Were Test

This is by no means an extensive test.. but if you answer yes to over half of them I think you can be pretty certian that you're a Werewolf. I'll be adding lots more questions as I think of them and I'll change the layout a little too.

  1. told all your friends about your life as a Werewolf?
  2. signed your human email with your Were name?
  3. written a Werewolf story?
  4. found youself thinking, "Pesky humans" (or other derrogatory phrase) when in a human gathering place?
  5. been called by your Werewolf name?
  6. answered faster to your Werewolf name then your human one?
  7. had the though of hunting down all the humans responsible for any of your problems?
  8. not cared about anything you wear unless it has a wolf decorated on it?
  9. been tempted to fight your best friend because they approached your territory?
  10. read a description of a Werewolf in a book and thought, "Hey, I'm not like that, I'm THIS kind of Werewolf!"?
  11. found yourself with the strange desire to eat meat raw?
  12. found yourself looking at someone who annoys you and licking your lips or teeth?
  13. found youself startled when you look in a mirror and find you are rather human-looking?
  14. growled under your breath?
  15. heard of Alt.horror.werewolves?
  16. posted to alt.horror.werewolves?
  17. told the rest of the world to go get bent because you were busy doing Werewolf related stuff?
  18. found yourself putting your Werewolf title on any resumes (ie. Alpha of So-and-so Pack, Guard of the Forest, etc.)?
  19. heard your children "whimper" instead of cry?
  20. had dreams of running to a destination and getting there before any humans in their cars?
  21. Are your very best friends Werewolves or some other Were-creature?
  22. found yourself with the urge to growl at people who are bugging you?
  23. found yourself with the urge to hunt humans?
  24. found yourself with the urge to hunt anything?
  25. had any thoughts about leagaly changing your human name to your Werewolf one?
  26. replied to any e-mail from a Werewolf or other Were-Creature?
  27. growled/snarled as a sign of frustration?
  28. found youself trying to move your tail before sitting down?
  29. had your tail get in the way?
  30. found yourself trying to open cans with your "fangs" instead of a can opener?
  31. thought seriously about filing your fingernails to a point?
  32. been suprised when after a restless night's sleep the covers aren't ripped to shreds?
  33. refered to the place you sleep as your den?
  34. drawn wolves all over your test papers?
  35. refered to a human as "two-legger" (or something derogatory) just because they're human?
  36. had the strange urge to take all the meat out of the refrigerator and eat it?
  37. refered to your spouse as your mate?
  38. listed your occupation as anything like, "Alpha Wolf", "Beta Female" etc.?
  39. had a wolf stop outside your window and talk to you?
  40. thought of this as a normal occurance?
  41. regretted clipping your toenails or fingernails?
  42. tried to grow them out really long?
  43. dreamed about being a Werewolf?
  44. seen a poster of a Werewolf and thought, "I know him/her from somewhere"?
  45. used such expressions as, "Good Hunting"?
  46. refered to your skin as fur/pelt?
  47. viewed knights in fairy tales as food in a tin, rather than the hero?
  48. been stopped by a police officer and told him/her that they can't give you a ticket because you're a Werewolf?
  49. had thoughts about undergoing scientific experiments on the slight chance they'd make you into a Werewolf?
  50. thought of canines more as species cousins rather than monkeys?
  51. slept curled up on top of all your covers?
  52. found yourself really cranky when you wake up in the morning?
  53. ignored your real name, because you are so used to your Werewolf one?
  54. thought that you might have been born on the wrong planet because you don't see Werewolves on a regular basis?
  55. had the urge to senselessly attack any moving target when you became angry?
  56. slept for more than 24 hours at one time?
  57. had the urge to sleep after eating a very large meal?
  58. noticed that you have an acute sense of smell?
  59. noticed that you have an acute sense of hearing?
  60. really scared someone when you looked at them in anger?
  61. smiled and made people nervous?
  62. really wished you lived in a fantasy world?
  63. seen a picture or figurine of a wolf/Werewolf and thought it was cute?
  64. refered to someone younger than you as a cub?
  65. found yourself drawn to lie in the sun just for the sheer joy of it?
  66. had anything you wore in a regular basis that had a wolf depicted on it?
  67. really wished you could bite the annoying person near you?
  68. thought caves or mountains were facinating?
  69. read ANY book about a Werewolf or one that had a Werewolf character in it?
  70. written any stories with a Werewolf or Werewolf character in it?


Types of Werecreatures


Were Terms








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