Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

Examples in Analytic Geometry

  • AN 27 01 | - Study the curve y = 1/(2*x)
  • AN 27 02 | - Study the graph of R = 1 + 1*sin(11*A/4)^M
  • AN 27 03 | - Convert (x/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1 to polar form
  • AN 27 04 | - Convert R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A)) to rectangular form
  • AN 27 05 | - Find equation of directrix of (x/5)^2 + (y/4)^2 = 1
  • AN 27 06 | - Study the graph of y = x + 1/x
  • AN 27 07 | - Study the graph of y = x^2 + 1/x
  • AN 27 08 | - Properties of ((x-2)/5)^2 + ((y+3)/3)^2 = 1
  • AN 27 09 | -
  • AN 27 10 | -

  • Answers

    Q01. Study the curve of y = 1/(2*x)

    Properties of the curve
    • 1. It is symmetrical to line y = x
    • 2. It has asymptotes x = 0 and y = 0
    • 3. It is a function
    • 4. The signs of y
      • If x LT 0, y is negative (Curve is in 4th quadrant)
      • If x GT 0, y is positive (Curve is in 1st quadrant)
    • 5. Signs of y' = -1/(2*x^2)
      • If x LT 0, y' is negative (Curve is decreasing)
      • If x GT 0, y' is negative (Curve is decreasing)
    • 6. Signs of y' = -1/(x^3)
      • If x LT 0, y" is negative (Curve is concave downward)
      • If x GT 0, y' is positive (Curve is concave upward)
    Prove that the curve is symmetrical to line y = x or y = -x
    • If the curve is rotate 45 degrees, the equation is
      • 1/(x^2) - 1/(y^2) = +1. It is hyperbola with principal axis y = 0
      • 1/(x^2) - 1/(y^2) = -1. It is hyperbola with principal axis x = 0
    • Since y = 1/(2*x) is hyperbola with principal axis y = x
    • Hence the curve y = 1/(2*x) is symmetrical to line y = +x (its own inverse)
    • Hence the curve y = 1/(2*x) is symmetrical to line y = -x
    • Rotation reference : See AN 14
    Prove that the curve is symmetrical to line y = x using inverse property
    • If A(1, 1/2) is a point on curve
    • Then B(1/2, 1) is also a point on inverse
    • Hence points A and B are on curve y = 1/(2*x)
    • Slope of AB = (1 - 1/2)/((1/2) - 1) = -1
    • Hence AB is perpendicular to the line y = x
    • Mid point AB is xm = (1 + 1/2)/2 = 0.75 and ym = (1/2 + 1)/2 = 0.75
    • Hence the mid point of AB is on line y = x
    • Hence A and B are symmetrical to the line y = x
    • Grphic calculator Program 03 08
    • Load the program
    • Click start to get menu
    • Click 03 in upper box
    • Click 08 in lower box
    • Give data for y = 1/(2*x) : 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0

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    Q02. Study the graph of R = 1 + 1*sin(11*A/4)^3

    Diagram in application program
    • Patterns Program 21 10
    • Load the program
    • Click menu
    • Click 10 in upper box
    • Click 01 in lower box
    • Give data for R = a + b*sin(p*A/q)^M : 1, 1, 11, 4, 3
    Diagram on internet Demo patterns
    • Patterns Program 05 04
    • Load the program
    • Click start to get menu
    • Click 05 in upper box
    • Click q = 4 in lower box
    Properties of the pattterns
    • 1. Cycle domain is 0 to 4*q*(2*pi)
    • 2. Maximum value of R = a + b = 2
    • 3. It is 11 small petals and 11 large petals

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    Q03. Convert (x/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1 to polar form

    Diagram on internet
    Solution by graphic defintion
    • Defintion
      • Given a = 5 and b = 3
      • Hence f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) = Sqr(5^2 - 3^2) = 4
      • e = f/a = 4/5 = 0.8
    • Find D : From above two diagram, we can see that
      • In rectangular form : UF = CU - CF = a - f
      • In polar form : R is corresponding to UF when A = 180
      • Since cos(180) = -1
      • Hence R = (D*e)/(1 + e) = UF = a - f
      • Hence D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e)
      • Hence D = (5 - 4)*(1 + 0.8)/0.8 = 2.25
    • The polar form is R = (2.25*0.8)/(1 - 0.8*cos(A))
    • R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A))
    Solution by using x = R*cos(A) and y = R*sin(A)
    • Since origin is at F in polar form
    • Hence we translate equation as ((x - 4)/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1
    • Change equation as 9*(x - 4)^2 + 25*y^2 = 9*25
    • Simplify 9*x^2 - 9*8*x + 9*16 + 25*y^2 = 9*25
    • Since R^2 = x^2 + y^2 and y = R*sin(A)
      • 9*x^2 + 25*y^2 = 9*(x^2 + y^2) + 16*y^2
      • = 9*R^2 + 16*(R^2)*sin(A)^2
    • Hence 9*R^2 + 16*(R^2)*sin(A)^2 - 72*R*cos(A) = 9*(25 - 16)
    • Hence 9*(1 + (16/9)*sin(A)^2) - 72*R*cos(A) = 9*9
    • Hence (R^2)*(1 + (16/9)*sin(A)^2) - 8*R*cos(A) = 9
    • Since cos(A)^2 + sin(A)^2 = 1
    • Hence (R^2)*(1 + 16/9 - (16/9)*cos(A)^2) - 8*R*cos(A) = 9
    • Hence (25/9)*(R^2) = (16/9)*(R*cos(A))^2 + 8*R*cos(A) + 9
    • Hence (25/9)*(R^2) = (4*R*cos(A)/3 + 3)^2
    • Square root both sides
    • 5*R/3 = 4*R*cos(A)/3 + 3
    • 5*R = 4*R*cos(A) + 9
    • 5*R - 4*R*cos(A) + 9
    • R = (9/5)/(1 - 0.8*cos(A))
    • R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A))
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    Q04. Convert R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A)) to rectangular form

    Diagram on internet
    Solution by graphic defintion
    • Find D and e
      • from the equation we see that e = 0.8
      • D*e = 1.8 and D = 2.25
    • Find a and b
      • In rectangular form : UF = CU - CF = a - f
      • In polar form : R is corresponding to UF when A = 180
      • Since cos(180) = -1
      • Hence R = (D*e)/(1 + e) = UF = a - f
      • Hence D*e = (a - f)*(1 + e)
      • Hence 1.8 = (a - f)*(1 + 0.8) or a - f = 1
      • Since f/a = e
      • Hence a - a*e = 1
      • a = 1/(1 -e) = 5 and f = 4
      • b^2 = a^2 - f^2 = 25 - 16 = 9 or b = 3
    • Hence the equation is (x/5)^2 + (y/4)^2 = 1
    Solution by using x = R*cos(A) and y = R*sin(A)
    • R = 1.8/(1 - 0.8*cos(A))
    • R*(1 - 0.8*cos(A)) = 1.8
    • Since x = R*cos(A), hence R - 0.8*x = 1.8 or R = 1.8 + 0.8*x
    • Square both sides : R^2 = (1.8 + 0.8*x)^2
    • Since R^2 = x^2 + y^2, hence x^2 + y^2 = 1.8^2 + 2*1.8*0.8*x + 0.64*x^2
    • Simplify : 0.36*x^2 - 2.88*x + y^2 = 3.64
    • o.36*(x^2 -4*x + 16 - 16) + y^2 = 3.64
    • Completing square 0.36*(x - 4)^2 + y^2 = 9
    • Divide by 9 on both sides : (0.36/9)*(x - 4)^2 + y^2/9 = 1
    • Hence ((x - 4)/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1
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    Q05. Find equation of directrix of (x/5)^2 + (y/4)^2 = 1

    Solution : Related with focus F
    • Find D : From Q03, we know D = 2
    • Find f : From Q03, we know f = 4
    • Find coordinate of F : xf = 0 - f = -4 and yf = 0
    • Hence equation of directrix is x = xf - D = -6
    Solution : Related with focus G
    • Find D : From Q03, we know D = 2
    • Find f : From Q03, we know f = 4
    • Find coordinate of G : xf = 0 + f = 4 and yf = 0
    • Hence equation of directrix is x = xf + D = 6

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    Q06. Sketch y = x + 1/x

    Diagram on internet
    Method 1 : Use domain x and signs of y and asymptotes
    • 1. Find asymptotes
      • x = 0 and y = infinite, hence x = 0 is vertical asymptote
      • x = infinite and y = x, hence y = x is line asymptote
      • Sketch lines : x = 0 and y = x
    • 2. Find signs of y when x LT 0
      • x LE -1, y from -infinite to -2 (Increasing)
      • 0 LT 0 and x GE -1, y from -2 to -infinite at x = 0 (decreasing)
      • The curve is between x = 0 and y = x
      • The curve is in 3rd quadrant
    • 3. Find signs of y when x GT 0
      • 0 GT x and LE 1, y from +infinite to +2 (decreasing)
      • x GE 1, y from 2 to +infinite (increasing)
      • The curve is between x = 0 and y = x
      • The curve is in 1st quadrant
    • 4. Extreme points at (-1,-2) and (1,2)
    Method 2 : Use asymptotes and signs of y, y' and y"
    • 1. Find y' and y"
      • y = x + 1/x
      • y' = 1 - 1/(x^2)
      • y" = +2/x^3
    • 2. Draw asymptotes as method 1
    • 3. x LT -1
      • y' GT 0 and y is increasing from -infinite to -2
      • y" LT 0 and curve is concave downward
    • 3. -1 GT x and x LT 0
      • y' LT 0 and y is decreasing from -2 to -infinite
      • y" LT 0 and curve is concave downward
    • 4. x GT 0 and x LT 1
      • y' LT 0 and y is decreasing from +infinite to 2
      • y" GT 0 and curve is concave upward
    • 5. x LG 1
      • y' GT 0 and y is increasing from 2 to +infinite
      • y" GT 0 and curve is concave upward
    • 6. Extreme points at (-1,-2) and (1,2)
    Diagram in application program
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    Q07. Sketch y = x^2 + 1/x

    Diagram on internet
    Method 1 : Use domain x and signs of y and asymptotes
    • 1. Find asymptotes
      • x = 0 and y = infinite, hence x = 0 is vertical asymptote
      • x = infinite and y = x^2, hence y = x^2 is parabola asymptote
      • Sketch lines x = 0 and parabola y = x^2
    • 2. Find signs of y when x LT 0
      • x LE -1, y = 0 and y from +infinite to 0 (decreasing)
      • 0 LT 0 and x GE -1, y from 0 to -infinite at x = 0 (decreasing)
      • The curve is at left side of x = 0
      • The curve is concave upward if x LT -1 and downward if x between -1 and 0
      • The curve is inside y = x^2 when x LT -5
    • 3. Find signs of y when x GT 0
      • x GT 0, y from +infinite go to minimum and then go +infinte
      • The curve is between x = 0 and y = x^2 when x is large
      • The curve is decreasing and concave upward between x = 0 and minimumu point
      • The curve is increasing and concave upward when x GT minimumu point
    Method 2 : Use asymptotes and signs of y, y' and y"
    • 1. Find y' and y"
      • y = x^2 + 1/x
      • y' = 2*x - 1/(x^2)
      • y" = 2 + 2/(x^3)
    • 2. Draw asymptotes as method 1
    • 3. x LT -1
      • y' LT 0 and y is decreasing from -infinite to 0
      • y" GT 0 and curve is concave upward
      • y" EQ 0 if x = -1
    • 3. -1 GT x and x LT 0
      • y' LT 0 and y is decreasing from 0 to -infinite
      • y" LT 0 and curve is concave downward
    • 4. x GT 0 and x LT minimum point
      • y' LT 0 and y is decreasing from +infinite to minimum
      • y" GT 0 and curve is concave upward
    • 5. x LG 1
      • y' GT 0 and y is increasing from minimum to +infinite
      • y" GT 0 and curve is concave upward
    • 6. Point of inflecion at (-1,0) and minimum at ?
    Sketch using y = F(x)/G(x)
    • Grphic calculator Section 03 08 : rational function
    • Method
      • Open the program and enter GC
      • Click Start and get menu
      • Select 03 in upper box
      • Select 08 in lower box
      • Give coefficient : 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0
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    Q08. Properties of ((x-2)/5)^2 + ((y+3)/3)^2 = 1
    • 1. It is an ellipse same as (x/5)^2 + (y/3)^2 = 1
    • 2. The principal axis is y = -3
    • 3. The center is at (2,-3)
    • 4. Semi-axese are a = 5 and b = 3
    • 5. Focal length f = Sqr(a^2 - b^2) = 4
    • 6. Eccentricity e = f/a = 0.8
    • 7. Foci are at F(-2,-3) and G(6,-3)
    • 8. Directrix to focus F is 2 (AN 27 05)
    • 9. Equivalent polar form is R = 1.6/(1 - 0.8*cos(A)) in AN 27 03
    • 10 Distance of point P on curve is PF + PQ = 10
    • Describe properties of ((x-2)/3)^2 + ((y+3)/5)^2 = 1

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    Q09. Answer

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    Q10. Answer

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