*My Friends*

Well.. as you can guess, this is the part of my site where I talk about my friends. XD! Please don't be upset if you don't see your name here right now, or whenever you see my site. Just remember that this site is under construction and typing up profiles about my friends and then finding avatars for them isn't as easy as counting 1, 2, 3. (Blah.. i wish -_-') Linking things is difficult too.. The only purpose that I haven't added up the profiles of all of my friends is because I want to make sure that everything is running on my site before I add the numerous details. So please, please don't get upset if you don't see your name in my best friends column- I just simply haven't gotten to you yet!:) lots of luv..xox Jess.

*My Best Friends*

[//identity] Thea
[//d.o.b] August 17th
[//stands at] 5'1 or 5'0
[//nationality] Canadian
[//hair colour] brown
[//eye colour] blue
[//personality] Thea is one my bestest friends in the entire world! I love her to death! I have so many fun times with her... so much that I can't even remember them all! To describe Thea, I'd simply put... HYPER! We have so many hyper times together. Lol. Being with Thea is always a blast. She's very kind- like she would always stand by you, whether you're wrong or right. She's loyal and caring and when you need somebody to dish all your dirty secrets or to vent- she's there for you. She's the kind of person that you can tell anything and everything to, no matter how bad because she will never betray you. She also has a great sense of humor, I mean, half the time, she makes me laugh my ass off! (Which isn't easy!) Thea is also like my rock. I tell her everything and anything, whatever bothers me, who I like, whatever, the first person that I always tell is Thea. (no offence to the rest of my friends, of course, I love you all but it's just that i don't know but Thea's my rock so therefore, her role of being my rock is to know pratically all my secrets, not that the rest of my best friends don't know any secrets about me..) Ah.. lol.. i love my Thea/rock!:)

[//identity] Val
[//d.o.b] June 1st
[stands at] 5'1 and a half or 5'2
[//nationality] Canadian
[//hair colour] red/auburn
[//eye colour] hazel
[//personality] Ah.. Val-poo... lol. Valpoo is Thea's bestest bestest friend- they've known each other since before kindergarten!)O.o! However, they're not the exact same, in fact, I would kind of call them opposites. (In certain ways of course) Val is the exact same as Thea when it comes to trust issues and venting problems although, she's not as crazy or coffee-loving like Thea. For example: she probably wouldn't walk up to a stranger and say: "Do you remember me?" (which is a strange habit of Thea's), She is more calm and level-headed and.. unblonde. Unlike me and thea. lol. Val is always the smart one:) Val is in a sense, more sensitive than Thea. However, that does not mean that Val will burst out in tears if you call her ugly or something stupid like that (that statement was only used as an example- NO TRUTH IN IT AT ALL!) It's just that Thea has an amazing insult-barrier. SHe hardly gets hurt at the statements hurled at her by *cough*cough*nolan*cough*cough*kevin*cough*cough. But being sensitive and level-headed does not not make Val a fun person to be around- she is very interesting and fun! We like to have conversations about nothing. lol.

[//d.o.b] May 21st
[//stands at] I have no idea whatsoever..:S
[//nationality] French-Canadian
[//hair colour] brown
[//eye colour] brown/hazel
[//personality] Kim-poo has got to be the randomest person ever. lol. sometimes when we're all alone, she'd snort and start laughing about nothing. Kim-poo is also a skater/punk, which means she hates rap. Kim is a real individualist and has her own opinions and voices them- she doesn't care whether anybody agrees with her or not. For example: she luvs Blink 182, but half the people in our class think they suck, however, that doesn't stop Kim from voicing her love of Blink 182. lol. Kim-poo is also my Spongy partner- because we're the only two people out of our "four musketeers" who love Spongebob as much as life itself. (Thea and Val hates him:() Kim is sometimes shy when you first get to know her but she's very outspoken once you know her really well. She also has random fits of pervertness in the changeroom and likes to kick pplz butts (literally). She's also very krazee. like thea. lol. she has a really really funny laugh because she snorts. Me and kimpoo have our own dance routine to "Toxic", which Thea was a part of too for this project (however, we screwed up. O.o.. luckily it wasn't our project:S) Kimpoo has a really cute puppy-wuppy named Tasha. :)

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