*My Blog*

[//May 31st|7:50 p.m.]

[//mood] sunburnt O.o

[//music] no music yet again..

It's a new day. I also woke up very early today- but not as early as compared to yesterday- i woke up at like 5:30 O.o thats the earliest i've ever woken up before in my entire life. seriously. all for that water thing too. yesterday i got sunburnt, which was really really sad considering the fact that i was wearing a hat, a t-shirt and pants. get this- i got a v shaped sunburn from my v-neck t-shirt (omg.. so many hypens) HOW SAD IS THAT? today, like half my face got burnt off. *owwie.. it hurts:'(* and i also saw mikhail today. what a retard. have i ever mentioned just HOW MUCH I HATE THAT FUCKING IDIOT?! Well i do... just in case that i haven't.

lol. asides from that- today was ok. boring but ok. you now what? life is boring. i've never really realised that until like two weeks ago. you live and then you die. whats the point of going through all that trouble just to make your life good? like seriously... it's just going to end anyway. not like everyone can live forever. and why would you want to live forever anyway? when you're all old and wrinkly- you won't have any strength to do anything. like seriously. think about. when you look at it... there really isn't any point to living. not that i'm going to try to commit suicide.. O.o omg.. i sound so.. depressing! maybe all that sun exposure has gotten to my head- which could happen because right now my skin feels like it needs about 100 bottles of moisturizers! (my poor poor face:()

speaking of moisturizers... that reminds me of makeup. i desperately need to buy new coverup- my good ones are used up and my covergirl one is crap and my wet n wild one is the shittest thing ever. it doesn't even do anything. its like a bar.. thats invisible on ure skin. and to think i wasted 5 bucks on that when i could've gotten a new lipstick! (the choice was between the shitty coverup and the lipstick that works.) damn. i have a hard time making decisions. i should've chosen the lipstick! *wails* *sobbing in memory of lost opportunity*

i should really be practising my piano- my exam is next week, which i am so screwed for. like seriously, my life has got to be one of the most screwed up lives that i know. first of all, all this pressure in school, then my exam next week, and the math which i really don't get and my moving to saskatoon and fear of being a loner. hey! it could happen! if you look at the movies, the people who were always popular in middle school were LONERS in high school. i am so scared. i don't know anyone in saskatoon. nobody. O.o. what if they don't like me? if they don't like me then i'll have no friends! *panics* it's not like i'm a outgoing person- i'm actually really really shy, believe it or not. and i'm also really weird (don't even try to deny that one.) and what if people think i'm a freak? you know, the saying that you can never not have friends is totally not true because there was this one girl in my class in grade six and everyone like hated her and she had no friends. so that kind of puts a dander on that saying. geez.... this is so like pressuring. :| got to go destress from stupid everyday life with a nice hot shower.

wait.. how am i supposed to take a nice long shower when my face needs like heavy moisturizing!O.o there goes my destressing techinique. oh gosh. what am i going to do. (shut up about the gosh thing, i know its kind of stupid but whatever. it's not like i want to piss off God by using His name in the wrong way. i should totally stop that. i mean i've already stopped saying i swear to [insert the you-know-what word] in here. it took a lot of willpower. maybe thats where all my willpower went- into not saying "i swear to [insert you-know-what word here]. *thinking face* must gain more. damn... i wish you could buy willpower:'(

[//And there were none..]

[//May 30th|5:36 p.m.]

[//mood] happy

[//music] no music.. im not listening to any.

Well.. this is my first official entry in my *new* online journal- I kind of destoryed my other one because I couldn't make it pretty... unlike this one. *smiles* I'm soo proud of this site- I swear! It's so nice... and pretty... and nice...:) I got like two parts finished today- just today! I got my friends (semi-done because I still have to add more pplz) and my blog. Well... technically, this is my first entry so its like at least started, right? Anyways...I'm just looking at my old LJ and it looks so bad compared to this one. Now, this one, my friends, beats the pants off of the other one. I should really find an icon thing or avatar to put in the beginning of all my blog entries. I look at other people's blogs.. and they're so pretty! I bet those people are geniuses.. unlike me. I just like copy and paste codes from places to places. How very sad. -_-'

Anyways, enough of my computer inabilities. Now.. onto a different subject... homework. I am seriously so screwed- like you wouldn't believe. I have to read Le Petit Prince and write another chapter for it for tuesday. Today is sunday... and I also have math, a math test on tuesday (which I'm going to get answers for from Alex) and my piano exam's officially next Monday. I haven't practised. Omg.. I am such a slacker. I should really start developping some WILLPOWER! That's right, I've been through this therapy before! I need willpower! Without willpower, you can accomplish nothing! I have got to get the will to practise my piano! And do my homework! But..see...I have a plan for that. I'm going to practise piano tonight and go through everything, no matter how much I hate scales and read Le Petit Prince and jot down what the basic idea of my chapter is before I'm going to bed and tomorrow at track I will kind of complete it and perhaps.. do my math homework while working. Hopefully, Mr. Marcus doesn't notice because he hates people doing math. Oh, crap! I forgot, I have to bring in my grad speech to Mme. Dubreuil! Ah well.. i will send it to somebody that's not going to track and get them to give it Mme. Dubreuil. Now, why didn't I think of that before? Ok. Now about that willpower. I HAVE TO ACHIEVE WILLPOWER! I am nothing without it. Omg.. why am I such a slacker?! Ok, from now on, I will do my math homework at home and DO NOT FORGET MY ENGLISH TEST AT SCHOOL!:'( Ok, this is a depressing subject. I'm going to talk about my website now. ITS SO PRETTY! I'm so glad I made it!:) Anyways, I better go because I want to show Justin my site. He better like it lol. Oh and Jay, if you're reading this- none of the other links work 'cept for Home, My Friends (which is not done yet, you will be on it) and About Me (which is also not finished).

[//And then there were none//]

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