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Jan.-June 2002


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District 4-Third in the World!

CH@Home President's Distinguished Club!

June 30, 2002 It's official! Toastmasters International has posted the year-end results. Congratulations to District 4 Officers and all the members and clubs who made this remarkable feat possible. CH@Home Toastmasters helped District 4 reach this mark by earning Toastmasters highest level club award--President's Distinguished. We all have cause to celebrate! See Success Plan 2001-02 for our club's accomplishments this past year.

Congratulations Vivek Kapoor-CTM!

Vivek Kapoor, CTMVivek Kapoor, CTM & Mentor Randy SambergMay 22, 2002 Vivek's inspirational speech "Try and Try Till You Succeed" included news of his new job in Virginia. Mentor Randy Samberg evaluated Vivek's speech. Six guests attended the meeting, which was also "Bring a Guest" Day. After the meeting, many stayed to chat and enjoy snacks. Good luck, Vivek, & continued success! We'll miss your energy.


CH@Home Wins "Platinum Page"

Louise & Randy Holding Platinum Page AwardMay 4, 2002 Webmaster Louise Wolfe accepted the Platinum Page Award for best Toastmasters club website at the District 4 Spring Conference. Linda Kenney, District 4 Public Relations Officer, commended the CH@Home site for its outstanding Toastmasters content. This especially includes the many photos that Randy Samberg has taken since founding the club.

Spring Area Contests

Louise Wolfe and Joe Schramm
Louise & Joe, CH@Home's Area ContestantsMarch 7, 2002 CH@Home Toastmasters was well represented at Area C1's spring speech contests.

Louise Wolfe placed second in the International contest with her speech "Differently Abled". Susan Schwartz, ProToasties, won with "Valley Girl" and Carmel Weiler, Redwood City Orators, finished third discussing "Celebrations".

In the Tall Tales contest, Joseph Schramm's "No Frills Vacation" gained a lot of laughter and a third place trophy. John Harrison, ProToasties, won Tall Tales, and Soledad Manaay from Donald L. Bogie came in second.

Randie Ellington also did an excellent job as Toastmaster for the Tall Tales contest. Randy Samberg served as judge for both contests, and Wendy Siu, Fran Romero Cruz, and Tejal Vakil helped with registration and vote counting. Blaise Pabon served as contest calligrapher.

Louise Wolfe--Area C1 "Toastmaster of the Year"

Hemant More, Area C1 Governor, Congratulating Louise Wolfe, Area C1 Toastmaster of the YearMarch 7, 2002 Final announcement of the evening was each club's selection for "Toastmaster of the Year". Hemant More, Area C1 governor, then presented the "Area Toastmaster of the Year" award to Louise Wolfe, CH@Home's honoree. He mentioned several of her accomplishments--serving two terms as VP Education, developing and maintaining the club's website, and organizing CH@Home's "Evening of Inspiration". He also mentioned her part in helping CH@Home Toastmasters make the successful transition through difficult times--from company closure and massive layoffs to relocation at PeninsulaWorks. Louise especially shares this part of the award with CH@Home's founder, Randy Samberg, and mentor, Randie Ellington, as well as the past and current officers, who were determined to keep our club flourishing.

International Contest

Louise & MaggieFeb. 20, 2002 Maggie Yen and Louise Wolfe competed in the club's annual International Contest. Both contestants used examples from their personal experiences to inspire and entertain the audience.

Maggie Yen discussed her various challenges in adjusting to a new country and new culture. Louise shared her admiration for her sister who has been very successful despite being disabled since birth.

Louise won the contest and will represent CH@Home at the Area C1 contest in March.

CH@Home's 2nd Anniversary

Founder & Toastmaster for the Anniversary--Randy SambergFeb. 13, 2002 What better way to celebrate a second anniversary than with a new CTM, two new members, and a Select Distinguished Club Award? Throw in some pizza, cake, and horns, and we had ourselves a party! Our Founder, Randy Samberg, performed the Toastmaster honors and beamed proudly in front of our new banner. Club mentor, Randie Ellington, lead the Table Topics.
Randy Samberg, Founder

Joe Schramm, CTM!

Joe Schramm, CTM!Feb. 13, 2002 Look at Joe go! Not only has Joe set a club record by achieving his CTM in only six months, but he tells a tantalizing story as well. He won our Tall Tales contest on February 6th against three other talented, more experienced Toastmasters (Blaise Pabon, second place, Randy Samberg and Louise Wolfe). He returned the following week to deliver his 10th speech speech, simply titled "Life". Double Congratulations, Joe

Tall Tales Contest-YeeHah!

Tall Tales ContestantsFeb. 6, 2002 Four hearty souls stretched their imaginations and brought their far-fetched, exaggerated stories to the CH@Home annual "Tall Tales" contest. Blaise Pabon, Randy Samberg, and Louise Wolfe regaled us with historical fountain pens, a new Toastmasters torture-style game show, and an inconsiderate roommate with a secret identity. We laughed till our bellies hurt.

JoeBut in the end, Joe Schramm's "No Frills Vacation" with Discount Bob and "Yak Milk Latte" won the day. Blaise Pabon's historic travelling fountain pen finished second.

Joe will represent CH@Home at the Area C1 Tall Tales contest in March. Best of luck, Joe! And don't forget your parachute.

Humor Seminar by Anupama Desai

Anupama Desai, ATM, CL with Blaise Pabon and Maggie YenJan. 30th, 2002 Special Guest Anupama Desai, ATM-Gold, says "Humor is everywhere. See it and use it." The primary intent of this interactive seminar was not for Anupama to display her own comic talents (though you we did see her funny side), but to make humorists out of all of us. Anupama taught us to shift our perception to see the funny side of even a mundane and boring situation and to not take ourselves too seriously. She helped us create humor that is relevant, immediate, and spontaneous. Anupama recently presented this seminar at the District 57 Fall Conference. She was also a contestant in both the district humorous and evaluation contests.

Anupama Desai, ATM, CLAnupama Desai is a creative writer, poet, seminar presenter, trainer, mentor and a keynote speaker. In addition, Anupama loves music, dancing, bowling, running and meditation. She joined Toastmasters in 1998, and won her club's international, humorous and evaluation contests within the first year.


Hemant More Installs Officers

Hemant More, C1 Area Governor, with CH@Home's New Officers
January 2002 Officers
Jan. 9, 2002 New CH@Home Officers Installed by Hemant More--(l to r) Sarah Moffatt, Treasurer; Tejal Vakil, Sergeant-at-Arms; Ravi Char, Secretary; Hemant More, C1 Area Governor; Joe Schramm, VP PR; Maggie Yen, President; Louise Wolfe, VP Education; Vivek Kapoor, VP Membership

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