Current Casey Temperature

Click for Casey 66 28S 110 52E, Antarctica Forecast



January 2005

Photo: P Morgan


Highest temperature :
Average max temperature :
Lowest temperature :
Average min temperature :
Highest Wind Gust :
78 kts
Snow :
13 days
Blowing Snow :
1 day
Strong Winds :
18 days
Gale Force Winds :
10 days
Blizzard [Vis <100m]
0 days

The past week at Casey will be remembered as the time that the CASAs first came and went. Both aircraft landed without incident in low evening sunshine on the 30th, having flown from Dumont D'Urville to where they flew direct from Hobart the previous day.

It was a pleasure to see them at last, and to welcome the four pilots Garry, Jorn, Eivind and Dan.

CASA212 aircraft Gadget and Ginger

Photo: J.Smith

The planes had their ferry tanks taken out, and were then put through their paces in the local area before hurrying on to Davis at the first possible opportunity, on the 5th.

Algae bloom in melt pools

Photo: J.Smith


Another source of entertainment has been provided by the deep and rapid melt, which has not only given us abundant water supplies, but also created deep slush pools and gushing melt streams that several people have found to their cost while driving vehicles around and outside the station.

The scientists have not been wasting time, using the boats to get to their various study sites now that land access is difficult or impossible.

On Tuesday the boats were out for science, dropping off the penguin counters at Shirley to census the new generation of Adelie chicks, before heading south to make gravity measurements. Peter and Brad hoped to make observations at five sites on three islands, but by the end of the day they had done twenty sites scattered over thirteen islands, and seen a Leopard Seal into the bargain.

Photo: B Bailey

Photo: B Bailey



The weather was perfect for the four days Vasiliy Golovnin was here, greatly aiding the ongoing operations. She slipped smoothly out of harbour on an almost mirror-calm sea on Friday evening. By late Saturday a gale was blowing again, but by then everything was under cover, and even the emu bob of Main Street postponed from last week due to the winds before Vasiliy's arrival was completed.

The station is now refuelled for another year, and although we are still sorting through all the delivered boxes, packets, crates and containers for a few items, it is clear we have received most if not quite all that we hoped for, with some surprise extras thrown in.

Russian icebreaker "Vasiliy Golovnin"

Photo: B Bailey

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