Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Sun, 9 December 2007  10:57 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  A Review to Hurricane Season 2007






UPDATE; graphic shows most recent location of Hurricane Dean and projected path; updated at 6:30 p.m. EDT; 1c x 3 3/4 inches; 46.5 mm x 95.3 mm

AP - Mon Aug 20, 7:21 PM ET






NOAA color enhanced satellite image shows Hurricane Dean as it approaches central Mexico. Hurricane Dean on Wednesday hit Mexico for a second time in two days, blasting the eastern state of Veracruz with strong winds and pounding rain threatening to trigger dangerous floods and mudslides.



Wed Aug 22, 3:56 PM ET






NOAA satellite image shows Hurricane Felix as it approaches Nicaragua. A furious Hurricane Felix on Tuesday battered Nicaragua's Caribbean coast, destroying wooden homes, flooding coastal areas, leaving fishing boats missing at sea and threatening neighboring Honduras.


AFP/NOAA-HO - Tue Sep 4, 3:21 PM ET





UPDATES storm path; graphic shows location of Hurricane Felix and projected path as of 8 a.m.; 1c x 3 3/8 inches; 46.5 mm x 85.7 mm

AP - Tue Sep 4, 3:01 PM ET







According to AP, the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season was less active than forecasters thought it would be, with six hurricanes developing instead of the nine predicted, a top weather researcher said Tuesday. Cooler water and the presence of wind shears in the central tropical Atlantic made this an average season instead of the above-average year the team expected, said Phil Klotzbach, a member of researcher William Gray's team at Colorado State University. Cooler temperatures inhibit hurricane formation, and wind shears can tear developing hurricanes apart.

I have mentioned about this Hurricane Season 2007 a little bit in my previous letter of 12 September 2007 with the title "Furious Dean and Felix, Soft Gabrielle", only in that letter I was not explaining anything, instead only giving the pictures of Hurricane History of Dean, Felix and Gabrielle, from The reason for not writing explanation was because I preferred to wait until the hurricane season 2007 ended on 30 November 2007.

Now that the hurricane season has ended, it is clear that, like written by Reuters, for a second year in a row, the United States has escaped a severe hurricane hit, pushing memories of Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans another notch into the past.   

My deep condolences to the victims of Hurricane Dean and Hurricane Felix in central American countries for this year's hurricane season had killed more than 200 people in Martinique, Dominica, Belize, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico.















Date:  Sun, 9 December 2007  11:36 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Comel's Death Mark the End of Hurricane Season 2007






US virtually unscathed by '07 hurricanes


Associated Press Writer

Wed Nov 28, 12:44 PM ET

MIAMI - Despite alarming predictions, the U.S. came through a second straight hurricane season virtually unscathed, raising fears among emergency planners that they will be fighting public apathy and overconfidence when they warn people to prepare for next year.

Friday marks the official close of the Atlantic season. So far, only one hurricane — and a minor one at that — has hit the U.S. during the June-to-November period. Mexico and Central America, however, were struck by a record two top-scale Category 5 storms. The preliminary total for the season: 14 named storms, five of them hurricanes, two of them major.

That was less activity than the U.S. government predicted before the season started, and stands in stark contrast to 2004 and 2005, when the U.S. was hit by one devastating storm after another, including Hurricane Katrina, the costliest natural disaster in American history.

However, forecasters and emergency managers warned that one result of the good year for the U.S. may be increased skepticism when they urge people to stock up on food and draw up hurricane evacuation plans for next year.

"Now that we've gone a couple of years without major hurricanes will the public be more apathetic before the next hurricane season? The answer is absolutely," said Craig Fugate, director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management. "The further we get away from these types of events ... the more complacent people become, and that's the challenge we have to continue to fight."Similarly, Robert Hartwig, president of the Insurance Information Institute, said the industry saw about a 20 percent increase in the number of policies sold in Gulf Coast states in the two years after Katrina. But about one in five new policies is not being renewed, he said.

"People believe they've rode out the worst of the storm, so to speak," Hartwig said. "Nothing could be further from the truth."

The season's 14 named storms were on   the   low   end   of   the   13   to  17


government scientists predicted. The five hurricanes did not reach the seven to 10 forecast. The two major hurricanes were also below the three to five predicted.

Colorado State University weather researcher William Gray was farther off the mark. Before the start of the season, he forecast 17 named storms, including nine hurricanes, five of them major, with a strong chance that a major hurricane would hit the U.S. coast.

Humberto, a Category 1 storm that hit Texas and Louisiana in September, was the first hurricane to strike the U.S. in two years. It was blamed for one death and $30 million (euro20 million) in damage.

Gerry Bell, a hurricane forecaster at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said the season was relatively quiet largely because La Nina, a cooling of the water in the Pacific that normally boosts the formation of hurricanes, had weaker-than-expected effects.

The government's 2006 preseason forecast proved overly pessimistic as well. Scientists predicted 13 to 16 named storms, eight to 10 of them hurricanes, with four to six of them major. Instead, there were nine named storms and five hurricanes, two of them major.

Bell said that this marks the second "near normal" season in a row. However, storm activity tends to go in cycles, and he said the Atlantic is still believed to be in a more active hurricane period that began in 1995.
Forecasters underestimated the 2005 season, which proved the busiest on record, with 28 named storms, including 15 hurricanes, four of which hit the U.S.

Despite the overpredictions for the 2006 and 2007 seasons, Bell said the government's forecasts are still valuable, stressing that they remind coastal residents they need to be prepared.

"Generally our forecasts have been very good," he said.







Some questions remain in my mind about what happened after Hurricane Season 2007 ended on 30 November 2007.  I just realized that "Comel's Death" in 30 November 2007 also served as a mark of the end of Hurricane Season 2007. Even one of the news related to the end of hurricane season 2007 used the words "virtually" that seems like containing my name "firman", and  "unscathed", like containing the word "cat", though it was written on 28 November 2007 before the cat died.

For me that word sounds like a message related to my consent: "unscathed = you end like the cat's head that was directed to the windows......".















Date:  Sun, 9 December 2007  11:55 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Humberto, "Whom Ber Theo"












Humberto, a Category 1 storm that hit Texas and Louisiana in September 2007, was the first hurricane to strike the U.S. in two years. It was blamed for one death and $30 million (euro20 million) in damage. It made landfall on 13 September 2007.

A few days earlier on 4 September 2007 I wrote about "Paris "8" Endeavour". Whereas I wrote that among the astronauts on this mission of space shuttle Endeavour was Rick Mastracchio, whose first name was rather similar with Paris Hilton’s father Ricky Hilton. While among the photos of this mission was about a hole of damaged tiles underneath the space shuttle Endeavour. It was during Endeavour orbiting the earth that Hurricane Dean occurred, and the astronauts managed to take some pictures of the cloud around hurricane’s eye that looks like a hole too. The position of the hole underneath space shuttle Endeavour and the hole of hurricane Dean’s eye make it looks like shaping number "8". As if initiating Paris Hilton’s position as Paris "8", the significant "8" I mentioned in my other previous letter, "035 072 8 6 0 1".

Number "8" is also the number of the house where my old friend Theo, a Indonesian with Jewish mother, lives in Sukabumi Street. The name of hurricane Humberto is like the words "Whom Ber Theo" in which "ber" is a prefix in Indonesian words which, among others, has the meaning of "with". Or, Humberto was like having the meaning of "Paris whom with the number 8".















Date:  Sun, 9 December 2007  12:11 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Focusing on the U.S.





Michael Christie from Reuters in MIAMI wrote on Tuesday 27 November  2007, about this hurricane season 2007 with the title "Hurricane season - mild for U.S. but not the rest". He wrote that ".......for a second year in a row, the United States has escaped a severe hurricane hit, pushing memories of Hurricane Katrina and the flooding of New Orleans another notch into the past.
But for Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, the 2007 hurricane season ending on Friday has hardly been benign......."

This also raised questions in my mind especially since on 17 June 2007 in my letters of "Review of Hurricane Season 2006"  I wrote : ".....After I began this 'Closing the Window of Disaster' on June 22, 2006, a significant result took place when until the end of hurricane season 2006 there were no dangerous hurricane entering the U.S., except for some tornadoes. Probably because my main concern was the devastation of hurricane Katrina in 2005, so it was the dangerous hurricane that was not appeared in 2006. Most of all, I thank God for my wish has been answered that way....."

"........But since it happened only once, in 2006, then some people might think it would be unfair to consider that I have been given the answer of my pray through this 'Closing the Window of Disaster'. So I should try it again for the coming hurricane season of 2007, and consider it as some kind of pray. Because after all pray can chance destiny. If in fact in hurricane season 2007 some dangerous hurricane still made landfall in the U.S., then perhaps last year was only a coincidence. Perhaps........"

Now in fact hurricane season 2007 has ended with no dangerous land fall to the U.S., and only to the U.S.

So, after once again thanking God for this mild hurricane season 2007 for the U.S., less active than forecasters thought it would be, the questions remains the same.

Why it happened after I wrote these letters to you? Is your position in this world becomes the main reason, to help me get more answer about this? Or are we given an opportunity by God to make some kind of "conversation with the nature"?

Of course I am in no capacity to do significant follow up to this probabilities, who am I anyway. The important thing is that I have done my part according to my own capability. If you think it is interesting enough to do something related with this matter, it will be up to you, I am not too good in convincing and persuading others to help me.      















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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