Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih


  • AL 09 00 | - Outlines
  • AL 09 01 | - Defintion
  • AL 09 02 | - Laws of logarithm
  • AL 09 03 | - Inverse function of logarithm
  • AL 09 04 | - Common logarithm (base 10)
  • AL 09 05 | - Why is common logarthm called Briggs logaithm
  • AL 09 06 | - Natural logarithm y = ln(x)
  • AL 09 07 | - Find ln(2)
  • AL 09 08 | - Find ln(3)
  • AL 09 09 | - Use ln(2) to find ln(x)
  • AL 09 10 | - Use ln(2) and ln(3) to find ln(x)
  • AL 09 11 | - Use log10(2) and log10(3) to find log10(x)
  • AL 09 12 | - The logarithmic family functions
  • AL 09 13 | - Find log2(64) where log2(64) is log(64) to base 2
  • AL 09 14 | - Find log3(81) where log3(81) is log(81) to base 3
  • AL 09 15 | - Find log4(64) where log4(64) is log(64) to base 4

  • Answers

    AL 09 01. Definition

    • If 10^x = b, then log10(b) = x.
    • Where log10(b) is log(b) to the base 10.
    • Since 10^1 = 10, hence log10(10) = 1.
    • Since 10^0 = 1, hence log10(1) = 0.
    Symbol on computer
    • ^ means power. Example 2^3 = 8.
    • * means multiplication. Example 2*3 = 6.
    • e^x means e to power x.
    • log5(x) means log(x) to base 5.

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    AL 09 02. Formula

    • Log(A*B) = Log(A) + Log(B)
    • Log(A/B) = Log(A) - Log(B)
    • Log(A^n) = n*Log(A)
    • Log(1) = 0
    Natural logarithm
    • It is ln(x) with base e.
    • ln(e) = 1.
    • if y = ln(x) then x = e^y.
    Change base formula
    • Log10(x) = ln(x)/ln(10)
    • Example : Use calculator find log5(10) which is log(1) to base 5.
      • Method 1 : log5(10) = ln(10)/ln(5) = 2.302585/1.609438 = 1.430676
      • Method 2 : log5(10) = log10(10)/log10(5) = 1/0.698970 = 1.430676

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    AL 09 03. Inverse of logarithm

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    AL 09 04. Common logarithm

    • It is also called Briggs logaithm.
    • Log10(x) is log(10) to base 10.
    • Special values
      • log10(0.0001) = -4
      • log10(0.001) = -3
      • log10(0.01) = -2
      • log10(0.1) = -1
      • log10(1) = 0
      • log10(10) = 1
      • log10(100) = 2
      • log10(1000) = 3
      • log10(10000) = 4

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    AL 09 05. Why is common logarthm called Briggs logaithm

    • Henry Briggs (1561-1639) prepared the common logarithmic table.
    • The Briggs logarithm table covers numbers from 1 to 1000 accurate to 14 places.
    • The methods prepare the table by Briggs : Examples
    • Example 1
      • Since Sqr(10) = 3.16227....,
      • Hence log10(3.162277...) = 0.5
    • Example 2
      • 10^(3/4) = Sqr(31.62277...) = 5.623413...,
      • Hence log10(5.623413...) = 0.75
    • Example 3
    • log10(5.623413...) + log10(3.162277...) = 0.75 + 0.25
    • log10(17.782794...) = 1.25

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    AL 09 06. Natural logarithm y = ln(x)

    • It is also called Napirian logarithm or hyperbolic logarithm.
    • Natural logarithm is expresses as ln(x).
    • The base is e = 2.718....
    • Why did it call Napirian logarithm ?
    • Since the logarithm function implies in Napir's defintion in logarithm.
    y = ln(x)
    • Equivalent exponent : x = e^y.
    • Derivative : y' = 1/x
    • Series : ln(1+x) = x - (x^2)/2 + (x^3)/3 - (x^4)/4 + ....
    • Series : ln(1-x) = -(x + (x^2)/2 + (x^3)/3 + (x^4)/4 + ....)
    • Inverse of y = ln(x) is y = e^x,
      • e^(ln(x)) = x
      • ln(e^x) = x
    • Properties of y = ln(x)
      • x must be greater than 0. Hence the curve has no y-intercept.
      • x = 1 and y = 0.
      • x = 0 and y = -infinite.
      • x = e and y = 1.
      • The curve is always increasing.
      • The curve is concave downward.

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    AL 09 07. Find ln(2)

    Calculator method
    • ln(2) = 0.6931471....
    Series method : Use ln(1+x) to find ln(2)
    • Use series of ln(1+x) and let x = 1
    • ln(2) = 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 - ....
    • ln(2) = 1 - 0.5 + 0.33333 - 0.25 + 0.2 - 0.16667 + ...
    • Converge very slow
    Series method : Use ln(1-x) to find ln(2)
    • Use series of ln(1-x) and let x = 0.5
    • ln(1/2) = -(1/2 + (1/2)^2/2 + (1/2)^3/3 + (1/2)^4/4 + ....)
    • ln(1/2) = -(0.5 + 0.125 + 0.0416666 + 0.015625 + 0,00625 + 0.0026041 +...)
    • ln(1/2) = -0.6915057
    • Since ln(1/2) = ln(1) - ln(2) and ln(1) = 0
    • Hence ln(2) = 0.6915057
    • Discussion
      • It only accurate to 2 decimal place by using first 7 terms.
      • This is much better than using series of ln(1+x)
      • From this example we see that the calculation of ln(x) is not easy.
      • Hence we need ln(x) table before the calculator is available.

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    AL 09 08. Find ln(3)

    Calculator method
    • ln(3) = 1.098612289
    Use seires of ln(1+x)
    • We use series of ln(1+x) and let x = 0.5
    • ln(3/2) = 1/2 - (1/2)^2/2 + (1/2)^3/3 - (1/2)^4/4 + ....)
    • ln(3/2) = 0.5 - 0.125 + 0.0416666 - 0.015625 + 0.00625 - 0.0026041 +...)
    • Hence ln(3/2) = 0.3211543...
    • Since ln(3/2) = ln(3) - ln(2) = 0.3211543
    • ln(3) = 0.6915057 + 0.3211543 = 1.01266

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    AL 09 09. Use ln(2) to find ln(x)

    Find ln(4)
    • ln(2) = 0.69314718
    • ln(4) = ln(2^2) = 2*ln(2) = 1.38628436
    Find ln(8)
    • ln(2) = 0.69314718
    • ln(8) = ln(2^3) = 3*ln(2) = 2.07944154
    Find ln(16)
    • ln(2) = 0.69314718
    • ln(16) = ln(2^4) = 4*ln(2) = 2.77258872

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    AL 09 10. Use ln(2) and ln(3) to find ln(x)

    Find ln(6)
    • ln(2) = 0.69314718 and ln(3) =1.09861229
    • ln(6) = ln(2*3) = ln(2) + log(3) = 1.79175957
    Find ln(1.5)
    • ln(2) = 0.69314718 and ln(3) =1.09861229
    • ln(1.5) = ln(3/2) = ln(3) - ln(2) = 0.40546511
    Find ln(0.75)
    • ln(1.5/2) = ln(1.5) - ln(2)
    • = 0.40546511 - 0.69314718 = -0.28768207

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    AL 09 11. Use log10(2) and log10(3) to find log10(x)

    Question : Given that log10(2) = 0.30103 and log10(3) = 0.47712
      Find log10(1.5)
      • Log10(1.5) = log10(3/2) = log10(3) - log10(2)
      • log10(1.5) = 0.17609
      Find log10(6)
      • Log10(6) = log10(3) + log10(2)
      • log10(6) = 0.77815
      Find log10(9)
      • Log10(9) = log10(3^2) = 2*log10(3)
      • log10(9) = 1.43136

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    AL 09 12. The logarithmic family functions

    Inverse hyperbolic functions
    • arcsinh(x) =
    • arccosh(x) =
    • arctanh(x) =
    • arccsch(x) =
    • arcsech(x) =
    • arccoth(x) =

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    AL 09 13. Find log2(64) which is log(64) to base 2

    Use log(x^m) = m*log(x)
    • log2(64) = log4(2^6)
    • log2(64) = 6*log2(2) = 4
    By defintion
    • Let Log4(64) = x, then 64 = 2^x.
    • 64 = 2^6 and hence x = 6
    Use ln(x) on calculator
    • Change base formula
    • log2(64) = ln(64)/ln(4) = 4.15888308/0.693147181 = 6
    • or
    • log2(64) = ln(64)/ln(2) = ln(2^6)/ln(2) = 6*ln(2)/ln(2) = 6

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    AL 09 14. Find log3(81) which is log(81) to base 3

    Use log(x^m) = m*log(x)
    • log3(81) = log3(3^4)
    • log3(81) = 4*log3(3) = 4
    By defintion
    • Let Log3(81) = x, then 81 = 3^x.
    • 81 = 3^4 and hence x = 4
    Use ln(x) on calculator
    • Change base formula
    • log3(81) = ln(81)/ln(3) = 4.394449155/1.098612289 = 4
    • or
    • log3(81) = ln(81)/ln(3) = ln(3^4)/ln(3) = 4*ln(3)/ln(3) = 4

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    AL 09 15. Find log4(64) which is log(64) to base 4

    Use log(x^m) = m*log(x)
    • log4(64) = log4(4^3)
    • log4(64) = 3*log4(4) = 3
    By defintion
    • Let Log4(64) = x, then 64 = 4^x.
    • 64 = 4^3 and hence x = 3
    Use ln(x) on calculator
    • Change base formula
    • log4(64) = ln(64)/ln(4) = 4.15888308/1.38629436 = 3
    • log4(64) = ln(64)/ln(4) = ln(4^3)/ln(4) = 3*ln(4)/ln(4) = 3

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    AL 09 00. Outlines

    • Log(A*B) = Log(A) + Log(B)
    • Log(A/B) = Log(A) - Log(B)
    • Log(A^n) = n*Log(A)
    • Log(1) = 0
    Natural logarithm
    • It is ln(x) with base e.
    • ln(e) = 1.
    • if y = ln(x) then x = e^y.
    Change base formula
    • Log10(x) = ln(x)/ln(10)
    Inverse of ln(x)
    • Inverse of ln(x) is e^x and ln(e^x) = x
    • Inverse of e^x = ln(x) and e^(ln(x)) = x

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