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"CH@Home's Fifth Anniversary Party

Jan. 26, 2005 6:45-8pm Free
Comcast, 1205 Chrysler Drive, Menlo Park
ChatHome will celbrate its fifth year as a Toastmaster club. Friends, family, former members, and past guests are especially invited. Daniel Lowe will continue our club tradition by giving his 10th speech and earning his CTM Award. Come join us for cake and soft drinks.

Table Topics Speech Contest

Feb. 9, 2005 6:45pm-8pm Free
1205 Chrysler Drive, Menlo Park
Menlo Presbyterian Toastmasters will join ChatHome in a joint meeting. Members from both clubs will participate in the first Table Topics Speech Contest. Menlo Pres will judge CH@Home contestants, and vice versa. Club winners will compete at area contests in March. [

International Speech Contest

Feb. 23, 2005 6:45pm-8pm Free
1205 Chrysler Drive, Menlo Park
ChatHome members will participate in the annual club International Contest. Speeches can be any type, but usually have a combination of touching stories and inspirational messages. This contest is the highlight of the Toastmasters year, with speech competitions continuing up to the international level. Guests are invited to witness this special part of the Toastmasters program. Members--to participate, sign up with Louise Wolfe. You must have delivered six manual speeches before the contest in order to compete. [

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