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Jan.-June 2003


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Karen Conley & Debbie Tucker
Receive "Spirit of Success" Awards

Karen Conley, CTMDebbie Tucker, CTM May 21, 2003 CH@Home Toastmasters Club presented its first "Spirit of Success" Awards to Karen Conley and Debbie Tucker. This special Toastmasters award is given to members who demonstrate individual success in the communications and leadership program, as well as team spirit and personal contributions to Toastmasters and the club.

Karen and Debbie have been a "dynamic duo" during the past year. Both took on a club office shortly after joining and both earned their CTMs in less than a year. Karen has served as Secretary for the past year, and Debbie has been Sergeant-at-Arms and VP Membership. In addition, both Debbie and Karen have competed in three out of the last four club contests. Karen also participated in the C1 Area Tall Tales Contest. They won the top two spots in our recent membership drive and diligently post flyers throughout the area. Karen also earned her CL in May.

CH@Home thanks Debbie and Karen for their enthusiasm and enormous contribution to our club. Congratulations on receiving this well deserved award!

Louise Wolfe Named District
"Toastmaster of Year"!

Louise Wolfe, ATM-B--District Toastmaster of Year for 2002! May 3, 2003 Louise Wolfe was named District 4's "Toastmaster of the Year" at the Spring Conference. She was Division C's nominee for this honor. Earlier, she was selected by CH@Home and Area C1. Louise has worked hard to help CH@Home Toastmasters transition from company to community club and re-build its membership. In addition, she has conducted several division officer and webmaster trainings. She is also known for organizing special events--from "Evening of Inspiration/Achievement to a several month "Job Workshop" series to CH@Home's first joint meeting with City Talk. Charles Butterfield, District 4 Governor, selected Louise from seven division candidates and presented the award at the district conference's "Hall of Fame".

Wada Nandiwada Elected
Division G Governor!

Wada Nandiwada, ATM-B--Division G Governor for 2003-04! May 3, 2003 CH@Home member Wada Nandiwada was elected Division G's Area Governor for 2003-04. Wada currently serves as Area G5 Governor. He is also a member of four Toastmasters clubs and is currently working to achieve his ATM-G by June 2003. Congratulations, Wada! We're sure you'll do a great job!

Division C Wins Several District Honors

Division C Governor Harry HollandArea C1 Winners at Division CMay 3, 2003 In addition to "Toastmaster of the Year", Division C members received several honors at the District 4 Spring Conference. Harry Holland, Division C Governor, was elected District Public Relations Officer for 2003-04. Area C1 Governor Rose Renwick was elected Division C Governor for 2003-04. Tall Tales contest was won by Daan "Harley" Van Schooneveld, representing Donald L. Bogie in Area C1. Louise Wolfe also competed as Division D's contestant. Susan Schwartz, ProToasties/Area C1, competed in the International Contest against stiff competition. Area C1 Governor Rose Renwick, Division C's "Area Governor of the Year" is still under consideration for district honors, which will be announced in July.

Louise Wolfe Wins Division D Tall Tales

Competes at District 4 Conference

Louise Wolfe, ATM-B May 2, 2003 Representing High Spirits of Toastmasters, Louise Wolfe won the Division D Tall Tales Contest on April 26th and then competed on Friday, May 2nd at the District 4 Conference in Santa Clara. Louise is the first member of CH@Home to compete at a district level speech contest. Her Tall Tales speech was titled "Be Prepared". We can now reveal that Louise is not only a "Wolfe" but also a vampire! Daan Van Schooneveld, Donald L. Bogie, won District 4 Tall Tales.


Area C1 Sweeps Division C Contests

Area C1 Winners at Division CApril 10, 2003 For the second year in a row, Area C1 made a clean sweep of the Division C spring contests. Susan Schwartz, Protoasties, won the International Contest and Daan Van Schooneveld, Donald L. Bogie Toastmasters, won the Tall Tales Contest. Both will now compete at the District Conference in Santa Clara. Tall Tales is Friday evening, May 2nd, and International Contest will be held on Saturday, May 3rd. Best of luck to both of them.

In addition, Louise Wolfe won Division C "Toastmaster of the Year" for the second year in a row. Rose Renwick, Area C1 Governor also won the award for "Area Governor of the Year". Both will be considered for the district award presented at the conference. Good luck to them as well!


Area C1 Contest Results

CH@Home Members at Area C1 Contest, March 2003March 29, 2003 CH@Home Toastmasters was a known presence at the Area C1 contest due, in part, to unabashed plugs from Louise Wolfe, Blaise Pabon, and Karen Conley during the contestant interviews. Louise competed in the International Contest and placed third. International contest winner was Susan Schwartz from ProToasties. Karen represented CH@Home in Tall Tales, which was won by Daan Van Schooneveld from Donald L. Bogie Toastmasters.

Louise Wolfe Area C1 TOY

Blaise Awarding Louise C1 TOY for 2002Blaise was his usual dashing self as he served as Toastmaster for the Tall Tales. This also gave him an opportunity to present the Area C1 Toastmaster of the Year Award to CH@Home's own Louise Wolfe. He cited her energy, friendliness, and support of the Toastmasters program beyond the club level as some qualities that helped her win the award.

Randie Ellington served as a judge in both contests. Randy Samberg and Sasha Trejos also attended. CH@Home's biggest winner of the day was Blaise. From a $5 purchase of raffle tickets, he won 5 prizes, including the grand prize which had a cash value of $200. Sounds like we should plan a trip to Tahoe or Reno! Congratulations to Rose Renwick, Area C1 governor, for organizing a great event.

"Operation Butterfly" Still Flying!

March 26, 2003 Today marked the official end of "Operation Butterfly", CH@Home's first membership drive. However, the theme will continue unofficially until CH@Home hits our goal of 20 members. Only four more to go! CH@Home gained two new members during the drive. Moorthy Muthukrishnan was sponsored by Wada Nandiwada and CJ Cornell was sponsored by Blaise Pabon. While we did not gain any new members in March, we had several guests who seem likely prospects for joining in April.

Individual prizes were awarded at an April meeting. Individual members with the most points were Debbie Tucker and Karen Conley. Debbie & Karen earned most of their points by speaking frequently (including 2 contests plus CTM speeches!), posting flyers, and announcing Toastmasters at other events. Third place was Tejal Swar. Special mention goes to Randy Samberg for her diligent effort in soliciting renewals. Randie Ellington also tied with Randy for fourth place. During the membership drive, attendance increased, both for members and guests. Thanks to everyone who helped make our membership drive a success.

"Creative Job Search" Meeting a Success!

DESperados, Daly City & High Spirits Guests
Guests from 3 clubs Attended Job Search Meeting
March 19, 2003
Six guests, including members of three different Toastmasters clubs attended our special meeting on "Creative Job Search Strategies". Franklin Chun, Daly City Toastmasters, began with "KISS--Keep It Simple Strategy". Louise Wolfe summarized a variety of creative job search techniques, including creating a work portfolio, cold calling, PSRs (Problem/Solution/Results), and Elevator Speeches. HR Staffing Specialist and High Spirits Toastmaster, Karen Neuenberg, taught us how to "Ace the Interview". During Table Topics, members and guests answered common interview questions. Attendees were also reminded of the many job search resources available at PeninsulaWorks. An extra highlight of the meeting was Karen Conley announcing her new job. She attributes tricks she learned during Table Topics for her successful interview. Good luck, Karen!

Louise Wolfe Wins Area D5 Tall Tales

Louise Wolfe & Elliotte Mao, D5 Contest WinnersMarch 15, 2003 Louise Wolfe, representing High Spirits Toastmasters, won the Area D5 Tall Tales contest. Elliotte Mao, also representing High Spirits, won the International Contest. CH@Home members Randy Samberg, Randie Ellington, and Karen Conley attended the contest. Louise and Elliotte will compete in the Division D contest on April 26th. Congratulations, High Spirits! Good luck, Louise & Elliotte!

International (Inspirational) Contest

International ContestantsFeb. 26th Three of CH@Home's experienced speakers competed in the club's annual International Speech Contest. Louise Wolfe took first place with "A Rich Fantasy Life" and Debbie Tucker came in second with her speech on tolerance "When Will We Learn to Tolerate Our Differences?". Karen Conley's speech was titled "We Have the Power to Make Changes". Karen and Debbie deserve special recognition for their dedication and determination. Both not only participated in both club contests (Tall Tales and International) but also presented their CTM speeches in February.

CH@Home Celebrates 3rd Anniversary

CH@Home's 3rd Anniversary PartyFeb. 19, 2003 CH@Home found many ways to celebrate its 3rd birthday. Karen Conley gave her CTM speech, Mick McGee gave his Ice Breaker, and newest member CJ Cornell gave an advanced speech. Everyone enjoyed pizza, sodas, and cake. Karen's CTM and CJ joining put CH@Home at 9 points in the Distinguished Club program. Once we get our membership back up to 20, this will qualify CH@Home for the President's Distinguished Club Award for the second year in a row.

Happy Anniversary and Congratulations to us!

Karen Conley Receives CTM!

Karen Conley, CTMKaren Conley, CTM & Mentor Randie EllingtonFeb. 19, 2003 Congratulations to Karen Conley, CH@Home's Newest CTM! Karen's inspirational speech was "Don't Say That You Can't". Karen's mentor, Randie Ellington, beamed proudly!

Tall Tales Contest Winners

Karen Conley & Louise Wolfe, Contest WinnersFeb. 12, 2003 Four CH@Home Toastmasters accepted the challenge to stretch their imaginations and created their own far-fetched, exagerated, improbable stories for the annual Tall Tales Contest. Louise Wolfe won with a story that included traffic jams, skateboards, and garlic. Second place went to Karen Conley who cleverly got herself out of a jam and warns other members "Beware of What You Wish For". Debbie Tucker shared the adventures of Joanna Peach Pit, Johnny Appleseed's younger sister. Blaise Pabon finished the day with "57 Varieties" that was part tall tale, part numerology lesson, and part paranoid conspiracy theory.

Debbie Tucker Receives CTM!

Debbie Tucker, CTMDebbie Tucker, CTM and Mentor Louise WolfeFeb. 5, 2003 Congratulations to Debbie Tucker, CH@Home's Newest CTM! "The Power of Love" was not only the title of Debbie's speech, but the theme for the entire meeting as Toastmaster Randy Samberg got a head start on Valentine's Day. Great minds think alike, as both Randy (Toastmaster) and Louise (Debbie's mentor) brought valentine cookies for the celebration.

The highlights of Debbie's speech were two stories, one about a loyal dog and another about a determined, loving husband.

"Operation Butterfly"
Membership Drive

Feb. 5, 2003 CH@Home Toastmasters began its first membership drive by voting in its 18th member, Moorthy Muthukrishnan. (Oddly enough, Moorthy is the 3rd new member in a row whose initials are "MM". Marisol Martinez and Mick McGee joined on Jan. 15th.)
Several members started the drive by earning multiple points for posting flyers, bringing guests, and participating in the meeting. Leaders the first week are Debbie Tucker, Karen Conley, Tejal Swar, Louise Wolfe, and Wada Nandiwada. Points will be awarded throughout February and March.

New CH@Home Officers Installed

Rose Renwick, ATMJan. 2003 OfficersJanuary 15, 2003 Area Governor Rose Renwick installed CH@Home Toastmasters' new set of officers at our noon meeting. Blaise Pabon moves from VP Education back to President. Club mentor Randie Ellington is again serving as VP Education. Debbie Tucker moves from Sergeant-at-Arms to VP Membership. Louise Wolfe and Karen Conley continue as VP PR and Secretary. Jenise Uehara replaces Wendy Siu as Treasurer, and Tejal Swar takes on the Sergeant-at-Arms position again. Thanks to both our retiring and our new officers. See
Officers Page for pictures and Email addresses.

New Year's Open House a Success

Joe Madley, DTMGinny LivinstoneJan. 8, 2003 Eleven guests and nine members attended "SPEAKING of Resolutions"--CH@Home's Jan. 8th guest open house. Ginny Livingstone welcomed guests and explained the many resources available at PeninsulaWorks. Keynote speaker, Joe Madley, explained that "Your Number 3 New Year's Resolution" should be to make resolutions and set goals. He gave an personal example of a trip postponed until he finally resoved to take it last year. Joe also encouraged the guests new to Toastmasters to consider joining. Frequent guest, Wada Nandiwada, was inspired to join CH@Home as our first dual member. Several guests stayed after the meeting to learn more about Toastmasters. Mick McGee and Marisol Martinez returned and joined the following week. Thanks to Louise, Randie, Karen, and Tejal for donating refreshments and door prizes, as well as to the many members who helped distribute flyers around the Redwood City area.

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