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Debbie Tucker, CTM

Debbie Tucker, CTM
Bremerton, Washington
Administrative Assistant
Reading, Crocheting, Photography
June 2002
Debbie Tucker, CTM
Debbie was raised in rural Washington and moved to the Bay Area in 1977. She's been involved with "her guy" over 20 years and has helped him raise 3 children, 8 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Her extended family also includes her mom, 2 brothers & sister, and various in-laws. After 25 years in the printed circuit board industry, she is currently upgrading her skills at the Regional Occupational Program.

Debbie's hobbies include grandkids, reading, crocheting, photography, sports (especially baseball), writing, environmental issues, '40s music, Kenny Rogers, and movies (especially John Wayne & Cary Grant movies). Her motto is "Integrity is Everything!" She considers going back to school after 30 years as her biggest achievement, and she plans to continue to grow and learn. Her secret fantasy is to write a book that would still be on library shelves 100 years after publication.

Debbie joined CH@Home Toastmasters in June 2002 to overcome her fear of speaking and to improve her job prospects. She served as Sergeant-at-Arms soon after joining and is now CH@Home's VP Membership. Debbie earned her CTM on Feb. 5th with "The Power of Love". Her next Toastmasters goals are to obtain her CL, and to improve her impromptu speaking skills until she "feels fully comfortable during job interviews".

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