Feb 15 2004 - Hey once again, ive updated the site, and added a few more pics of my robos in action, along with some sample code for my RS Program,  and also information about Robosapien 2 and his friends comming out this Fall 2005.

February 13, 2005
- Hey all I havnt updated this page in a long time... however there is going to be some major updates...
Below i have made a list of my current projects + pictures of what I am using/designed along with some sample Coding and VB Coding.... 
Downloads/Sample work can be found on my MSN GROUP (
About Me
Project - Pocket PC+ PC Soft INFO
Click here to view/join my MSN Group, it has,videos, files for the PDA - robosapien(VTR, skin files) since geocities, does not like me hosting stuff like that. it's free to join and there's no wait for confirmation. + upload ur own stuff
Click Here To SEE my WORK Currently Done that display my Project outline+Includes How the Menu is Designed, How to Create your own WAV IR FILES, + MORE SOON
- more work + sample code and files to be completed
- actual program available for download (pocket pc and PC versions)
- videos of rs in action
- how to guide (make your own rs program easy as  10 steps+ repitetion, using VS.NET 2003w/ tons of sample work)
- more pictures of work  and my RS..
- talk about RSV2 and HACKS i will attempt with him

-EMAIL [email protected] to contact ME
Well this comming weekend, their is a big toy fair in NEW YORK, where Robosapien V2, Mark Tilden and all his other new creations will be presenting their new toys to consumers like us.  :-D   can't wait for more pictures and videos to come out.

Take alook at the detailed picture of RS V2 Hand I have aquired... he has Finger Nails (lol) and  also these 'bars on the inside palms of his hand.  I bet those are spring loaded so it gives him a better grip of grabbing objects, or a possible sensor to recognize if he has picked something up or not..

RSV2 will sell for 200$UK   and should be out November/December 2005
other Wow Wee robots will be out after July 2005, followed by the release of Robotraptor(see pic below) in August/September.

PRE ORD NOW @ Robosapien.NL
Projects currently working ON:
-  Visual Studio.NET 2003  Compact Framework  - Program for Pocket PC made my me to Control RS (  better functions then Remote Program on PPC) should be finished this withing the week for version 1, using the sound jack 7infrared led device..

-  Sound Jack to 7 Infrared LED -  so i can create IR sounds and play them and rs will do his movements, either by PC or by PPC (must apply to program, button click play sound file)
finished within the week hopefully

- motor gear ratio modification - which i just read on solarbotics website.. its suppose to change the RPM  by more then 200% +
I will try this hopefully within the next 2 weeks

foot pads  - either adding a skateboard shockpads to rs feet... or  makin my own circular rubber to replace for the front inside peice...  more topic/discussion on  
uknown when project will be complete

Projects currently DONE:
- Pocket PC(PPC) Back Pack assembled to Back of RS
     - PPC assembled onto Backpack
          (optional tinfoil around ppc when rs is outside)

-  Wireless Camera attached to RS Head(head pannin)
        - Battery 9V attached to back of RS PPC

- RS Mirage Paint Color Modification (done on my other RS)
I think RS V2 Hand will be able to pick up a Pop, if not defiantly an empty pop can, then a juice box, other objects might be a baseball, greenball, and ofcourse house cleaning utensils :-)
I dont think he'll be able to feed me my food though with a spoon   :-(   lol
<===This is the Line OUT to IR device I found on my old TV Receiver... There is websites showing you how to make your own, or you can bu ya TOTAL REMOTE one, there not that hard to make at all
<===RS Pocket PC - PC Program

This is the program I have made using Visual Studio.NET (compact Framework) 

it does not send IR commands with the IR on the PPC or Dongle4PC it send IR Signals Via: the Linout OUT Speaker Jack that converts to Infrared... (see below for Picture)  if anyone would like to design it to send IR, the source will be on my group board.

there is also other menus such as:

AVOID OBASTACLE  - you click the box where the obstacle is infront of him and he tries to avoid it...  took me some time, but i have it functioning,
just need to make the wav files that send the IR signals...  that should be done this week.. sometime...

MACROS -  for programming your RS LEFT RIGHT SONIC AND MASTER PROGRAMS, so RS SECRETS are  a CLICK to use :-)
and all his other commands.

along with a few manual pick up spots so you dont have to attempt to do them on your ppc
Wireless Camera + Pocket PC Back Pack
This is my RS
with a MIRAGE
paint Mod

it changes color in the sunlight angle...

yellow is the colors it shows the most
This is what i use to use to control my RS click the POCKET PC Link to read up about it and what it takes...  up top is where my new work is :-)
September 5 2004

New picture updates of my Pocket PC and soon to be in depth view of configuring the remote control to the Vite Remote program so you can create your own long macros or own step guide menu so he is designed to walk all different
way   you just have to put him in the hot spot...  but ofcourse when you do this he must have the  pocket pc on his back.. unless you folllow him

Join my group i also have Files for the PDA on their, also video clips.

You just have to join with MSN... i not sending out no newsletter stuff or that.. just go there  and check out movies and pictures and if you got ur own feel free to upload them...  the links up top...
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