as you lure the dog around you. Practice heeling and do some quick stops as your dog progresses. Also practice your sit, stand, down commands with your heeling exercise. You want your dog to follow your commands, not anticipate what is coming, so vary your exercise routine to keep it interesting. Once your dog has learned the "WATCH ME" command, it is easy to keep his attention on you during heeling.

Once your dog is heeling fairly well, you will start doing what is called "slow" and "fast". While heeling, give your dog another "doggie heel" command (remember this is to let him know something is about to happen) and gradually go into a slow heel. A slow heel is not shorter steps, just slower. It must be noticeably slower than your normal heel pace. After about 6 steps give another "doggie heel" command and gradually ease back into your normal pace. The same hold true for the "fast." Command first, ease into it then command and ease out of it. The "fast" is a brisk heel. No need to run, just pick up your pace somewhat from your normal heel. Keep him in the proper heel position no matter how slow or fast you are going. PRAISE him!!! Use the treats! Keep his attention on you!

Things to remember:
...Start your heel exercise with dog on your left side in sit position.
...Give the command first, then step off with your "left" leg.
...Give a "doggie heel" command before making your about turn.
...Talk to him during heeling, praise him when he's doing well!

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