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Ravi Char, CTM/CL

Ravi Char, CTM
Mysore, India
Technical Project Manager
Yoga, Roller Blades, Meditation
June 2000
Ravi Char, CTM
Ravi Char was born in Mysore, India, and received his BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Mysore. Ravi was a pioneer in developing the Internet in India. He and his wife moved to Sunnyvale, CA in 1997. Ravi Char worked for Excite@Home as a Technical Manager and is seeking a technical project management position. He is currently doing contract work in San Jose.

Among Ravi's interests are yoga, roller blades, meditation, Sanskrit poetry, and Egyptian history. He describes himself as a "casual taskmaster" and says that he is "unusually cool during crisis". Ravi considers earning his CTM as one of his greatest accomplishments and has a future goal of being wealthy.

Ravi joined CH@Home Toastmasters in June 2000 and earned his CTM in December 2001 at CH@Home's first "Evening of Inspiration" with his speech "Baby Steps". He earned his CL in April 2002. He served two terms as CH@Home's Secretary. Ravi's favorite topics are self-improvement and motivation. He is currently working on his ATM. Ravi describes Toastmasters as "an organization where friends help friends" and feels that Toastmasters skills are "not taught in school".

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