Mathematics Dictionary
Dr. K. G. Shih

In-center and ex-center

  • GE 15 00 | - Outlines
  • GE 15 01 | - What is in-center of a triangle ?
  • GE 15 02 | - Prove that bisectors of angles of triangle are concurrent
  • GE 15 03 | - In-circle tangents the sides of triangle
  • GE 15 04 | - Locus of in-center
  • GE 15 05 | - Coordinate geometry : bisector of angles of triangle concurrent
  • GE 15 06 | - Coordinates of in-center
  • GE 15 07 | - What is ex-center ?
  • GE 15 08 | - Bisectors of triangle are concurrent
  • GE 15 09 | - Tangent from vertex to ex-circle
  • GE 15 10 | - Locus of ex-center
  • GE 15 11 | - Coordinate geometry : bisectors of angles of triangle concurrent
  • GE 15 12 | - Coordinates of ex-center

  • Answers

    GE 15 01. What is in-center

    • Bisectors of angles of triangle are concurrent at a point I
    • The point is called in-center
    What is concurrent ?
    • Three lines meet at one point is called concurrent
    What is bisector of an angle ?
    • A line biscets an angle equally which is bisector of an angle
    • Bisector theory of angle
      • point on bisector of an angle has same distance from the two rays
      • If point between the rays of angle has same distance, point is on bisector

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    GE 15 02. bisectors of angles of triangle are concurrent

    • Draw triangle ABC
    • Let bisector of angle A and bisector of angle B meet at I
    • Join C and I as a line
    • We want to prove that IC is bisector of angle C
    • Draw IF perpendicular to AB, ID perpendicular to BC
    • IA = IB and IB = IC (bisector theory)
    • Hence IA = IC
    • Hence IC is bisector of angle C (bisector theory)
    • Hence bisectors of angles of triangle are concurrent

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    GE 15 03. In-circle tangents the sides of triangle

    • In Q02, ID = IE = IF = in-radius = r
    • Hence use I as center and r as radius to make a circle
    • The circle will tangent the sides of triangle
    Tangent length from Vertex A to circle is (s - a)
    • Let s = (a + b + c)/2
    • AE = AF, BD = BF and CD = CE
    • AB = c = AF + BF, BC = a =BD + CD and CA = b = CE + AE
    • Hence a + b + c = 2*AF + 2*(BD + CD)
    • Hence AF = (a + B + c)/2 - a = (s - a)

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    GE 15 04. Locus of in-center

    • Let A and B are fixed and C is moving with angle ACB = constant
    • Find locus of in-center
    • We can proof that angle AIB = pi - A/2 - B/2
    • Angle A + angle B = pi - C, Hence AIB = pi/2 + C/2
    • Since angle AIB is constant and point A and point B are fixed
    • Hence point I will move along arc AIB (circum-circle of tringle AIB)

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    GE 15 05. Coordinate geometry : bisector of angles of triangle are concurrent


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    GE 15 06. Find coordinate of in-center

    Use tangent theory
    • We can prove that AF = AE = s - a = length of tangent from A to F or A to E
    • Where s = (a+b+c)/2 and a,b,c are lenght of sides
    Find coordinate of in-center
    • Method 1
      • Let AB be in horizontal direction and A be the origin
      • The center I(xi,yi)
      • xi = (s - a)
      • yi = r*tan(A/2)
    • Method 2
      • Find equations of two bisectors using slope and points
      • Find intersections of two equations
      • The intersection is the in-center

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    GE 15 07. What is ex-center ?

    • Bisectors of one internal angle A and external angles B and C
    • They are concurrent at a point I
    • The point is called ex-center
    • A triangle has three ex-centers
    What is concurrent ?
    • Three lines meet at one point is called concurrent
    What is bisector of an angle ?
    • A line biscets an angle equally which is bisector of an angle
    • Bisector theory of angle
      • point on bisector of an angle has same distance from the two rays
      • If point between the rays of angle has same distance, point is on bisector

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    GE 15 08. Bisectors of angles of triangle are concurrent

    • Draw triangle ABC
    • Let bisector of external angles B and C meet at I
    • Join A and I as a line
    • We want to prove that AI is bisector of angle A
    • Draw IF perpendicular to AB, ID perpendicular to BC
    • IF = ID (bisector theory)
    • Draw ID perpendicular to BC, IE perpendicular to CA
    • IE = ID (bisector theory)
    • Hence IE = IF
    • Hence AI is bisector of angle A (bisector theory)
    • Hence bisectors of angles of triangle are concurrent

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    GE 15 09. In-circle tangents the sides of triangle

    • In Q02, ID = IE = IF = in-radius = r1
    • Hence use I as center and r1 as radius to make a circle
    • The circle will tangent the sides of triangle
    Tangent from A to ex-cricle is AF = s
    • Let s = (a + b + c)/2
    • AF = AD, BF = BD and CD = CE
    • AF + AE = AB + BF + AC + CE
    • 2*AF = AB + AC + (BF + CE)
    • 2*AF = a + b + c
    • AF = (a + b + c)/2

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    GE 15 10. Locus of ex-center

    • Let A and B are fixed and C is moving with angle ACB = constant
    • Find locus of ex-center
    • We can proof that
    • Angle AIB = pi/2 - A/2 - B/2
    • Angle AIB = pi/2 - C/2
    • Since angle AIB is constant and point A and point B are fixed
    • Hence point I will move along arc AIB (circum-circle of tringle AIB)

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    GE 15 11. Coordinate geometry : bisectors of angles of triangle concurrent


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    GE 15 12. Find coordinate of ex-center

    Use tangent theory
    • We can prove that AF = AE = s = length of tangent from A to F or A to E
    • Where s = (a+b+c)/2 and a,b,c are lenght of sides
    Find coordinate of in-center
    • Method 1
      • Let AB be in horizontal direction and A be the origin
      • The center I(xi,yi)
      • xi = s where s = (a + b + c)/2
      • yi = r1*tan(A/2) = s*tan(A/2)
    • Method 2
      • Find equations of two bisectors using slope and point
      • Find intersections of two equations
      • The intersection is the ex-center

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    GE 15 00. Outlines

    • Defintion : Three angle bisectors of triangle are concurrent
    • In-circle : It is a circle with 3 sides of triangle as tangent
    • Tnagent from vertex to in-circle
      • AF = AE = (s - a)
      • BD = CF = (s - b)
      • CE = BD = (s - c)
  • Ex-center : One internal and 2 external angle bisectors are concurrent
  • Ex-circle : It is a circle with 3 sides of triangle as tangent
  • Tnagent from vertex to ex-circle
    • AF = AE = s
    • BD = CF = s
    • CE = BD = s

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