Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Thu, 6 December 2007  10:25 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Avoiding the Reverse of 999 to 666




Splatters of milk that appeared again on the table after the maid applied some chemical later on known as furniture polish, using a brush, like the work of forensic team in crime scene investigation.   Round glass table in the back terrace of the house where I used to read some books, including on Tuesday when the maid was cleaning the souvenirs with strong smell of chemical later on known as Furniture Polish.



A brush and the Furniture Polish of Sara Lee used by the maid to clean furniture.  

The brand of 999 on top of the label of Furniture Polish, reminding me not to reverse it upside down to become "666", or not to reverse my consent with other's destiny.



Some souvenirs underneath an antique table that were first cleaned by the maid using a brush and Furniture Polish.   An oval table that was also cleaned by the maid before she brushed the table that some marks of splatter of milk appeared again on top of it.




Something more interesting, and probably dangerous sign, about the splatter of milk on top of the table worth to write here.

At the time when Comel died, around ten at night, I was thinking about making some photos of the surroundings to document any facts required for later contemplation. The problem was that the camera at that moment was in my sister's bedroom, and I would not like to tell her too soon about Comel's dead, with the hope he was only in suspended animation.

In the morning around five o'clock when I checked the surroundings of Comel's death, I found that the mark of splatters of milk on top of the table have gone. It could have been dried and no longer visible.

Four days later, Tuesday morning 4 December 2007, my sister who was staying in the apartment contacted me, telling me to ask the maid to clean some souvenirs under the antique rectangle table in the piano room. The order came along with an order to cook, so I first only told the cooking order  to the maid.

That day I spent my time reading a book, the Negotiator, at the terrace in the back of the house. In the afternoon after the maid finished cooking, I told her about the order to clean those souvenirs. She executed the order by first asking me about the brush to clean, and I answered I did not know.

While continued reading, I smelled some strong smell of chemical flavor, like shoe polish. As usual while reading a book,  every once in awhile I entered the living room to go to the dining room and took some drinking water or cookies or any other activities. It was then I found her brushing an oval table with a brush wet by the liquid chemical. Apparently she had finished cleaning the small souvenirs as ordered, and continued with cleaning other furniture in the house, by brushing it with the liquid chemical. She was then also brushed the table where the splatter of milk were on top of it during Comel's death throes.

Later on when she had finished with her brushing, I walked near the table and found that the marks of splatter of milk had appeared again, probably because of that chemical applied by the maid. It was then I took some photos of it.

The next day on Wednesday afternoon 5 December 2007 after getting home again from the Internet Shop, I checked with the maid about what kind of chemical that she used to brush the souvenirs and the furniture in the previous day. It appeared to be a Furniture Polish, produced by Sara Lee Household Indonesia. Actually according to the direction on the label, it should be applied using a damp cloth poured with a small amount of that liquid chemical, and after applying it on the furniture, it should be wiped using a dry cloth. While what the maid did on the previous day was applying it using a brush, like the work of forensic team in a crime scene investigation to reveal any finger prints or shoes print or blood prints in the location of a crime.

And what surprised me was that the Furniture Polish contained the number "999" on its label.   

It immediately reminded me with the "beast number" of "666" written in the Book of Revelation, about the beast wearing number 666 that would appear in this world causing huge disasters.

So I think the message is clear, that I should not reverse or switch my consent to move to the eternity with someone else's destiny, or it would become like reversing the 999 to become 666. In this case, because Comel's gray hair caused me to treat him as representing your self since the appearance of your photo wearing gray shirt with Ritesh David in Bellevue Washington, September 2007, like written in my previous letter of "Comel's Death", so I really should be aware of this danger, otherwise it would trigger the appearance of 666 beast. Especially since Comel's death was in 30 November 2007.

This becomes more serious because a few days before the Asian Tsunami in year 2004, I did some kind of mistake when a curator asked me about whether I was a Dajjal and I unintentionally answered by nodding my head. Dajjal is known as some kind of beast that would appear approaching the end of the world. A few days later the Asian Tsunami in 2004 happened, killing more than 200 thousands people in more than 12 countries. As if the real Dajjal was offended because my nodding my head was like pretending to be in the beast's position.
















Date:  Fri, 7 December 2007  8:19 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  It Should Be the Consent of the Four




Some numbers related to Comel's death also seems like reminding me about my consent. He first appeared in the house on 1 August 2007, and he died one day before 1 December 2007, in other words he spent four months in the house. The first convulsion in the night on 30 November 2007 came around ten o'clock, whereas ten o'clock at night could also be written as 22.00, and adding 2 by 2 becomes four

My name is Firman whereas in Dutch or German the word for number "four" is "fir". As if his death contains the message:  "It should be the consent of the four, and not switching it with anyone else....."














Date:  Thu, 6 December 2007  11:36 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Reminder from the Light Blue "Chalmer" Towel






Microsoft chairman Bill Gates listens to CEO Steve Ballmer answer a question from a shareholder, during the company's annual meeting in Seattle, Washington, November 13, 2007. REUTERS/Robert Sorbo


Reuters - Tue Nov 13, 3:08 PM ET

  A new towel, light blue, with the brand of Chalmer.



A house viewed from the kitchen, whereas more than ten years ago I spotted "Mer" walked out of the house to  a car across the street, and caused me to wonder what if, that followed by a tragic deadly accident to her husband. This same photo has also appeared at "Misunderstanding of Clapping Hand Toward the Asinan Peddler".   Light blue plastic plate thrown diagonally to the direction of my bedroom during Comel's death throes.




There is another serious message related with the light blue plastic plate thrown diagonally to the direction of my bedroom during Comel's death throes. I only realized it on Wednesday morning, when I was going to take a new light blue towel before taking a bath.

That day I had just washed my towel, and in replace I needed to take another towel before taking a bath. Immediately I remembered about a new towel given by my sister around one year ago. I pulled the folded new towel from the stack of other clothes in my wardrobe. By the time I spread it, I realized that the new towel was not yet washed, and the brand label was still attached with a plastic cord to the towel.

It was then I found out that the brand was Chalmer, like containing the name of my brother Faisal who sometimes also called by his friends as Icang or Ical. While the other syllable "mer" reminded me with Microsoft CEO Mr. Steve Ballmer.

Another person whose name containing the syllable "mer" is a famous Indonesian singer Andi Meriem Mattalatta, or usually known as "Mer". When I saw your photo with Mr. Steve Ballmer like in the above, especially with your inquiring stare that way, I actually had planned to write about this "Mer" matter. But I kept postponing it until the light blue plastic plate thrown diagonally to the direction of my bedroom during Comel's death throes, and the light blue new towel "chalmer" becomes like a strong reminder for me.

More than ten years ago, when I was not yet living in the house of my sister, as usual every once in a while I stayed there with my parents. One day when I was staying there, from the kitchen I looked toward a house in front of my sister's house, and spotted a famous singer Andi Meriem Mattalatta walking out of that house, her sister's house, toward a car across the street. All of a sudden came a thought in my mind: ".........she's beautiful,.........what if all of a sudden she became a widow..........."

A week later a stunning news appeared in the media, she really became a widow, because her husband, Bambang Hertasning, died.

Now the question is, what did I do at that moment.

The answer is, I did nothing special, I was just wondering "what if". And if such "what if" did cause bad thing, I really regret it and I apologize profusely.

Now after the appearance of your above photo with Mr. Steve Ballmer, followed by the light blue plastic plate thrown diagonally to the direction of my bedroom during Comel's death throes, and the light blue new towel "chalmer", and the above "666" matter, and the present Indonesian president is Mr. Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono, I think I become more serious with my consent to move to the eternity. May God help me with this sincere consent.

I should be better make the wondering of what if for positive things, like what if there would be no more poverty in this world, what if everybody lives happily ever after in this world and in the eternity, what if even when the dooms day came nobody would get any harm because everybody had been prepared to accept such reality.
















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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