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I'm not going to post any people modification's here anymore, only the ones of have done to mine, as I seem to get people who dont like it when stuff is posted, however, if you do goto my links section you can find the official modification websites their.
AUGUST 26- 2004 - in about  5-7 Days I wil have my own Modification + pictures here. Just waiting for a check to get in so i can buy the peices
but so far i have made a backpack for the robosapine using:

-KOSS Mp3 leather Case
-WIRE anytype.

Attach the wire to the Top of the Bag, by making a hole in the top, tie a not.  Now bring the chord down to the bottom. and make a whole and tie a not.  Do this step twice.  One for one arm, and one for the other,

i should have pictures soon , im just currently work loaded off my ass at work and it just doesnt seem to be helping me or giving me time to play with RS.
Pictures Comming Soon
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