Tanalyn Av'colb's
Hatching Story

This story was written by Angelina for the hatching of clutches #25,26,27,28, and 29 at Dragonskies Adoptions! This was when little Tanalyn hatched! This hatching took place on the 16th day of October in the 1998th year of our era.

Angelina frantically checked the list, praying she had enough applicants here. It had been an exhausting few weeks trying to get everything ready for such a large amount of eggs, noting the amazement of the applicants of the large twin eggs that were on the sands, four in all. She nodded to her various staff members, most who were among the applicants awaiting hatching to begin. She waited for Diana to join her. Randaar and Kamlyn had stayed at the agency to help visitors, but Colbaar and Avlyn hovered next to their clutch proudly, so this hatching, Angelina stood without any of her bondmates. Just as she was about to ask Diana for the final count, the first egg rocked.

Jerdaar and Noralyn beamed as their first hatchling emerged clumsily, her tiny orange wings unfurling. She headed for her father and his bondmate, Sarafina. Lilli rushed forward to help the next hatchling from its egg, and the little pink followed her back to the proud Noralyn. The third egg hatched, and a gleaming brown stepped elegantly to the sands. He looked around and chose Jakie, crooning softly. The final egg shattered, sending pieces flying. The little blue tumbled to the sand, landing right side up, with a very mischievious expression. He managed to stand and ran straight for SummerSong. The large twin egg rolled to one side before breaking open. The two tiny dragons blinked in surprise. The little white female chose Lady Maya, and her twin gold brother soon found Aurora after sniffing through a large group of applicants.

Draxaar and Krinalyn watched as three eggs broke open together from their clutch, spilling a brown, orange, and a pink to the sands. The little brown soon found Meaghan and his mother, and his orange sister decided she liked Skysong. The pink hesitated, surveying the applicants before finally going to Asreena. The twin egg rocked violently, but its smaller clutchmate broke shell first. The tiny green greeted he world with a chorus of dragon giggles before going to nestle at her father's feet and the applicant he'd brought with him, Dylin. As everyone wondered at the rumors of a new color of dragon, the twin egg from this clutch split open, revealing two tiny teal dragons in the rubble. The little female ran for Zella and her twin choose Lilli, who gathered both of her new hatchlings in her arms proudly.

Jerivaar and Donalyn displayed much excitement as they watched the first egg of their six egg clutch begin to hatch. The little pink who emerged headed for her father and his bondmate, Meaghan, and cuddled up to the little brown already at her side. A large yellow tumbled to the sands next, making decisively for Fireflii. Two small oranges hatched next, one going to join the brown already with Jakie, and the other choosing Amarandath. The twin egg actually broke before the last egg, revealing two male hatchlings, one black and one silver. They both ran for Halzska, who gathered them to her laughingly. The final egg splintered open, and the purple looked around to make sure he was not upstaged by the twins. Satisified that everyone noticed him, he chose Lady Maya for his bondmate.

Colbaar and Avlyn, the only dragons on the sands without a twin egg in their clutch, watched proudly as the eggs started to hatch. A red emerged first, holding his head regally as he chose Kristan. His pink sister followed quickly, chosing Sabynia for her bondmate. A little green tumbled from her egg and gave a pained squawk as her wing got caught underneath her. Jalti rushed forward to her rescue and beamed proudly as he carried her away from the other eggs. A blue emerged next, his attention immediately drawn to Emily Shade. Two purples hatched simultaniously, with the first choosing Rasilvenaira and the second stopping to croon lovingly at Mary Gibson. The largest yellow anyone had ever seen emerged from her egg, staring at the applicants disdainfully before choosing Azrielen. The three final eggs hatched in succession, all revealing brown occupants. The first ran for Anicyn826, and his brother chose Trinity. The last brown studied several already bonded applicants before finding Hydee in the group.

Robaar and Sharlyn beamed as the first two eggs from their huge twenty egg clutch produced yellow hatchlings. Halzska gave up trying to hold her hatchlings when the first yellow chose her, and sat on the sands with the three babies covering her in dragon kisses. The second choose DawnSong, and Aurora watched happily as a little blue joined the gold already at her side. Skysong was nearly knocked down by the insistant little green who hatched next, and her equally aggressive purple brother joined his father and Silvera Tiera. A red hatched next, making his way tentatively to Tara. Two greens tumbled to the sands, their wings glistening emerald in the torchlight. One chose Claire, and the other amazed Andalite Girl by choosing her, a non-human. Venus watched as a purple male ignored all others to come straight to her. The twin egg hatched next, upstaging its clutchmates. The black male and silver female chose Kiwi and cuddled up to each other at their mother's feet. To top the day's amazing events, six eggs shattered at once, putting the twin hatching out of the limelight as three browns and three oranges began their search for bondmates. A brown stopped at Emmie's feet, gazing at her with hopeful eyes. The second brown chose Rasilvenaira, and the third was scooped up happily by Gryphon. The oranges took their time finding a bondmate, the first finally deciding she liked Shannon. Kristan beamed when one orange joined her, and the third chose Apache47. Following the six-egg stunt, a tiny pink emerged, making her way delicately to the arms of the pregnant Lissy Solo-Thrawn. The tiniest egg on the sands hatched at last, revealing the most delicate orange anyone had seen. She made her way determinedly to Wyvern. A large blue left his egg next, leaving only one egg unhatched. He chose Kithan, who gathered his bondmate in his arms joyfully. The final egg hatched, and the red hatchling studied several already bonded applicants before giggling at the joke he was playing on Calli. She gathered him up with a fond smile.

Angelina watched as the newly bonded left the sands with their babies, glad that something had caused the hatchlings to double bond applicants, rather than remain on the sands alone. "Maybe we'll have no abandoned dragons this time," she remarked to Diana, who looked relieved. "That'll make my list keeping much easier," she said. They followed the others from the sands, already planning for the next hatching.

Tanalyn's Siblings!

Red Yysaar - Kristan

Blue Worriaar - Emily Shade

Green Caytlyn - Jalti

Purple Oinaar - Rasilvenaira

Purple Pinaar - Mary Gibson

Pink Krimlyn - Sabynia

Brown Jaliaar - Anicyn826

Brown Rendaar - Hydee

Brown Tamaar - Trinity

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