Q. Are cable descramblers legal to own?
A. Yes!!! We all have a legal right to own a descrambler. However, it is possible to use them in an unlawful manner. See the link to our disclaimer below for more information.

Q. Can the cable company tell that I am using my own equipment?
A. No. Our Cable equpment are unaddressable. Therefore it is your responsibility to notify them. Please read our disclaimer.

-Click here to see our disclaimer-

Q. Do your descramblers work on digital cable?
A. Unfortunately, there are NO descramblers on the market for digital cable. However, the cable companies will continue to offer both services for� years to come.

Q. Are your boxes the non-addressable/bulletproof kind?
A. Yes!

Q. I notice a lot of the universal descramblers around the net look alike, but have different names. What's the difference?
A. Very little. Most of the universals on the web are basically the same box, just with a different logo on the front.

Q. How do I know if the descrambler will work for me?
A. Our descramblers are remarkably universal. They will work in most areas. We also have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee, just in case. Below are some things you can do to help us ensure your satisfaction.

I. Find out the make and model # of the cable company supplied boxes in your area. This info will be found on the bottom of the rental box. Look at a neighbors if possible. You should compare this info with our
compatibility chart.

Q. I'm having some problems with my descrambler. What should I do?
A. E-mail us. Most problems can be worked out. Otherwise, we will instruct you on how to return the descrambler and issue you an RMA #.

Q. Do you really guarantee I'll be happy with the box or my money back?
A. Yes!!! We have a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the box, just return it to us, along with all the original packaging, remote, instructions etc. We will issue you a refund in the same manner the unit was purchased. All shipping charges are non refundable. We may refuse your return if any of the packaging, or components are damaged or missing.


Q. I found a better price on a descrambler. Will you beat it?
A. Maybe. We try hard to have the best value on the net, while still honoring all of our warranties. If you find a lower price, send us the URL, and we'll see what we can do. We want your business!!!

Q. Do you do large wholesale sized orders?
A. We can typically accommodate any size order, and we give great quantity discounts. Please e-mail for pricing.

Q. Tell me more about the warranty and guarantee.
A. Our descramblers carry a one year parts and labor warranty, and a 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
-You can return the box at any time, for any reason, within 30 days for a full refund, less shipping charges.
-ALL components must be included with your return (remote, converter, cords, instructions, etc.) or we will send it back to you.

-After the 30 days are up, you have a full one year parts and labor warranty which starts the day you purchased the unit.�
-During that time, any electronic defects which occur during normal use will be covered.��
-Any unauthorized tampering with the unit will void the warranty.�
-The one year warranty does not cover system changes by your cable company.
-Shipping charges are non refundable.

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