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Wendy Siu

Wendy Siu
Canton, China
Software Engineer
Travel, Hiking, Dancing
February 2002
Wendy Siu
Wendy Siu was born in Canton, China and moved to the Bay Area at age five. She also lived briefly in Beijing and for two years in Niger, West Africa while serving in the Peace Corps. She received BA in Political Science with a minor in Chinese Studies from UC Berkeley.

Wendy has worked as a Natural Resource Management Extension Agent, Management and Change Management Consultant, and Business Analyst. She currently works as a Software Engineer and would like to do Product/Marketing Management in the future. She is especially interested in managing third world development projects. Wendy enjoys traveling, hiking, scuba diving, cultural studies, world politics/socio-economics, dancing, and challenging herself.

Wendy describes herself as an enthusiastic adventure seeker, passionate about life. Her major accomplishments include her proven ability to work well in unfamiliar and adverse environments and her successful adjustment to reverse-cultural shock. Her major goals are to continuously challenge herself to learn and grow, to succeed in any endeavor she takes on, and to be happy. She likes to see life's difficulties as challenges to overcome and learn from.

Wendy joined CH@Home Toastmasters in February 2002 and became treasurer in July 2002. Her goals are to gain ease and confidence in public speaking, to learn how to capture and hold the interest of an audience, make friends, and have fun.

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