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Randy Samberg, ATM-S/AL

Randy Samberg, ATM-S
New York
Oracle Database Administrator
Golf, Jogging, Dogs
March 1995
Randy Samberg, ATM-S

Randy Samberg was born in New York and lived in Ohio, Massachusetts, and Colorado before settling in Union City, CA with her husband, Steve Decker, and 2 large dogs (Oakley and Calamity). Randy received her Masters degree in Audiology from Kent State University. She has worked as an audiologist, computer operator, technical support representative, and an MVS System Programmer. Randy was employed by Oracle as a Senior Database Administrator and by Excite@Home as a Lead Database Administrator. She currently holds an Oracle Database Administrator position at PalmSource.

Her hobbies include golf, jogging, and working out. She says, "I love dogs, people, and Toastmasters, not necessarily in that order." Her top accomplishments include, "Marrying a wonderful man, starting a wonderful Toastmasters club, and making it through my term as Area C1 Governor." Her personal goals are to be successful in her career and to improve her golf game.

Randy joined Oracle Orators Toastmasters in 1995, and served as Sgt.-at-Arms, VP Membership, and President. She earned her CTM in 1997, and her ATM-B and CL in 1999. Her CTM speech was titled "Run for an Office and Reap the Benefits". Randy has held most offices in CH@Home, either officially or unofficially. She will serve as President in 2005. Randy was the first CH@Home member to earn her ATM-S in October 2002. She also earned CH@Home's first AL in 2003. She is only a few speeches away from her DTM.

In March 1998, Randy won Oracle Orators and Area C1 Toastmaster of the Year. She served as Area C1 Governor for 1999-2000, leading them to a Distinguished Area Award. She also founded CH@Home Toastmasters at Excite@Home in January 2000 and earned a "Guerilla Marketing Award" for publicizing the new club. She has been a club advisor and mentor ever since. Randy also mentors several members.

Randy says she doesn't have a favorite speech topic, but her most recent speeches have been on Internet spam and cell phone etiquette. She serves as unofficial club photographer, providing most of the pictures on the club website and posting even more pictures at Randy's CH@Home Toastmasters Webshots. Her advice to other Toastmasters: "Never stop attending Toastmaster meetings. There is always more to learn, and no matter how good you think you are, if you stop practicing, your skills will get rusty. Don't be afraid to take on leadership roles. It will help you get the most out of Toastmasters." She believes that "joining Toastmasters was the smartest thing I have ever done".

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