Current Casey Temperature

Click for Casey 66 28S 110 52E, Antarctica Forecast



December 2004

Photo: C Clarke
Top row: Brad, Trev, David, Ty, Barry J
2nd row: Peter, Jane, Eve, Amanda, John, Barry M
Highest temperature :
Average max temperature :
Lowest temperature :
Average min temperature :
Highest Wind Gust :
Snow :
Blowing Snow :
Strong Winds :
Gale Force Winds :
Blizzard [Vis <100m]
ENE @ 78kts
16 days
1 days
21 days
15 days
1 days

High snow fall at Casey over the weekend brought hope that it would snow on the 25th for a white Christmas.

Rumour has it that Santa is already preparing for his long traverse from the North Pole to Casey. On Monday, boxes of Christmas decorations emerged and transformed our living quarters into a Christmas wonderland.

photo: A Blankney

On the science front, Peter and Brad spent three days at Browning and Peterson Island, with assistance from Noel and Marty. The aim was to deduce the gravity signature of the Browning Peninsula and Peterson Island area, to the south of Casey, by conducting precise gravity and GPS measurements.

With the break out of the sea ice between Casey and Shirley Island, Amanda and Toni had to concentrate on Whitney Point and Reeve Hill. However with the launch of the boats they were able to return to Shirley on Tuesday to resume counting. Susie, Andy and Jake meanwhile have also been out in the boats sampling mud and looking for zooplankton. Monday was a good day with sufficient numbers of good samples taken to keep them all satisfied.

photo: E Merfield

A major surgical exercise was conducted on Tuesday in which the Station Leader pretended to have had a serious quad accident necessitating an abdominal operation. Nurses Gerbil and Jim, anaesthetists Evil and Mark, and Doctor Eve conspired to frighten the patient half to death with their equipment and conversation, but in the end all went very well.

photo: M Benevente


It was the month for cleaning tanks with one of the potable water tanks completely cleaned and flushed out, and several of the fuel tanks also being cleaned

Clear skies and very little wind made easy work of one of the worst maintenance jobs a most picuresque and rewarding exercise


After dinner and on the weekends,the workshops were a hive of activity with numerous expeditioners tinkering throught the night making their Secret Santa presents.
Giving the Casey sign a well needed spruce-up in preparation for the resupply ship Vasiliy Golovnin due in mid January.
  [ January ]


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