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Randie Ellington, ATM-B/CL

Randie Ellington, CTM
Oakland, California
Project Manager
Travel, Driving, Reading
February 1982
Randie Ellington, CTM

Randie Ellington returned to his hometown of Oakland, CA in 1996, after living in Southern California, Texas, and Milwaukee, WI. His careers have included computer operator, programmer, database administrator, network sales executive, project manager, general manager for a satellite TV startup, and network engineer. He has worked for Hughes Aircraft, McDonnell Douglas, and Excite@Home, and Randie currently seeks a project manager or middle management position. His hobbies include driving, reading, and traveling, most recently to Egypt. He provided a quote for his self-description: "If there is a there, there I want to go." Randie lists his personal accomplishments as getting his Toastmasters CTM, being a Walter Kaitz Fellow, and earning his MBA. He also admits to being an ISTJ (Guardian type) on the Meyers Briggs Temperament Profile.

Randie first joined Toastmasters in 1982 and held offices for several clubs in the Founders District. He also attended Smedley Club #1 briefly. Randie won first place in the Area Humorous Speech Contest in 1982. He earned his CTM in 1985 with his speech "How Dare You!", and his CL in 2001. He received his ATM-B in May 2003. Randie was a charter member and Club Mentor for CH@Home Toastmasters and served as the first VP Education.

Randie has mentored many of CH@Home's members. He advises them that getting past the first few speeches will allow them to experience success and see the effectiveness of the program. "This program is 80 or more years in the making, constantly refined by a conscientious professional staff, people just like us who were not comfortable in conversations with one or one hundred people." Randie's favorite speech topics are inspirational and personal improvement.

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