Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Wed, 5 December 2007  10:04 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  I Might Have Done the Same Mistake About a Plan to Live Normal




One day before Comel died, he spent almost a whole day crouching behind the pot in the middle of this photo, in a small gap between the pot and the ivy-covered wall. Approximately 2,5 meter to the right is the grave of the previous cat 'Ndut, which story was told in "A Plan to Live Normal, and the Cat Died" and followed by "Canceling Lunch at Mac Donald, and Donald Rumsfeld Resigned".




A few hours before Comel died he crouched among three pots on the left of this photo, in front of the back windows of the living room, the windows mentioned in my previous letter "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window".





I could have done the same mistake again of planning to live normally, like previously before another cat died which story was told in "A Plan to Live Normal, and the Cat Died" and followed by "Canceling Lunch at Mac Donald, and Donald Rumsfeld Resigned". The plan was similar, to live a normal way, since I have been living in the house of my sister for more than five years, and getting financial support from my brother and my sister for more than ten years. I thought it must stop, the consent to move to the eternity was just nonsense, I had to live normally, time goes by, and I am getting older, it will be inappropriate to keep living in the house of my sister or my brother for too long.

Such a plan came when I was watering the plants. Since early October 2007, I began the habit of watering the plants after obtaining a information from the gardener that some of those plants need every day watering otherwise they would get dry. Being responsible for those plants live, the next day I began to watering the plant.

On that first day of spraying the yard with a water hose, I spoke inside my heart: ".....God, look at that, this small water hose is nothing compared to the rain you give from the only make wet for a small part, for a while, while the rain could make a fast part of this land getting wet, and the rain usually fall in longer time......" On that day the rain had not fall for several weeks.

A few hours after my talking in my heart that way, the rain began to fall, although just for awhile. And the next day the rain falling heavily, then for around a week almost every day it was raining, yet it began to stop falling again, so I began to watering the plant again.

The plan of living normally came while I was watering the plants around ten days before Comel died. I thought it would be alright to leave my consent to move out of this world, besides nobody seems to care to help me with such consent. Even the famous Mr. Bill Gates seemed unable to help with this because he has so many other things to take care of, so why should I keep on doing it. I have my own life to live, or like the song of Bon Jovi: "....Its my life........."

Only after Comel died, just a few days after such thought came to my mind, and it was the second time after the previous cat 'Ndut died after the same plan came to my mind like written in my letter  "A Plan to Live Normal, and the Cat Died" and followed by "Canceling Lunch at Mac Donald, and Donald Rumsfeld Resigned", I realized that this is serious, my consent should continue for the good of this world.

My concern is getting stronger after realizing that one day before he died, Comel spent most of the day crouching under the pot nearby the ivy-covered wall, not faraway from the grave of the previous cat 'Ndut. While a few hours before he died, he spent the time crouching among three pots in front of the back windows of the living room, the windows mentioned in my previous letter "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window".
















Date:  Wed, 5 December 2007  10:51 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Purchase of 25 November and the "2,5 Year Transit to the Eternity"






Remaining mark of splatter of milk on top of the table that seems to pointed diagonally toward my bedroom door. Like reminding me that only me who will really move out of this world in this term of "Two and a Half Year Transit to the Eternity", and not switching it with someone else.




  Receipt of the purchase on 25 November 2007.  





My purchasing three items on 25 November 2007, or five days before Comel died, seems like related with my letter of "My 2,5 Term of Life and Your 2,5 Grant to Four High Schools". Along with other strong signs, like the splatter of milk on top of the table that seems to pointed diagonally toward my bedroom door, I can only strengthen my pray now that only me who will really move out of this world in this term of "Two and a Half Year Transit to the Eternity", and not switching it with someone else.















Date:  Wed, 5 December 2007  11:04 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  The Falling Ceiling on 25 November 2007




One of the ceiling outside my bedroom fell down on 25 November 2007. Why not on any other days of that same month, probably because it was the sign related with "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window" and "My 2,5 Term of Life and Your 2,5 Grant to Four High Schools".   Comel's grave, under the windows of my bedroom. The white thing in the bottom of this photo is the fallen ceiling that happened on 25 November 2007.



Comel's grave, under the windows of my bedroom on the left. Smaller windows on the right are the bath room windows.   Comel's grave from rather distance view, to show the space beside my bedroom. Background wall on the right is the wall to the neighbor's house.






Another thing that seems like a strong sign happened on 25 November 2007 in the afternoon after I was at home again, the ceiling outside my bedroom fell down. It was a triplex plywood served as the ceiling. Actually I had found the problem a few months earlier on 18 August 2007 when I replaced the light bulb with a save energy lamp. It was gaping, because its inside wooden frame had been consumed by the termites so the nails no longer able to attach it to the inside wooden frame.

Yet now I wonder why it fell down on 25 November 2007, not on the other 29 days of the same month. Probably because it was another strong sign related with "Before the Devils Know Your Dead and Termites Under the Window" and "My 2,5 Term of Life and Your 2,5 Grant to Four High Schools".

After Comel died, the remaining ceiling now becomes a shelter for Comel's grave, because I could find no other perfect location, other places in the house yard have been occupied by plants or grass. It also to make me always remember of this serious matter because Comel's grave sprawls under the windows of my bedroom.


















Date:  Wed, 5 December 2007  11:33 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  The Surviving White Yellow Cat




  The white and yellow cat that brought the illness to the house that contagious to the other cats, now live normal again, with good appetite. This photo was made after Comel died.





Like mentioned in my previous letter of "Comel's Death", when Comel first came in to the house on early August 2007, there were three other kittens, at the same age with him. Those three kittens were still having a mother, sometimes they stayed in the house, sometimes left somewhere else. Around one month later, one of those three kittens was missing, somebody could have taken it because it had nice three colors of white, yellow and black. Only two of the kittens remained, the black with some scrambled small yellow spots, and the white with yellow spots.

Around 21 November 2007, the white and yellow cat in the house began to show its illness, with the nose watering a little bit, and hardly want to eat. A few days later, on Saturday 24 November 2007 Comel began to show similar illness too, until later on he died. While the other cat, the black with some scrambled small yellow spots, also died a few hours before Comel when the maid brought it to the food stall after showing the same sickness.

This white and yellow cat began to get relief around two days before Comel died. That was also the reason why I thought Comel would soon relief too from the illness, because in fact Comel's body was much bigger and stronger than this white and yellow cat.

When I wrote this letter, this white and yellow cat has turned healthy, with good appetite, eating so much. Now that is why I strongly worry about the death destiny, because sometimes it works strangely beyond human frame of mind. Somebody who looks healthy could all of a sudden die, while the other who looks dying could all of a sudden survive.















A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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