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July-Dec. 2001


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We're Excited About New Home!

CH@Home Moves to PeninsulaWorks

Ginny Livingstone welcomes CH@Home Toastmaster Presidents Blaise Pabon & Maggie YenDec. 19, 2001 Excite@Home may be closing its doors soon, but CH@Home Toastmasters Club is alive and well, and excited about its new home. With so many members already unemployed or facing imminent layoffs, the logical choice for a new meeting location was PeninsulaWorks, a nearby "one-stop career center" sponsored by California Employment Development Department. PeninsulaWorks is located at 2500 Middlefield Road, about 3 blocks south of Woodside Road, only a short distance from Excite@Home, the club's original location. CH@Home Toastmasters will continue to meet every Wednesday from noon to 1pm.

Ginny Livingstone, PeninsulaWorks Career CounselorCH@Home's first meeting at the new site on Dec. 19th featured special guest speaker Ginny Livingstone, a PeninsulaWorks career counselor, who gave job search tips and also described the many job search resources the facility provides. Her speech was titled "Job Search in the New Economy". For further information about Redwood City PeninsulaWorks, call 650/367-0190 or visit

Evening of Inspiration

Congratulations Louise, Ravi, Maggie!

Three newest CTMs--Louise Wolfe, Ravi Char, Maggie YenDec. 4, 2001 Eleven members and twelve guests gathered to celebrate CH@Home's first "Evening of Inspiration". Blaise Pabon, President, opened the meeting by welcoming Toastmaster dignitaries--Charles Butterfield, District 4 Lt.Governor Education & Training; Hemant More, Area C-1 Governor; Harry Holland, Area C-3 Governor. Other guests included family and friends, former and future members, visiting Toastmasters from 5 other local clubs, and even one from Mexico!

Randie Ellington, Toastmaster, started on a positive note by having everyone introduce themselves by giving an affirmation. "Affirmation" was also the 'Word of the Day', presented by Sarah Moffatt. As each person listed 3 positive qualities they possess or would like to gain, a common theme soon emerged--with "Patience" heading the list. "Obscenely Wealthy" came in a distant second.

Randie then introduced the speakers, using information he had gathered through a detailed, insightful questionaire--everything from the title and date of their ice breaker speech to "little known facts" about them. He also interviewed them after their speeches, asking for their advice to other members. Louise recommended "A Speech a Month", Maggie advised members to get involved and participate fully, and Ravi repeated his primary message--use "Baby Steps" to give that next speech.

In "Possible Dreams", Louise Wolfe described five basic steps to realizing your dreams--"choose the dream, picture the dream, plan the dream, work the dream, and live the dream". Using her daughter's pom-poms, she also led the audience in a cheer, urging them to just "D-O-I-T--Do It!"

Maggie Yen used two experiences from her own life as examples of overcoming adversity and becoming "More Than You Are". Maggie, a native of Taiwan, diligently studied the English language until she became a fluent speaker, as those in the audience will attest. She also expanded her job skill set to include salesmanship, even though she previously had no interest or experience in that particular area.

The final speaker, Ravi Char, demonstrated his "Baby Steps" or incremental progress approach to getting things done. He explained that he uses a "principal of thirds" technique. He divides jobs into the beginning, middle, and end. By focusing on the beginning, his motivation then kicks in and allows him to finish the job.

Audience Listening to AffirmationsAfter a short intermission, during which members and guests actually had time to "chat", Beth McElhinney, our first President, led Table Topics. She used a number of examples of famous people who failed or received bad reviews earlier in their careers as inspiration to keep trying. She then asked participants to comment on the example and explain how their personal experience related to it. David Moffatt ( who also videotaped the event) won for best Table Topics.

Harry Holland, Charles Butterfield, and Randy Samberg evaluated the three speakers. Randy was voted Best Evaluator. Charles Butterfield, District 4 Lt.Governor Training & Education then awarded Louise, Maggie, and Ravi their CTM badges. Blaise also presented Louise and Maggie with flowers in acknowledgement of their work on the club website (Louise) and newletters (Maggie).

Even after the meeting officially adjourned, most stayed on to enjoy refreshments (which various members had provided) and to extend the camaraderie of the evening. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped make this special event such a success. CH@Home hopes to make "An Evening of Inspiration" an annual (or even semi-annual) event.
(Photos by Randy Samberg) More
Evening of Inspiration Webshots (Slow Download!)

Blaise & Al in Fall Area Contests

Al Dobbs Places 2nd in Humorous

Al Dobbs, CTM, CLBlaise Pabon, CTM/CL Oct. 4, 2001 Blaise Pabon and Al Dobbs did an excellent job representing CH@Home in Area C1's speech contests. Blaise competed in the Evaluation Contest. Al's speech "The Counter Man" was a second place winner in the Humorous Contest. This was Al's first area competition, and he is looking forward to representing CH@Home (Club 2752) in future contests.

End of Summer Pool Party

Group at Pool PartySept.9, 2001 What better way to celebrate the end of summer than with a pool party and barbeque? CH@Home members, family, and friends gathered for a true chance to chat. The table topics session scheduled for the deep end was cancelled due to cold water temperature, but the rest of the celebration was enjoyed by all. Louise hopes to turn this event into an annual affair.
Imju, Maggie & Randie ChattingSarah & son Andrew

Ola's Farewell Roast

Olatokunbo DurojaiyeAug. 29, 2001 When Olatokunbo Durojaiye (better known as Ola) had to return to England, CH@Home couldn't let him go without a special good-bye. Randy Samberg turned Table Topics into an Ola Roast. Ola went out in style, giving his fifth speech and then volunteering to roast himself! He was voted both the best speaker and best table topics speaker for the day. We concluded the meeting by sharing a bon voyage cake and offering Ola our best wishes. Despite moving, Ola decided to renew his membership, and officially remains our long distance member.
 CH@Home Saying Goodbye to OlaJoe, Al, Jen

Evaluation Contest

Blaise Pabon, CTM, CLAug. 22, 2001 Four CH@Home members competed in the club's annual Evaluation Contest. Winner Blaise Pabon will represent CH@Home at the Area C1 contest. Second place Randy Samberg will serve as alternate. Al Dobbs and Ravi Char also did an excellent job. All four evaluated guest Jason North's speech "Can Pigs Fly?". Other members enjoyed seeing how four different people reacted and gave feedback to the same speech.

Humorous Contest

Aug. 15, 2001 Three members, Al Dobbs, Blaise Pabon, and Louise Wolfe, did their best to entertain us at the annual Humorous Contest.

Blaise's speech was titled "Dogs Will Be Dogs". His speech was very creative and his idea of massive parallel processing of dogs' brains was unique. Louise's speech was titled "Walkin' the Beans". She shared with us some of her wonderful memories of growing up on a farm. She ended the speech with an excellent punch line.

Al Dobbs, CTM, CLAl's winning presentation, "Counter Man" proved the adage that the best humor is found describing everyday situations. His winning speech featured the colorful service people we are all so familiar with in daily life. Al's description of Doug, the tattooed video store service guy with a chain up his nose, brought on rounds of laughter. Clearly our members had met Doug or Doug's pals. Just think, renting a movie gets you a free show. Many thanks to Doug! The next example that worked well was the airport check-in counter. Al, in a humorous way, revealed all the things we have all secretly suspected all along.

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