Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Sat, 2 December 2007  11:12 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Comel's Death






Microsoft chairman Bill Gates (R) shakes hands with Ritesh David, who was first in line to purchase the company's newest Xbox video-game, Halo 3, at an electronics store in Bellevue Washington, September 25, 2007.

(Robert Sorbo/Reuters)

Reuters - Wed Sep 26, 10:43 AM ET

  Comel sightseeing from the windows while sun bathing.



Comel when he had just a week in the house on early August 2007, age around one month, with standing hairs in his body.   Comel showing his teeth on the sofa. But unlike the tiger or any other cats, he liked to open his mouth more like a dog, with his tongue appeared from his mouth, and his breath in short pace but fast.





Something terrible happened at home on Friday night 30 November 2007, the gray cat that just inhibited the house for four months and so far has attracted the whole family, died in convulsion after suffering from illness for only around five days. It became worst because since the appearance of your photo wearing gray shirt with Ritesh David in Bellevue Washington, September 2007, I considered the cat as representing yourself. And the cat died with his head heading toward the windows I mentioned in my previous letter of "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window", about the movie title that remind me with the story of King Solomon whereas when King Solomon died, nobody knew it yet, only after the termites consumed his wooden staff and he fell to the ground, that the devils knew his death.                . 

This cat name was Comel. It was not clear whether it was a male or female, because for the youth cat usually it is not clear of the gender. Like the previous cat 'Ndut, in the beginning some people thought it was a female, but after he was grown almost a year, it was clear that it was a male. To make it easier let us consider Comel as a he.

Comel was brought to the house one morning by the maid in a small plastic pouch. At first my sister declined to accept it as a pet in the house, because he looked ugly with almost all of the hairs in the body standing. Yet I nurtured him carefully, feeding him with Whiskas for kitten and Ultra milk, and a few weeks later he grew to become a beautiful cat with semi long hair, and big tail caused by the long hairs, with nice gray color bearing some black stripes and spots. He even looked similar with the photo of a kitten in the package of Whiskas kitten. He was also rather hyperactive, he liked to run fast inside the house or in the yard, jumping briskly to the coaches and sofas, and often shown his teeth by gaping his mouth and tongue.  

Almost at the same time of his coming to the house, there were other three kittens at the same age with him. Those three kittens were still having a mother, sometimes they stayed in the house, sometimes left somewhere else. Whenever they were having breast feeding, Comel liked to stay around watching them. Around one month later, one of those three kittens was missing, somebody could have taken it because it had nice three colors of white, yellow and black. Only two of the kittens remained, the black with some scrambled small yellow spots, and the white with yellow spots.

As time went by, Comel grew bigger than those two other kittens, their size were only three quarters of Comel. They liked to play along, catching and hiding, wrestling on the floor or on the ground, biting each other, exercising their wild nature.

Last Sunday on 25 November 2007 when I went to the Mall, I found one in the pet shop with the same color and semi long hair like Comel, except it was bigger. I asked the shop keeper there and she answered that it was a Persian-Australian cat, one year old, and the price was around 1,8 million rupiahs or approximately US $ 200.

In the middle of last week, the white and yellow cat in the house began to show its illness, with the nose watering a little bit, and hardly want to eat. A few days later, on Saturday 24 November 2007 Comel began to show similar illness too. But based on my experience when I was young, whereas there were many cats in the house where I lived at Sukabumi street, some of the cats also sometimes got sick, but mostly they survived. The maid sometimes cured them with influenza pill. Only those with weaker bodies that died.

While in case of Comel, I thought he was strong enough to survive the illness, since he had a strong body.

On Wednesday 28 November 2007, he only ate a little. The next two days, Thursday ad Friday, he ate nothing at all, only some small amount of milk. But then again, based on my previous experience a few years ago at Sukabumi street, I was still secure that Comel would survive.

Friday 30 November 2007, in the afternoon around five PM, I read the book in the back terrace of the house, and Comel crouch among three pots nearby the two windows I mentioned in my previous letter of  "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window". Yet at that moment I was not connecting it with that letter, although he rarely laid down there, I thought it was just because he was sick, he liked to feel the coolness of the plants.

Around five fifteen I took a bath. Although in the recent weeks I used to take a bath in the evening or sometimes not at all, but that day I decided to take a bath earlier. Then I changed my T-Shirt, from previously the gray with NATO like logo in front, to a light blue one. 

Friday night, I was watching TV in my bedroom, a favorite program of Empat Mata or Four Eyes at Trans 7. The guests at that night were Cinta Laura, Endita, Aditya Herpavi, Indra Herlambang, and Citra.

All of a sudden I heard Comel screamed, along with the sound of small plastic plate thrown away. I immediately strode out of the bedroom, and found the light blue small plastic plate was on the other side of the bottom of the table, almost a meter and a half away form where I first put it near Comel. While Comel was in convulsion, his head was heading toward the two windows I mentioned in my previous letter of "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window". I tried to touch him but he declined, struggling with strong movement of his feet. When he has been more calmed, I hold him and caressed his back and stomach, then he was in convulsion again, jerking his feet and head. I realized that he could be in his death throes. Then he calmed again, and another convulsion again though weaker than the earlier. I kept caressing him. And the last time the convulsion came along with his last breath. I tried to push and pull his chest, but it was useless, he had gone. 

I took a glance to the watch, it was around seven minutes after ten. So when the first convulsion came it was around 22.04. 

I have no idea what was the message from that tragic moment in the evening, but since I have considered him as representing yourself, I really worry about it now. Probably the strong message of light blue plastic plate thrown away in his first convulsion, and it was after in the afternoon I changed my T-Shirt form gray to light blue, was that I should never changed my death destiny with someone else.

Now all I can do is to wish you please immediately help me realize the "test", as some kind of your handing over responsibility to my self about this matter. By still having the consent to move to the eternity though I have been living in wealthy after receiving the amount from you, it could increase the value of my moving to the eternity in the eyes of God. That among the human species in this world, there is someone with such a consent of leaving the wealth of life just because of a strong devotion to obey God's call to move to the eternity. Hopefully God would bestow more of God's Mercy and Love to this world for the good of our kind, the human species.   

As soon as you realize helping me with the "test", I would then go to get some help from lawyers to produce a letter of statement that the amount of finance I received will never be used for political activities. Then I will bound for some sacred places around the world as some kind of spiritual traveling, and finally secluded my self somewhere, to be faraway from my friends and my family to make sure that when I die nobody would miss me so much.















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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