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Louise Wolfe, DTM

Louise Wolfe, DTM
Programmer/Web Designer
Fat Activism, Scrabble,
Reality TV
April 2001
Louise Wolfe, DTM

Louise was born a "midwest farmer's daughter" in Illinois, but after two years teaching in the Peace Corps in West Africa, she became a "California girl". She has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1971. Her careers have included teaching, counseling, recreation, and computer programming. She adopted her 16-year old daughter, Lydia, at birth. Louise describes herself as a "vivacious dilettante and nurturing group leader".

Louise joined Front Runners Toastmasters, a Bank of America Club, in April 2001 and transferred to ChatHome that June. She is also a member of High Spirits of Belmont. She earned her CTM in December 2001 at CH@Home's first "Evening of Inspiration" with her speech "Possible Dreams". She earned her CL in May 2002, ATM-B in June 2002, and ATM-S in April 2003. In August 2004, Louise earned both her ATM-G and AL. She became CH@Home's first DTM in Sept. 2004.

Louise served as ChatHome's President, VP Education, VP Membership, and VP PR. She also developed CH@Home's website and serves as Webmaster. In Spring 2002, she won the Platinum Page Award for best District 4 club website. In Fall 2002, Louise won the Golden Quill Award for best District 4 club newsletter. She completed what she calls the publicity "Triple Crown" when she received the award for best VP PR in the District during Fall 2002.

Louise was selected as "Toastmaster of the Year" for both 2001 and 2002 for CH@Home Toastmasters club, Area C1, and Division C. She was also selected as District 4's "Toastmaster of the Year" for 2002. She served as Area C2 Governor for 2003-04 and Division B Governor for 2004-05. She is also currently District 4 Club Coach Coordinator. Louise loves contests and has placed second and third in Area C1 International contests. In 2003 she won the Area D5 and Division D Tall Tales Contests and competed at the district contest. Louise loves enlivening her speeches with costumes, props, and music as seen in the picture above taken after her speech on '60s rock & roll history. (Groovy!)

Learn more about Louise on her personal website .

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