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Beth McElhinney, CTM

Beth McElhinney, CTM
Philadephia, PA
Project Manager
Scuba Diving, Swimming, Dancing
February 1996
Beth McElhinney
Beth was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and has also lived in Louisiana, Virginia, Tennessee, and Ohio. She lives in San Jose, California with her cat, Sasha. She has been a salesperson, flight attendant, administrative assistant, project coordinator and program manager. She is currently doing contract work at Adobe Systems and hopes to get a permanent position there as a Project Manager.

Beth's favorite hobbies include scuba diving, swimming, walking/hiking, dancing, and underwater photography. She volunteers as a docent at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center at Long Marine Lab, UCSC. She describes herself as an energetic person with a new age attitude. Her biggest accomplishment is creating every dream she really cared about through intention. Those dreams have included moving to California, becoming a flight attendant, being a dolphin trainer, and owning her own condo. She is still working on the dreams of becoming an inspirational speaker, finding the love of her life, and continuing travel and adventure.

Beth first joined Macintalkers Toastmasters in 1996. She helped start CH@Home Toastmasters and served both as Club Mentor and first President. She earned her CTM in May 2001 with her inspirational speech "Pure Potentiality". Her favorite speech topics are "soul stories", manifesting your dreams, and the ocean/dolphins. She also loves coaching other Toastmasters.

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